- Valve disease in chronic venous disorders: a quantitative ultrastructural analysis by transmission electron microscopy and stereology.
Valve disease in chronic venous disorders: a quantitative ultrastructural analysis by transmission electron microscopy and stereology.
The ultrastructure of venous valves and walls in chronic venous disease was investigated. Consecutive patients were categorised into one of three groups (group A: patients with C1 venous disease in accordance with CEAP (Clinical severity, Etiology, Anatomy, Pathophysiology); group B: C2 and C3; group C: C4, C5 and C6). The terminal or preterminal valve and adjacent vessel wall was harvested from the great saphenous vein. Sections were examined with a transmission electron microscope. The volumes of elastin and of collagen per unit surface area of valve were assessed, as well as the surface endothelium of valve and vessel wall. The study population consisted of 17 patients. The elastin ratio was analysed by means of stereology. Mean values were: in group A, 0.45 Ī¼m3/m2; in group B, 0.67 Ī¼m3/m2; in group C, 0.97 Ī¼m3/m2. The ratio was similar for collagen (A, 15.7 Ī¼m3/m2; B, 26.8 Ī¼m3/m2; C, 30.1 Ī¼m3/m2). Surface analysis of the valve endothelium and the adjacent vessel wall endothelium showed a trend towards increasing damage with more severe disease. With progression of venous disease, the valve elastin content, assessed morphologically, seems to increase, and the endothelium of the venous valve and the vein wall tend to show more damage.