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Showing 1-30 of 30 results for "1667-10-3" within Technical Documents
TB044VM pET-14b Vector Map
2989 3136
BsbI 2 2499 4219
BscGI 13
BsgI 1 1943
BsiI 3 2956 4340 4647
BsiEI 7 289 964 1250 2699 3123
4046 4195
BslI 21
BsmI 1 1667
BsmAI 4 644 2424 3737 4513
BsmBI 1 2424
BsmFI 4 860 1181 1406
Product Information Sheet - S1667
Product Information Sheet
from Streptomyces sparsogenes
Product Number S 1667
Storage Temperature 2-8 °C
Product Description
Molecular Formula: C13H19N3O5S2
Solution at room temperature.
Kit Components
• Muse® Hu Ki67-PE Antibody (Part No. 4700-
1667, 100 tests/vial)
• Muse® Hu IgG1-PE Antibody (Part No. 4700-
1669, 100 tests/vial)
• 5X Assay Buffer
Product Information Sheet - E5905
Primer Binding Site 825-854
FLAG 935-958
MCS1 959-996
IRES 1024-1604
c-myc 1637-1666
MCS2 1667-1701
HGH polyA 1707-2326
C-CMV-24 Sequencing
Primer Binding Site 1764-1787
SV40 ori 2345-2689
Data Sheet - A1978
, C1332-
C1340 (1991).
6. Lessard, J.L., Cell Motil. Cytoskel., 10, 349-362
7. Sawyer, C., et al., Cancer Res. 63, 1667-1675
8. Kalinichenko, V.V., et al., J. Biol. Chem., 277
Product Information Sheet - A3854
116 (1994).
2. North, A.J., et al., J. Cell Sci., 107, 445-455
3. Sawyer, C., et al., Cancer Res., 63, 1667-1675
4. Song, J., et al., J. Histol., 48, 1441-1452 (2000).
TB064 pET-23(+) Vector Map
227 2268
BsaAI 2 1066 3350
BsaBI 2 259 511
BsaHI 1 2744
BsaJI 3 57 286 1474
BsaWI 5 2 503 1520 1667 2498
BsaXI 1 3298
BsbI 2 1030 3257
BscGI 10 44 290 675 1008 1641
1987 2208 2232 2754 3444
BsgI 1 474
TB017VM pT7Blue Vector Map
1329 1339 1830 2550
NlaIV 13
NspI 2 55 2550
Pfl1108I 1 1639
PleI 7 24 60 443 451 1667
2170 2655
Psp1406I 3 293 1056 1429
PstI 1 61
PvuI 2 243 1289
PvuII 2 212 2726
RcaI 2 818 1826
RsaI 2 110 1177
Data Sheet - P1431
144 (1988).
34. Juminaga, S. et al., J. Biol. Chem., 269(3), 1660-
1667 (1994).
35. Beavo, J. et al., Mol. Cell. Endocrinol., 28(3), 387-
410 (1982).
36. Dedman, J. et al., J. Biol. Chem.
TB229 pET-40b Vector Map
182 1252 1384 2618
EagI 1 182
EarI 3 1562 3929 5060
Eco47III 3 1349 2850 3299
Eco57I 1 4593
EcoNI 2 1479 5159
EcoO109I 3 53 1377 3051
EcoRI 1 208
EcoRII 10 676 1667 1982 2522 2579
4071 4192 4205 5135
Product Information Sheet - C8273
Rampal, A.L. et al., Biochemistry, 19, 679, (1980).
19. Aldridge, D.C. et al., J. Chem. Soc. (C), 1667,
20. Kuo, S–C., and Lampen, J.O., Ann. N.Y. Acad.
Sci., 235, 137, (1974).
21. Aldridge
Product Information Sheet - C0889
Rampal, A.L. et al., Biochemistry, 19, 679, (1980).
19. Aldridge, D.C. et al., J. Chem. Soc. (C), 1667,
20. Kuo, S–C., and Lampen, J.O., Ann. N.Y. Acad.
Sci., 235, 137, (1974).
21. Aldridge
Product Information Sheet - C1139
. Rampal, A.L. et al., Biochemistry, 19, 679, (1980).
19. Aldridge, D.C. et al., J. Chem. Soc. (C):1667, 1967.
20. Kuo, S. –C. and Lampen, J.O., Ann. N.Y. Acad.
Sci., 235, 137, (1974).
21. Aldridge
Product Information Sheet - C0138
. Rampal, A.L. et al., Biochemistry, 19, 679, (1980).
19. Aldridge, D.C. et al., J. Chem. Soc. (C):1667, 1967.
20. Kuo, S. –C. and Lampen, J.O., Ann. N.Y. Acad.
Sci., 235, 137, (1974).
