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HomeWebinarsNew EN ISO 15213 series: Clostridium spp. Detection

New EN ISO 15213 series: Clostridium spp. Detection


Join our webinar on all three new parts of the standard EN ISO 15213 for the enumeration and detection of Clostridium spp. in the food chain, with one part published earlier in 2023 and two to be published later in the year:

Part 1: Enumeration of sulfite-reducing Clostridium spp. by colony-count technique
Part 2: Enumeration of Clostridium perfringens by colony-count technique
Part 3: Detection of Clostridium perfringens

In the microbiological QC of products of the food chain, sulfite-reducing Clostridium spp., including C. perfringens, are widely used as microbial indicators of clostridial contamination. A broad variety of food products for human and pet consumption, animal feed as well as in environmental samples in food or feed production are tested for the presence of these anaerobic bacteria, some of which are dangerous pathogens.

The webinar will inform you about the new requirements of the recently published EN ISO 15213-1:2013 that has replaced ISO 15213:2003, of EN ISO 15213-2, which is set to replace EN ISO 7937:2004, and of the planned new EN ISO/TS 15213-3. Find out about our culture media and reagent solutions for your lab that help to keep your test method compliant with the new standard.

This webinar addresses the following topics:

Part 1: Information about and changes in the new EN ISO 15213 series (all parts) versus the previous version.
Barbara Gerten - Merck, Senior Scientist

Part 2: Our culture media and reagent solutions for detection and enumeration of Clostridium spp.
Dr. Andreas Bubert - Merck, Senior Global Product Manager Culture Media


Barbara Gerten

Barbara Gerten


Senior Scientist Traditional Microbiology

Barbara has over 30 years of industrial microbiology experience and is currently working in Regulatory Marketing at {hcmpany}. She is an active member in several national and international bodies addressing microbiological topics in ISO, CEN and IFU, including the ISO Working Groups ‘Sulfite reducing clostridia and C. perfringens’, ‘Method validation’ and ‘Culture media’.

Andreas Bubert, PhD

Andreas Bubert, PhD


Senior Product Manager, Culture Media Food & Beverage

Andreas received a PhD in molecular microbiology for his research and diagnostics work on Listeria. He has over 24 years’ experience at Merck focusing on microbiological solutions for the food and beverage industries. He is a member of AOAC RI Advisory Council and has authored over 50 publications. .

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