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Microbiology Standards

Ready-to-use microbiological controls eliminate the need to maintain control strains in the test laboratory, ensuring that an authenticated control culture is utilized for every quality control test. These control materials must be fit-for-purpose, considering that accurately and reliably enumerating microorganisms, often at relatively low numbers, is essential for pharmaceutical, food, water, and environmental samples. Additionally, these controls should be applicable to the wide range of different matrices typically tested in a single laboratory.

Our Vitroids™ and LENTICULE® discs specifically designed to empower laboratories to utilize suitable, ready-to-use microbiological controls for every media quality control test. The Colony Forming Unit (CFU) concentrations are carefully calibrated to minimize or eliminate the need for dilution steps and are provided under license by the National Collection of Type Cultures (NCTC®)/National Collection of Pathogenic Fungi (NCPF®) and the Spanish Type Culture Collection (Colección Española de Cultivos Tipo, CECT®), respectively.

The Vitroids™ and LENTICULE® discs are produced in accordance with ISO 17034 and ISO/IEC 17025 standards. Consisting of pure cultures of bacteria, fungi, or yeasts in a solid water-soluble matrix, these discs are stable for at least 16 months and are in a viable state with a shelf life of 16-24 months. They also contain defined certified CFUs with standard deviation and expanded uncertainty.


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Advantages of using Vitroids™ and LENTICULE® discs

  • Key features: Certified CFU, reliable defined inoculum ranges from 15-150000 per discs.
  • Stability: Stable for nearly 16 months, can be stored at -20 °C. The numbers of CFUs do not change, the organisms need no recovery time and have no lag phase.
  • Time saving: Saves 1 hour per test strain. Discs are time saving because it removes the need for preparing stock cultures. The organisms do not require recovery time or pre-enrichment step.
  • Accuracy: Standard deviation and concentration range on Certificate of Quality (CoQ).
  • Traceability: The discs are prepared from a traceable culture obtained freeze-dried from CECT®, NCTC® and NCPF® collection. Discs are traceable compared to a CRM for characterization. Each plate is stored as image and all the documents and data are saved as well.

Certified Reference Microorganism (CRMs)

We provide an extensive range of pure cultures of bacteria, fungi, or yeasts Vitroids™ and LENTICULE® CRM discs that are stable for at least one year.

Bacteria Standards: The discs are supplied with bacteria in a viable stage (no lag phase or recovery time) and a comprehensive certificate of analysis that specifies the mean number of cfu’s, and an expanded uncertainty about the mean value.

Yeast Standards: We supply yeast CRMs in Vitroids™ discs with cfu values ranging from 15–80, 80-130 and 1,000-10,000 for your laboratory needs.

Mold Standards: We offer mold CRMs in the form of Vitroids™ discs to ensure the safety and efficacy of your products, that are routinely exposed to molds and fungi.

Negative Controls Standards: We have negative control CRMs in the form of LENTICULE® discs that ensures the effectiveness of your microbiological experiments.

For more information visit our Vitroids™ and LENTICULE® discs web page.

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