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HomeWebinarsThe Forgotten Variable: Laboratory Water Purity and its Impact on your Experiments

The Forgotten Variable: Laboratory Water Purity and its Impact on your Experiments


Explore the potential impact of water purity on your experiments and learn how water is purified for use in the lab. Plus, receive practical advice on how to obtain the best water quality from your purification system.

Watch to Learn

  • How analytical instruments (HPLC, LC-MS, etc.) and experimental results may be affected by contaminants in your lab water  
  • How to identify these contaminants and understand how various water purification technologies can remove them from your lab water 
  • How to obtain the best water quality for your experiments 


Estelle Riche, Ph.D.

Estelle Riche, Ph.D.


Global Application Specialist, Lab Water Solutions

Dr. Estelle Riche holds an engineering degree in chemistry from ESCOM (France) and a Ph.D. in chemistry from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (USA). Her responsibilities include understanding the potential impact of water contaminants on the results of laboratory tests and providing support to scientists regarding the optimal use of purified water in their experiments.

Webinar Information

Water purification

  • Water for analytical chemistry
  • Duration:56min

  • Language:English

  • Session 1:presented July 6, 2017

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