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Gel electrophoresis
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Components of Rehydration Solution
This page describes components of rehydration solutions for use in 2-D Electrophoresis with Cytiva products.
Preparing for IEF
This protocol shows how to prepare the Immobiline® DryStrip Kit and electrodes strips.
Rehydration Solutions
This page describes typical rehydration solutions for use in gel electrophoresis with Cytiva products.
Cleaning Up Samples using 2-D Clean-Up Kit
2-D Clean-Up Kit from Cytiva is designed to prepare samples that would otherwise produce poor 2-D results.
Inserting Gels into Ettan™ DALT Electrophoresis Units
This protocol shows how to insert gels into Ettan™ DALT electrophoresis units.
Reproducibility with Biological Buffers
Biological buffers are organic substances that maintain a constant pH over a given range by neutralizing the effects of hydrogen ions.
Applying Equilibrated Immobiline® DryStrip Gels to SDS Gels
This page shows how to apply equilibrated Immobiline DryStrip gels
DNA Detection
Nancy-520 for DNA Detection and Quantitation
Applying Equilibrated Immobiline® DryStrip Gels
This page describes how to apply equilibrated Immobiline® DryStrip gels on the ExcelGel SDS gels.
Fluorescent Multiplex Detection using Antibody Atto Dye Conjugates
Immunoblotting (Western blot transfer) is a common technique in modern proteomics research.
Protein Visualization
Prior to probing a membrane using precious antibodies, it is helpful to visualize the transferred proteins on the blot to ensure complete transfer and even loading. This page describes possible causes and potential remedies for challenges encountered during protein visualization.
Performing a Purity and Homogeneity Check
This page shows how to perform a purification and homogeneity check of membrane proteins with products from Cytiva.
Detection of GST-tagged Proteins with Western Blot
This page describes how to monitor expression and purification of GST-tagged proteins by Western blot analysis using Cytiva products.
Proteomic analysis of membrane proteins
This page shows how to perform a proteomic analysis of membrane proteins to identify and quantitate all proteins expressed in a cell or a tissue with products from Cytiva.
How to Run an mPAGE™ Protein Gel Using a Bio-Rad Electrophoresis System
Instructions for setting up an mPAGE SDS-PAGE precast protein gel for gel electrophoresis using a Bio-Rad Mini-PROTEAN® electrophoresis system.
TAE and TBE Running Buffers Recipe & Video
TAE and TBE are both used as running buffers for nucleic acid electrophoresis but have some important differences. Review our recipes and video to give your application the best chance of success.
Precast Agarose Gels for RNA Electrophoresis
Precast Agarose Gels for RNA Electrophoresis are suitable for separating RNA sizes from 0.25 to 10 kb.
Introduction to SDS-PAGE - Separation of Proteins Based on Size
Introduction to PAGE. Learn about SDS-PAGE background and protocol for the separation of proteins based on size in a poly-acrylamide gel.
Brilliant Blue G – Colloidal Concentrate Protocol
Brilliant Blue G-Colloidal Concentrate stains proteins in IEF, PAGE, and SDS-PAGE gels after electrophoresis, enhancing sensitivity with protein fixation.
ReadyBlue Protein Gel Staining Protocols
ReadyBlue™ Protein Gel Stain offers rapid Coomassie® staining for polyacrylamide gels with a simplified protocol.
Two-Dimensional Separation of Protein Samples
This page describes two-dimensional separation of protein samples with Cytiva products.
Troubleshooting 2-D DIGE Results
Troubleshooting table for 2D DIGE results lists problems, causes, and prevention methods for future experiments.
Auto2D® Gel Electrophoresis Device
Auto2D® automates difficult 2D electrophoresis methods for protein localization with high reproducibility in under two hours.
Precipitation Procedures
This page describes protein precipitation as an optional step in sample preparation for 2-D electrophoresis with Cytiva products.
DNA / Protein Electrophoresis and Troubleshooting Tables
DNA / Protein Electrophoresis and Troubleshooting Tables
How to Run an mPAGE™ Protein Gel Using an Invitrogen XCell Surelock® Mini-Cell Electrophoresis System
Instructions for setting up an mPAGE™ SDS-PAGE precast protein gel for gel electrophoresis using an Invitrogen XCell Surelock® mini-cell.
Troubleshooting first-dimension IEF: Ettan™ IPGphor™ 3 Isoelectric Focusing System
Troubleshooting first-dimension isoelectric focusing with Ettan IPGphor 3 Isoelectric Focusing System from Cytiva.
Formamide Molecular Biology Reagent
Formamide is a reagent that is an ionizing solvent in aqueous buffers. It is widely utilized in biochemistry and molecular biology, particularly in nucleic acids research.
Selecting DNA, RNA, and PCR Fragment Markers and Ladders for Gel Electrophoresis
Choose the appropriate markers and ladders for nucleic acid size determination of samples separated by electrophoresis. Determine size of DNA, RNA and PCR-generated fragments using agarose or polyacrylamide gels.
Restriction Endonucleases - The Molecular Scissors
The term “Restriction enzyme” originated from the studies of Enterobacteria phage λ (lambda phage) in the laboratories of Werner Arber and Matthew Meselson.
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