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Maintenance and Service Plans for Microbiology Testing Systems


Preventive maintenance ensures the efficient operation of critical microbiological testing systems and minimizes the risk of breakdown and lab downtime. Every system should be serviced regularly (our recommendation would be on an annual basis) to ensure its performance remains compliant with the manufacturing specifications as per regulatory guidelines:

  • 21 CFR §211.67: Equipment cleaning and maintenance. “Written procedures shall be established and followed for cleaning and maintenance of equipment, including utensils, used in the manufacture, processing, packing, or holding of a drug product.”
  • EU GMP Vol.4, 3.41: “Measuring, weighing, recording, and control equipment should be calibrated and checked at defined intervals by appropriate methods. Adequate records of such tests should be maintained”

We have developed a full range of Service Plans, from yearly preventive maintenance to complete protection, with both on-site and workshop options. This comprehensive service package allows you to select the coverage level that best fits your needs:

Section Overview

Our customers are very satisfied with our Services execution, here is the feedback shared by one of them:

"A Merck engineer came for an annual maintenance at our lab. Upon our request, he agreed to spend additional time to solve a technical issue on another Merck instrument. He was very responsive and efficient. We are satisfied."

Elodie Leparc, Deputy Manager of Microbiology in Fareva Pau, France.

To check availability of Service Plans in your country, and get in touch with our experts:

In addition to our Service Plans, we also provide Calibration and Verification services:

Calibration and Verification Services for Microbiology Testing Systems


Service Plans are a unique portfolio of best-in-class service solutions that guarantee the compliance and reliability of your equipment. We ensure your system is in top operating condition by providing specialist care. We offer three levels of service plans: Essential, Advanced, and Total. These plans can be executed either in our local repair centers or on-site (where available). The comparison table below illustrates the differences in coverage between our 3 service agreements. The Service Total™ Plan provides the most comprehensive coverage, allowing you to avoid untimely extra costs and prevent downtime.

ServiceDetailsTotal Service PlanAdvanced Service PlanEssential Service Plan
System eligibility < 10 yearsAll agesAll ages
Preventive maintenance (PM) visit1 PM visit (Labor and travel fees or return shipment included)
Preventive maintenance (PM) service kitSystem-specific PM service kit
Software and firmware updatesLast updates implementation
Traceable and auditable documentationPM performance service report
Access to technical supportRemote support on system and software by phone and email
Repair visitsLabor and travel fees or the return shipmentUnlimitedOne per year
Spare partsSpare parts for repair
 Download Total™ PlanDownload Advanced™ PlanDownload Essential™   Plan


  • Priority customer status: Receive priority treatment for all requests, including service visits and parts delivery.
  • Technical support hotline: Get unlimited access to our in-house support experts who can diagnose, investigate, and solve issues, as well as schedule visits.
  • Quality-certified and harmonized expertise: Benefit from the expertise of our specialist factory-trained field service engineers, who repair and maintain your microbiology testing equipment in compliance with our worldwide auditable SOPs.
  • Genuine spare parts: Feel secure with our spare parts produced in our ISO 9001-certified manufacturing site and get a Certificate of Conformity, which is available for most of them. All spare parts replaced during a service (preventive maintenance or repair operation) are guaranteed genuine and identical to parts used during the manufacturing process of the system.
  • Preventive maintenance visit: Take advantage of our preventive maintenance visit, which includes a scheduled comprehensive check-up of all system parameters (“As Found and As Left” test), replacement of critical wear parts included in the service kit, performance service report, and traceable record of care.
  • Full Traceability and Auditability: After the service, receive a performance report detailing the service performed, critical test results, and traceability of instruments used. This report guarantees that the equipment meets system specifications. For air samplers, we also provide a certificate of calibration. These documents ensure compliance with regulations and have a validity of 1 year.

Microbiological testing instruments eligible for Maintenance & Service Plans

We provide Maintenance and Services Plans for the following microbiological testing hardware:

Air Sampling

  • RCS® High Flow Touch air sampler
  • MAS-100 ECO®, MAS-100 ATMOS®, MAS-100 NT®, MAS-100 VF®, MAS-100 ISO NT® and MAS-100 ISO MH® air samplers

Sterility Testing

  • Steritest® Symbio pump

Bioburden Testing

  • Milliflex® Plus and Milliflex Oasis® pumps

Rapid Detection

  • Milliflex® Quantum and EZ-Fluo™ systems
  • Milliflex® Rapid 2.0 system 

Pathogen Detection

  • Assurance® GDS PickPen® PipetMax system    
  • Assurance® GDS system
  • Gemini ELISA automation system
  • ReadyStream® system 

ATP Hygiene Monitoring

  • MVP ICON® instrument


Calibration and Verification services are available for your Microbiology Testing Systems in addition to our service plans. For more information, please visit our Calibration and Verification service page.

Related Resources

Millipore® Service Plans Brochure
Brochure: A Deeper Understanding of Our Maintenance and Services Plans

Get more information about our Service Plans and choose the Solution that matches your application, quality and budgetary needs.

Download Now

End-of-Life Verification Service
Flyer: A Service Dedicated to End-Life Verification

Are you sure you have your equipment under control until the end? We provide a specific Verification Service for this.

Discover it!

BioM Servicesm Brochure
Brochure: An Overview of Our Full Range of Services for Your Microbiology Equipment

Discover our complete range of professional and best-in-class Services supporting your entire QC lab workflow.

Download Now

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