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Showing 1-30 of 10518 results for "100-10-7" within Technical Documents
High Sensitivity Binary Gas Integrity Test for Viresolve® Pro Devices
C2F6 ~25 PSIG 100 ppm C2F6 0 PSIG 180 ppm C2F6 0 PSIG Feed composition = 90/10 CO2/C2F6 50 PSIG 0 1 2 3
EMD TLC Catalog - 10001523
x 20 100 5626-6 10 x 20 50 5721-7 20 x 20 25 With F254 indicator 15327-1 2.5 x 7.5 100 Includes Box for storage 15341-1 2.5 x 7.5 100
Product Information Sheet-10988537001
– 2 mM ddGTP – – 6 – 2 mM ddTTP – – – 25 10x Klenow sequencing buffer 10 10 10 10 – Water 25 43 43 24 – Total Volume 100 100 100 100
min0 2.5 5 7.5 10 12.5 15 17.5 mAU -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 5. 13 3 6. 52 7 7. 09 6 7. 61 7
Performance Evaluation and Cleanability Study using Pellicon®3 Cassettes with 30 kD Biomax®and Ultracel®Ultrafiltration Membranes
All Buffer 10 SPFO, drain n/a Biomax® D 1-10 Biomax® A 1-7 0.5N NaOH 2 Ultracel® C, V*, D 1-10 10 SPFO n/a Biomax® A 8-10 1N NaOH Ultracel® D 11-15 0.1N NaOH Biomax®
Evaluation of MultiScreen-MIC Plates in Chemotaxis Assays
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 A 100 µl PBS 100 µl PBS 100 µl PBS 100 µl PBS 100 µl PBS 100 µl PBS 100 µl PBS 100 µl PBS 100 µl PBS 100 µl PBS
AbSurance™ Histone Antibody Specificity Arrays
R23me2s H4 82-100 unmod H4 82-100 K91ac 10 ng Mouse IgG Rabbit IgG 10 ng
DriSolv®Solvents and TLC Plates
0.25 5 x 10 200 298.82 5729-6 Silica gel 60 F254 0.25 10 x 20 50 190.26 5714-3 Silica gel 60 F254 0.25 5 x 20 100 217.41 5721-7 Silica gel 60 0.25 20 x 20 25 135.91 5626-6 Silica gel 60 0.25 10
User Guide - Auto2D®
Catalogue Number Auto2D® Device 1 BM-100 PAGE Chip Gel Concentration (T%) Qty Catalogue Number 6 .5% 10 BM-12065 7 .5% 10 BM-12075 10 .0% 10 BM-12100 12 .5% 10 BM-12125 IEF Chip pH Range Qty
EM Quant Tests
reagents for 100 determinations 0-1-3-10-30 mg/l CN- 10008-1 Fixing bath, silver 100 test strips 0-0.5-1-1.7-3-5-7-10 g/l Ag+ 4-5-6-7-8 pH 10036-1 Formaldehyde Test strips and reagent for 100 determinations
Post-Translational Modifications
H2B 107-125 K120ac H4 7-26 unmod H4 7-26 SIP H4 7-26 R3me1 H4 7-26 R3me2a H4 7-26 R3me2s H4 7-26 K5ac 10 ng E H4
MILLIPLEX MAP Human High Sensitivity T Cell Panel
6 IL-8 IL-10 IL-12p70 TNFα Sepsis (n=16) MILLIPLEX® map 88 94 56 88 88 69 100 100 94 94 100 Competitor 100 6 100 50 88 50 94 100 75 25 100 Normal (n=9) MILLIPLEX®
User Guide (IFU) - 1.00362
of 100%: Inter-assay Specificity Inter-assay Sensitivity Intra-assay Specificity Intra-assay Sensitivity Histological staining Calcium 7/7 7/7 10/10 10/10 Nuclei 7/7 7/7 10/10
Product Information Sheet - MD0100
vigorously for 10 sec. 7. Centrifuge for 3 min. at 14,000 X g 8. Collect the upper aqueous phase and combine with the first extraction. Discard the organic fraction. 9. Add 10 µl of 1mg/ml tRNA (10
Poster - Binding using SPR Biacore
