Carbon Adsorbents

We have more than 50 years of experience in carbon and resin adsorbents research and product development. Our full line of specialty carbon adsorbents includes Carbon Molecular Sieves (Carboxen® and Carbosieve™), Spherical Graphitized Polymer Carbon (Graphsphere™), and Graphitized Carbon Black (Carbotrap® and Carbopack™) adsorbents. We also offer sampler kits, a cost-effective way to evaluate several of our specialty carbon adsorbents.
Section Overview
Related Product Resources
- Application Note: Rhodium and Palladium Metal Scavenging with Carboxen® Synthetic Carbon Adsorbents
The ICH-Q3D-R2 guidelines on permissible elemental impurity levels in drug products require a metal scavenging clean-up step for many active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs). Organometallic catalysts based on palladium and rhodium are commonly used as process catalysts for the synthesis of APIs. These metals fall under Class-2B of the ICH-Q3D-R2 guidelines, with an oral consumption limit of 10 ppm.
- Application Note: Surface Chemistry of Synthetic Carbon Adsorbents and their Application in the Adsorption of Amines
Activated carbons are widely used for purification and separation applications, such as purification of permanent gases, removal of volatile organic compounds from streams of gases and liquids, hydrocarbon vapor recovery, purification of active pharmaceutical ingredients, and preparing electrode materials in energy storage devices.
- Application Note: Carboxen® Synthetic Carbon Adsorbents for Host Cell Protein Removal During Monoclonal Antibody Purification
The demand for mAbs is steadily increasing while the depletion of host cell proteins (HCP) in the manufacturing of mAbs remains a challenge. HCPs can represent an immune response risk after the administration of mAbs if not reduced to appropriate levels.
- White Paper: Carboxen® Synthetic Carbon Adsorbents for Industrial Water Purification
This paper summarizes a selection of field studies that utilized Carboxen® 563 Synthetic Carbon for the purification of chemical wastewater and contaminated groundwater.
- Brochure: Specialty Carbon Adsorbents Advanced Materials for Industrial Purifications and Separations
Our specialty carbon adsorbents are highly engineered materials, manufactured from highly pure synthetic polymers. These products are then activated by physical means, avoiding the use of chemicals to activate. This differentiates them from common non-specific, low-tech carbon black and activated carbon adsorbents.
- Brochure: Resins Selection Guide
Low pressure liquid chromatography (LPLC) is the oldest of chromatographic techniques, originally performed with open columns that use gravity to move the sample through the packing bed. Now, pumps and other instrumentation have been incorporated into LPLC and superior packing media have been developed specifically for this versatile technology.
Carboxen® Adsorbents
The Carboxen® synthetic carbon adsorbents are highly engineered derivatized resins. They have a tapered pore structure from macro- to meso- to microporous. The tapered pores improve the adsorbent’s kinetic and thermodynamic efficiency. Particles are spherical for optimal packed bed efficiency. The highly engineered derivatized resins have excellent attrition resistance enabling high flow rates without undesired backpressure buildup. They have been developed to withstand pressure up to 16,000 psi. They are stable up to 400 ˚C and have customizable surface chemistries for specific target analysis. Their high purity, spherical shape, and outstanding mechanical properties make them well suited for use in preparative and process chromatography. The materials are stored as dry beads and flow like a liquid, making handling and chromatography column packing easy as compared to wet resins.
The pH of Carboxen® Synthetic Carbons can be tailored from 2.5 to 10.5. As they are produced from a synthetic source, Carboxen® Synthetic Carbons are inherently free of heavy metals and other inorganic content found in naturally derived adsorbents. Carboxen® Synthetic Carbon adsorbents are scalable, meaning ton quantities of these adsorbents in 20/40, 20/45, or 30/45 mesh can be produced. Smaller particle-sized Carboxen® products are offered on a small scale.
These derivatized resins bring value to a wide range of purification applications for removing both small and large molecule impurities. They find use in both gas and liquid phase purifications. Some examples include removal of high-risk impurities in biochemical purifications such as host cell proteins, removal of toxic heavy metals, purification of chlorinated metals, purification of APIs, and removal of extractables and leachables.
They have been trusted by NASA on several missions including their current use on the International Space Station.
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Material properties of the eight Carboxen® Synthetic Carbon available on the bulk scale are given in the below table.
Carboxen® Synthetic Carbon Material Properties
Carbosieve® Adsorbents
The Carbosieve® adsorbents are carbon molecular sieves having non-tapered pores. With a microporous structure, they offer very strong adsorptive strengths. Carbosieve® adsorbents offer excellent retention of small and volatile analytes that most other adsorbents have difficulty retaining.
Graphitized Carbon Black
Graphitized carbon black based Carbopack™ and Carbotrap® adsorbents are non-porous and non-specific adsorbents that exhibit high surface homogeneity. The high purity of these adsorbents ensures effective desorption of the analyte of interest. They exhibit hydrophobic surface characteristics and, therefore, can be effectively used in trapping organic compounds in humid streams. Trapped compounds can be desorbed by a solvent or thermal desorption with 100% desorption efficiency. These adsorbents offer excellent thermal stability, ensure minimal bleed at thermal desorption temperatures, and prevent high pressure-drop.
Graphsphere™ Adsorbents
The spherical graphitized polymer carbon (Graphsphere™) has a unique structure with an amorphous core and graphitic outer shell of controlled thickness. The graphitization process results in a highly pure surface with unique adsorption and desorption properties. The surface interactions solely depend on dispersion (London) forces. The materials are:
- Spherical (offer better-packed bed performance than granular particles)
- Hard and non-friable
- Used for molecules with an analyte size relative to C5-C12 n-alkanes
- Hydrophobic (can be used in high humidity environments)
Graphsphere™ adsorbents offer weaker relative adsorptive strength compared to carbon molecular sieve type adsorbents, and similar relative adsorptive strength compared to graphitized carbon black adsorbents.
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