shRNA Gene Families Sets
The MISSION® shRNA Library gene family sets are collections of genes related to specific cellular/molecular pathways documented in NCBI, Gene Ontology (GO), Protein Lounge, and Ingenuity Systems. Our Bioinformatics team has methodically mapped all TRC shRNA clones to each set. Gene family sets are fully customizable allowing for complete flexibility to add or delete clone or gene content. Additionally, any panel can be arrayed in either 96- or 384-well plate formats. All of the gene family sets can be used at the benchtop for focused target discovery and pathway analysis.
Formats Available
Mission shRNA Gene Family Sets
*The MISSION production and bio-informatics team constantly reviews and quality controls clones available for a gene family set. These numbers are very close to the actual number that will be shipped, but each researcher will receive a final plate map indicating the location and exact TRCN clone numbers.
If your gene set of interest is not available, please inquire for custom preparation at [email protected]. We can assemble custom gene sets at any time.
Contact Us
For questions about the library, pricing and quotes or other concerns, please e-mail us at: [email protected].
MISSION is a registered trademark of Sigma-Aldrich Co. LLC Label License.
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