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Showing 1-30 of 849 results for "100-58-3" within Technical Documents
User Guide (IFU) - 1.07164
sectioning with an average thickness of approx. 3 - 5 µm Reagents Cat. No. 1.07164 Paraffin pastilles 10 kg (4x 2.5 kg) solidification point about 56-58 °C for histology Cat. No. 1.11609 HistosecTM
User Guide (IFU) - 1.11609
sectioning with an average thickness of approx. 3 - 5 µm Reagents Cat. No. 1.07164 Paraffin pastilles 10 kg (4x 2.5 kg) solidification point about 56-58 °C for histology Cat. No. 1.11609 HistosecTM
User Guide (IFU) - 1.15161
sectioning with an average thickness of approx. 3 - 5 µm Reagents Cat. No. 1.07164 Paraffin pastilles 10 kg (4x 2.5 kg) solidification point about 56-58 °C for histology Cat. No. 1.11609 HistosecTM
Mass Spectra Stable Isotopes products
sample004 58 (1.798) Cm (52:58) 5: TOF MSMS 133.04ES+ 3.20e474.0 70.0 60.050.3 87.1 116.088.0 133.1 m/z 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 % 0 100 m/z 50 60 70 80 90 100 110
User Guide 1.01676
with an average thickness of approx. 3 - 5 µm Reagents Cat. No. 1.01676.2504 HistosecTM 60 pastilles (without DMSO) 10 kg (4x 2.5 kg) solidification point 58-60°C embedding agent for histology
Product Information Sheet - Z2902
°C Yes 3 30 minutes 70% Alcohol 23 °C No 4 30 minutes 80% Alcohol 23 °C No 5 30 minutes 95% Alcohol 23 °C No 6 30 minutes 95% Alcohol 23 °C No 7 60 minutes 100% Alcohol 23 °C No 8 60 minutes 100%
Data Sheet - T8825
a synthetic phosphopeptide corresponding to amino acid residues surrounding phosphorylated serine 58 of tryptophan hydroxylase as immunogen. The sequence is identical in human, mouse, rat and Xenopus
Product Information Sheet - A4551
and Priest, F.G., J. Appl. Bacteriol., 50(1), 107-114 (1981). 3. Medda, S., and Chandra, A., J. Appl. Bacteriol., 48(1), 47-58 (1980). 4. Barman, T.E., Enzyme Handbook, Springer-Verlag (New
Eppendorf Mastercyclers as robust PCR systems for GC-rich templates
.8 57 .3 58 .9 60 .1 60 .8 61 .2 SimpliAmp 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 49 .6 51 .1 53 .5 56 .3 58 .6 60 .1 61 .1
Product Information Sheet - A3403
and Priest, F.G., J. Appl. Bacteriol., 50(1), 107-114 (1981). 3. Medda, S., and Chandra, A., J. Appl. Bacteriol., 48(1), 47-58 (1980). 4. Barman, T.E., Enzyme Handbook, Springer-Verlag (New
Calbiochem Biologics 29.1
and ~58 kDa active form of calpain-1 in IB 100 µg (Rabbit) human, mouse, and rat. Does not react with other calpains. Anti-Calpain-1, Domain I, Human 208751 Reacts with ~80 kDa latent and ~58 kDa active
Product Information Sheet - A6380
and Priest, F.G., J. Appl. Bacteriol., 50(1), 107-114 (1981). 3. Medda, S., and Chandra, A., J. Appl. Bacteriol., 48(1), 47-58 (1980). 4. Barman, T.E., Enzyme Handbook, Springer-Verlag (New
Biologics 29.1
and ~58 kDa active form of calpain-1 in IB 100 µg (Rabbit) human, mouse, and rat. Does not react with other calpains. Anti-Calpain-1, Domain I, Human 208751 Reacts with ~80 kDa latent and ~58 kDa active
Data Sheet - H7786
Biochemistry (Mosc.), 65, 49-58 (2000). 2. Schlessinger, J., New roles for Src kinases in control of cell survival and angiogenesis. Cell, 100, 293-296 (2000). 3. Choi, K.S., et al., Role of
Product Information Sheet - A6814
and Priest, F.G., J. Appl. Bacteriol., 50(1), 107-114 (1981). 3. Medda, S., and Chandra, A., J. Appl. Bacteriol., 48(1), 47-58 (1980). 4. Barman, T.E., Enzyme Handbook, Springer-Verlag (New
The Effective Use of Protein Kinase Inhibitors
93 63 98 105 83 69 90 100 58 60 1 0 0 0 80 36 102 110 77 70 93 99 21 34 99 78 85 79 91 96 86 98 58 68 46 7 97 22
115936 Erythrosin B (C.I. 45430) for microscopy Certistain®
107164 Paraffin pastilles 10 kg (4x solidification point about 56-58°C 2.5 kg) for histology Cat. No. 107961 Entellan® new 100 ml, 500 ml, rapid mounting medium 1 l for
107100 Orcein for microscopy Certistain®
107164 Paraffin pastilles 10 kg (4x 2.5 kg) solidification point about 56-58°C for histology Cat. No. 107961 Entellan® new 100 ml, 500 ml, rapid mounting medium 1 l for microscopy Cat. No.