21. Aldridge
Product Information Sheet - C2149
Rampal, A.L. et al., Biochemistry, 19, 679, (1980).
19. Aldridge, D.C. et al., J. Chem. Soc. (C), 1667,
20. Kuo, S–C., and Lampen, J.O., Ann. N.Y. Acad.
Sci., 235, 137, (1974).
21. Aldridge
Product Information Sheet - 30382
Rampal, A.L. et al., Biochemistry, 19, 679, (1980).
19. Aldridge, D.C. et al., J. Chem. Soc. (C), 1667,
20. Kuo, S–C., and Lampen, J.O., Ann. N.Y. Acad.
Sci., 235, 137, (1974).
21. Aldridge
Product Information Sheet - D1641
Rampal, A.L. et al., Biochemistry, 19, 679, (1980).
19. Aldridge, D.C. et al., J. Chem. Soc. (C), 1667,
20. Kuo, S–C., and Lampen, J.O., Ann. N.Y. Acad.
Sci., 235, 137, (1974).
21. Aldridge
Product Information Sheet - C6762
Rampal, A.L. et al., Biochemistry, 19, 679, (1980).
19. Aldridge, D.C. et al., J. Chem. Soc. (C), 1667,
20. Kuo, S–C., and Lampen, J.O., Ann. N.Y. Acad.
Sci., 235, 137, (1974).
21. Aldridge
Product Information Sheet - C6637
Rampal, A.L. et al., Biochemistry, 19, 679, (1980).
19. Aldridge, D.C. et al., J. Chem. Soc. (C), 1667,
20. Kuo, S–C., and Lampen, J.O., Ann. N.Y. Acad.
Sci., 235, 137, (1974).
21. Aldridge
TB122VM pET-32a-c(+) Vector Map
589 2073 2449 2537 2628
2907 4653 4875
BamHI 1 198
BanI 11
BanII 5 190 905 919 1732 5733
BbsI 4 1667 2006 2380 2740
BbvI 29
BccI 14
Bce83I 7 21 2335 2505 3713 4011
4252 5120
BcefI 5 1040 1381 2008
TB392 pCDF-1b Vector Map
BssSI 1 149
BstAPI 1 3450
BstBI 1 107
BstEII 2 1147 2944
BstXI 3 3080 3203 3332
BstYI 8 133 481 827 1667 2166
2177 2350 3562
Bsu36I 1 357
BtgI 4 69 1015 1485 2066
BtsI 4 383 1197 2399 2767
TB133 pBAC4x-1 Vector Map
polh (left) transcript. start 1559-1560
p10 (right) promoter 1647-1736
p10 (right) transcript. start 1667-1668
polh (right) promoter 1863-1933
polh (right) transcript. start 1884-1885
His•Tag coding sequence
Enhanced MALDI-TOF MS Spectra of Serum Peptides Using Ultrafiltration ; ASMS 2002
% in original
% in filtrate
10% Fetal bovine serum (1) Adult Bovine serum
Peptide (MW) Frequency(%) Peptide (MW) Frequency(%)
1667 13.3 1668 76.5
1795 11.8 1793 94.7
1952 9.6 1949
User Guide-RAB0380
Std 1 Std 2 Std 3 Std 4 Std 5 Std 6 Std 7 0 Std
Std +
400 µL
450 µL 400 µL 400 µL 400 µL 400 µL 400 µL 400 µL 400 µL
User Guide-RAB0433
Std 1 Std 2 Std 3 Std 4 Std 5 Std 6 Std 7 0 Std
Std +
400 µL
450 µL 400 µL 400 µL 400 µL 400 µL 400 µL 400 µL 400 µL
hTRPV1-HEK293 Recombinant Cell Line
cation channel in cultured neonatal rat dorsal root ganglion neurons J Neurosci
16(5), 1659-1667
Phillips, E., Reeve, A., Bevan, S., and McIntyre, P. (2004) Identification of
Protocol- MABMAG-83K
Standard Aβ40 pg/mL Aβ42 pg/mL
Standard 1 3 7
Standard 2 10 21
Standard 3 31 62
Standard 4 93 185
Standard 5 278 556
Standard 6 833
Mouse Amyloid Beta Magnetic Bead Panel
Standard 1 3 7
Standard 2 10 21
Standard 3 31 62
Standard 4 93 185
Standard 5 278 556
Standard 6
Programming data for Spectrophotometer and Spectroquant Test Kits
50 500 mg/l COD 10 mm -536
COD 1.14541 CT
25 1500 mg/l COD 16 mm 1667
605 OB
25 1500 mg/l COD 10 mm 2249
COD 1.14691 CT
300 3500 mg/l COD 16 mm 3226
605 OB
300 3500
Biodiscover Whole Genome Amplification Advisor
8 7 6 5
4 3