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Showing 1-13 of 13 results for "124-18-5" within Site Content
Carreira DOLEFIN Ligands
The selective preparation of diarylmethine stereogenic centers is a challenging endeavor in chemical synthesis, especially when there is little differentiation between the two aryl groups
Materials Design Concepts for Efficient Blue OLEDs: A Joint Theoretical and Experimental Study
Materials Design Concepts for Efficient Blue OLEDs: A Joint Theoretical and Experimental Study
Mechanochemical Effect of Severe Plastic Deformations: Metal Alloys, Hydrides and Molecular Solids
Mechanochemical Effect of Severe Plastic Deformations: Metal Alloys, Hydrides and Molecular Solids
Graphene Quantum Dots: Properties, Synthesis & Applications
Properties, synthesis & applications of Graphene Quantum Dots explained. GQDs have advantages of nontoxicity, good solubility, stable photoluminescence & better surface grafting.
Energy Harvesting Using Lead Zirconium Titanate-Based Ceramic Nanowires
Among various ceramics, one-dimensional (1-D) piezoelectric ceramics have attracted significant scientific attention for use in energy harvesting.
Single-Walled Carbon Nanohorn Properties & Applications
Single-walled carbon nanohorns(SWCNHs) - Find manufacturing, material properties, and applications of carbon nanohorns.
Functionalized PEI and Its Role in Gene Therapy
Gene therapy has become one of the most discussed techniques in biomedical research in recent years.
Sorting Carbon Nanotubes and Their Biological Applications
Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) have received much attention since their discovery in 1991 by Sumio lijima1 due to their excellent mechanical, electrical, and optical properties.
GPCR Markers for Cancer Research
Explore the role of some selected GPCR markers in cancer research development and treatment, including neurohormonal GPCRs, rhodopsin-like GPCRs, and more.
NF-κB and Inflammation
Chronic inflammation is an underlying factor in the development and progression of many of the chronic diseases of aging, such as arthritis, atherosclerosis, diabetes, and cancer.
Pressure-Temperature Calculator for Solvents
Use the calculator to determine the boiling point or pressure of solvents based on the Antoine Equation and see solvent attributes. View a list of products based on the solvent CAS number.
Recent Advances in Hybrid Halide Perovskites-based Solar Cells
For several decades, the need for an environmentally sustainable and commercially viable source of energy has driven extensive research aimed at achieving high efficiency power generation systems that can be manufactured at low cost.
TRC Library Citations
TRC 1.5 human and mouse shRNA libraries