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HomeThin Layer ChromatographyCatalyst Screening & TLC-MS for Reaction Analysis

Catalyst Screening & TLC-MS for Reaction Analysis

Sarah Trice, Thorsten vom Stein, Michael Schulz


Catalyst screening is an important prerequisite in organic synthesis. KitAlysis™ High-Throughput Screening Kits showcase the most widely used catalytic methods of synthetic chemists, translated into an off-the-shelf screening system to quickly and efficiently identify or optimize suitable catalytic reaction conditions.

To evaluate the screening an analysis tool is needed. Thin layer chromatography (TLC) allows for a fast and cost-effective determination of the reaction progress by parallel analysis of the samples on one plate. This setup perfectly fits to the parallel synthesis utilizing KitAlysis™.

This application note displays the use of the KitAlysis™ High-Throughput Buchwald-Hartwig Amination Reaction Screening Kit for the optimization of the coupling of aryl bromide and diphenylamine combined with an evaluation of the result with TLC-MS analysis.

Schematic reaction showing the coupling of aryl bromide (1) and diphenylamine (2) to form biphenyl-4-yl-di-p-tolyl-amine (3), where the product has a molecular weight of 349.468 g/Mol.

Figure 1.Schematic reaction showing the coupling of aryl bromide (1) and diphenylamine (2) to form biphenyl-4-yl-di-p-tolyl-amine (3), where the product has a molecular weight of 349.468 g/Mol.

Results and Discussion

The two reactants, aryl bromide and diphenylamine, were applied in addition to the samples. The samples were clearly visible under UV-light, therefore no derivatization was necessary. Figures 2a, 2b and 2c show the developed plate under white light, at 254 nm and at 366 nm.

TrackSamples / Catalysts KITALYSIS-CNConcentrationApplication volumeRf of product and educts
1BrettPhos Pd G3KitAlysis™ sample filled up with 1 ml THF2.0 µL0.50
2CPhos Pd G3KitAlysis™ sample filled up with 1 ml THF2.0 µL0.50
3DavePhos Pd G3KitAlysis™ sample filled up with 1 ml THF2.0 µL0.50
4P(tBu3) Pd G2KitAlysis™ sample filled up with 1 ml THF2.0 µL0.50
5J009 Pd G3KitAlysis™ sample filled up with 1 ml THF2.0 µL0.50
6MorDalPhos Pd G3KitAlysis™ sample filled up with 1 ml THF2.0 µL0.50
7BINAP Pd G3KitAlysis™ sample filled up with 1 ml THF2.0 µL0.50
8RuPhos Pd G2KitAlysis™ sample filled up with 1 ml THF2.0 µL0.50
9SPhos Pd G2KitAlysis™ sample filled up with 1 ml THF2.0 µL0.50
10tBuXPhos Pd G3KitAlysis™ sample filled up with 1 ml THF2.0 µL0.50
11XantPhos Pd G3KitAlysis™ sample filled up with 1 ml THF2.0 µL0.50
12XPhos Pd G3KitAlysis™ sample filled up with 1 ml THF2.0 µL0.50
13amine educt1 mg/mL1.0 µL0.19
14Ar-Br educt1 mg/mL1.0 µL0.77
Good reaction progress was observed in tracks 1 – 5 and 8 – 12. Byproduct formation somewhat different in the lower Rf value region as well as amine educt amount (Rf 0.19). Significant concentrations of educts were observed in tracks 6 and 7 (MorDalPhos Pd G3, BINAP Pd G3).
Developed plate under white light

Figure 2a.Developed plate under white light

Developed plate at 254 nm

Figure 2b.Developed plate at 254 nm

Developed plate at 366 nm

Figure 2c.Developed plate at 366 nm

Confirmation of reaction product by mass spectrometry: Formation of ACN adduct via radical ionization

Mass spectrum (ESI+) of product [M+ACN]

Figure 3.Mass spectrum (ESI+) of product [M+ACN]

Biphenyl-4-yl-di-p-tolyl-amine (M=349.568 g/Mol)

Biphenyl-4-yl-di-p-tolyl-amine (M=349.568 g/Mol)

ChromatographyPlateHPTLC Silica gel 60 F254 MS-grade
Sample preparationFill up the KiTAlysis™ samples with 1mL tetrahydrofuran (THF)
Educts: Dissolve 1 mg each in 1 mL THF
Sample applicationATS 4 sample applicator (Camag), 6 mm bandwise
Application volume1.0 µl track 13-14 / 2.0 µL track 1-12
Mobile phasen-Heptane / dichloromethane 6/1 (v/v) + 0.1% trifluoroacetic acid
Migration distance5 cm
Migration time10-11 min
ExtractionExtraction equipmentPlate Express (Advion)
Extraction solventAcetonitrile / water 95/5 (v/v) + 0.1 % formic acid
Extraction flow0.2 mL/min
DetectionDocumentation equipmentTLC Visualizer (Camag)
Wavelengthscan at white light, 254 nm, 366 nm
MS equipmentSingle quadrupole mass spectrometer Expression CMS (Advion)
MS detectionESI(+) mode (m/z 50 - 1200)
Application Data
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