Cytochrome P450 human (C3610)
Anzenbacherova, E., Cytochromes P450 and metabolism of xenobiotics. Cell Mol. Life Sci., 58, 737-47 (2001). 3. Ohmori, S., et al., Steroid hydroxylation by human fetal CYP3A7 and human NADPH-cytochrome
Product Information Sheet - P8218
days. References 1. Cohen, P, Annu. Rev. Biochem., 58, 453 (1989). 2. Plyte, S., et al., Biochem. Biophys. Acta, 1114, 147 (1992). 3. DePaoli-Roach, A., J. Biol. Chem., 259, 12144 (1984).
IFU Date of Issue 2023-06
Torre Eifel, nº 100 Lote 3ª, Gleba A Parque Rincão Cotia/SP an affiliate of Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany *Brazil Product Registration Number 81167700001 3 of 58 English Millex
115934 Eosin B (bluish) (C.I. 45400) for microscopy Certistain®
107164 Paraffin pastilles 10 kg (4x solidification point about 56-58°C 2.5 kg) for histology Cat. No. 107961 Entellan® new 100 ml, 500 ml, rapid mounting medium 1 l for microscopy Cat. No.
NovAseptic®Mixer: Tank Plate, GMP ATEX Specification
(4.33) 20 (0.79) 58 (2.28) M10 45º 125 (4.92) — 4 (0.16) 1 (0.04) 2.3 (0.09) GMP2000 ATEX AX50/33 104 (4.09) 160 (6.30) 73 (2.87) 100 (3.94) 104
Performance Guide: Mobius®FlexReady Solution with Smart Flexware Assemblies for TFF
0.2 barg (58 +/- 3 psig) discharge pressure (PI-001). This value is recorded as the minimum flow rate. The speed was then adjusted to achieve a flow rate ≥40 L/min at 4 +/- 0.2 barg (58 +/- 3 psig) discharge
Data Sheet - C5614
Anzenbacherova, E., Cytochromes P450 and metabolism of xenobiotics. Cell Mol. Life Sci., 58, 737−747 (2001). 3. Facciola, G., et al., Cytochrome P450 isoforms involved in melatonin metabolism in human
115926 Phloxin B (C.I. 45410) for microscopy Certistain®
107164 Paraffin pastilles 10 kg (4x 2.5 kg) soldification point about 56-58°C for histology Cat. No. 107961 Entellan® new 100 ml, 500 ml, rapid mounting medium 1 l for microscopy Cat. No.
Mobius®Chrom 20 System
Sensors AE102 AE201A AE201B Process: 0–100 mS/cm ±3% MV + 0.4 mS/cm Cleaning: 0–50 µS/cm ±3% MV + 0.4 µS/cm In-line pH Sensors AE103 AE202 3–9 pH ±0.1 pH In-line Air Sensors XS001 XS002
Product Information Sheet - KSPQ12012
the 3-step protocol in the table below (conditions are specific for FAST or Standard cycling conditions): FAST Cycling Conditions Temp (°C) Time Step 1 95 30 Step 2 (40 cycles) 95 5 58 15
Eppendorf Mastercyclers Save Time and Cost in PCR
Polymerase 1 1 1 2 1 2 3 4 1 58 .9 60 .8 48 .8 55 .8 49 .2 57 .3 49 .9 51 .1 60 .1 52 .7 54 .2 61 .2 58 .9 60 .8
115935 Eosin Y (yellowish) (C.I. 45380) for microscopy Certistain®
107164 Paraffin pastilles 10 kg (4x solidification point about 56-58°C 2.5 kg) for histology Cat. No. 107961 Entellan® new 100 ml, 500 ml, rapid mounting medium 1 l for microscopy Cat. No.
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