HPLC Analysis of Paraquat and Diquat on SUPELCOSIL™ LC-18 after SPE using ENVI™-8 DSK

sample preparation
SPE (Solid Phase Extraction)
drinking water adjusted to pH to 10.
sample preparation
ENVI-8 DSK, 47 mm (57172)
SPE tube/cartridge
ENVI-8 DSK SPE Disk, 47 mm (57172)
10 mL acetonitrile; 2 × 10 mL reagent water; 10 mL conditioning solvent A (5 g cetyl trimethyl ammonium bromide and 5 mL conc. ammonium hydroxide in 500 mL DI water, dilute to 1 L); (2 × 10 mL reagent water; 10 mL conditioning solvent B (10 g hexanesulfonic acid, sodium salt and 10 mL conc. ammonium hydroxide in 250 mL DI water, dilute to 500 mL))
sample addition
250 mL water 100 mL/min
0.5-1.0 mL acetonitrile (to cover/solvate disk); 2 × 4 mL eluting solution (13.5 mL orthophosphoric acid and 10.3 mL diethylamine in 500 mL DI water, dilute to 1 L)
SUPELCOSIL LC-18, 15 cm × 4.6 mm I.D., 5 μm particles (58230-U)
mobile phase
3.5 mL triethylamine and 1.0 g 1-hexane-sulfonic acid, sodium salt to 800 mL DI H2O add orthophosphoric acid to pH 2.5, dilute to 1 L
flow rate
1.0 mL/min
column temp.
35 °C
photodiode array, diquat - 308 nm, paraquat - 257 nm
100 μL
Refer to US EPA Method 549.1 for full details
Sample Pre-treatment:
250 mL drinking water. Adjust water sample to pH to 10.5 ± 0.2 with 10% sodium hydroxide or 10% hydrochloric acid
Legal Information
ENVI is a trademark of Sigma-Aldrich Co. LLC
SUPELCOSIL is a trademark of Sigma-Aldrich Co. LLC