5e-8 1e-7 1.5e-7 2e-7 2.5e-7 3e-7 3.5e-7 M 30 35 25 15 40 45 50 5 10 0 KD=107 nM Concentration R e sp o n se 0
User Guide (IFU) - 1.04302
/20 7/7 7/7 Cytoplasm eosinophilic (acidophilic) 20/20 20/20 7/7 7/7 Erythrocytes 20/20 20/20 7/7 7/7 Microorganisms 20/20 20/20 7/7 7/7 H&E staining Nuclei 20/20 20/20 7/7 7/7 Cytoplasmn
App Note: Steroid Hormone Analysis in Serum using Supel™ Swift HLB DPX Tips
DHEA-D5) 5.53 IS 294.2 276.3 400 151 10 13 8 7 17α-Hydroxyprogesterone 6.10 Quant 331.4 109.2 200 100 10 40 10 (OH-progesterone) Qual 331.4 97.1 200 100 10 40 8 OH-progesterone-2,3,4-13C3
User Guide (IFU) - 1.09033
Polysaccharides 14/14 14/14 7/7 7/7 Glycogen 14/14 14/14 7/7 7/7 Neutral mucopoly- saccharides 14/14 14/14 7/7 7/7 Mucoproteins 14/14 14/14 7/7 7/7 Glycoproteins 14/14 14/14 7/7 7/7 Glycolipids 14/14
Protocol: Human PYY (Total) RIA Kit
- - - 100 µL - 3,4 300 µl - - 100 µL 10 µL 1.0 mL 5,6 200 µL - 100 µL 100 µL 10 µL 1.0 mL 7,8 100 µL 100
mL Standard) 100 L 100 L 1.0 mL 15,16 ---- 200 L Tube # 6 (of 125 U/mL Standard) 100 L 100 L 1.0 mL 17,18 ---- 200 L Tube # 7 (of 250
Data Sheet - 37206
- 100 white ➔ violet 37199 Cobalt 10-1000 mg/L Co2+ 0 – 10 – 25 – 50 – 100 – 250 – 500 - 1000 white ➔ green-blue 37198 Copper 10-300 mg/L Cu2+ 0- 10- 30 – 100
Product Information Sheet - RAB0208
3 7. Prepare a 10-fold dilution of Item F. To do this, add 2 µL of Item F to 18 µL of the appropriate Assay Diluent. This solution will be used in steps 8 and 10.
Product Information Sheet - CELLYTPN1
volume of 0.5 mL of NIBA should be used to resuspend the pellet. 7. For cell membrane lysis, add the 10% TRITON™ X-100 solution to a final concentration of 0.3% (according to the volume used
Product Information Sheet - SBVT10
10 11 12 Compound 1 Compound 2 Compound 3 + ATP -ATP (AMP) + ATP -ATP (AMP) + ATP -ATP (AMP) A 300 M 300 M 300 M 300 M 300 M 300 M B 100 M
Protocol: Human Leptin
,28 100 L 100 L of unknown 100 L 100 L 1.0 mL 29-n 100 L 100 L of unknown 100 L 100 L 1.0 mL HL-81K-Rev 10-MAY-2017 EMD Millipore
Product Information Sheet - MSCAL2BUL
solvent Working Solutions 100 pmol/l 10 l 90 l 10 pmol/l 10 pmol/l 10 l 90 l 1 pmol/l 1 pmol/l 10 l 90 l 100 fmol/l 100 fmol/l 10 l 90
Canine C-Peptide RIA Kit
1,2 - - 100 µL - - 3,4 300 µL - 100 µL - 1.0 mL 5,6 200 µL - 100 µL 100 µL 1.0 mL 7,8 100 µL 100 µL of tube 7
Erenna SMC™ Assay Buffer Optimization Kit Instructions
µL 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 A Buffer 1 100 µL coated beads/well Buffer 5 100 µL coated beads/well Buffer 9 100
User Guide-Millicell® Ultra-low Attachment Plates 2 of 7 Chemical Resistance Organic Solvent Time 1 hour 5 hours Percent Solvent 10% 50% 100% 10% 50% 100% Methanol       Ethanol  
Vantage®L BioChromatography Laboratory Columns
0−250 1.0 0−25 7 100 2−40 1 1.6 11.50–11.6096100500 VL11 x 500 250−500 25−50 96101000 VL11 x 1000 750−1000 75−100 96160250 VL16 x 250 0−250 2.0 0−50 7 100 2−40 1 1.6
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