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Showing 1-30 of 76 results for "200-663-8" within Technical Documents
S.D.S. Purified Water Storage and Distribution System
Specifications Water Volume S.D.S. 200 System: 200 liters S.D.S. 350 System: 350 liters Pump Performance* 30 l/min (8 gal/min) at 3 bar (43 psi) pressure Operating Weight** S.D.S. 200 System: 250 kg (551 lb
Preventative Maintenance Service Plans
5576 8706 NORWAY Tel. 810 62 645 Fax 810 62 644 POLAND Tel. 22-669 12 25 Fax 22-663 70 33 PUERTO RICO Tel. (787) 273-8495 Fax (787) 747-6553
MultiScreen HTS Glass Fiber Filter Plates
0900 7 645 644 NORWAY Tel. 810 62 645 Fax 810 62 644 POLAND Tel. 22-669 12 25 22-663 70 31 Fax 22-663 70 33 PORTUGAL Tel. +34 917 283 960 Fax +34 917 292 909 PUERTO RICO
The A10 Total Oxidizable Carbon Monitor
5576 8706 NORWAY Tel. 810 62 645 Fax 810 62 644 POLAND Tel. 22-669 12 25 Fax 22-663 70 33 PUERTO RICO Tel. (787) 273-8495 Fax (787) 747-6553 SINGAPORE Tel. 6842 1822
1977). Cell 12:663-673. Important Note: During shipment, small volumes of product will occasionally become entrapped in the seal of the product vial. For products with volumes of 200 μL or less
Montage Albumin Deplete Kit
076-5022436 NORWAY Tel. 22 67 82 53 Fax 22 66 04 60 POLAND Tel. 22-669 12 25 22-663 70 31 Fax 22-663 70 33 PUERTO RICO Tel. (787) 273-8495 Fax (787) 747-6553 SINGAPORE Tel. (65) 842 1822
Series 8000 Stirred Cells and Ultrafiltration Membranes
076-5022436 NORWAY Tel. 22 67 82 53 Fax 22 66 04 60 POLAND Tel. 22-669 12 25 22-663 70 31 Fax 22-663 70 33 PUERTO RICO Tel. (787) 273-8495 Fax (787) 747-6553 SINGAPORE Tel. (65) 842 1822
. Maley, BE, Chem Senses (1996) 21:367-376. 4. Jougasaki, M, et al., Am J Physiol (1995) 268:F657-663. 5. McKenzie, JC, J. Histochem Cytochem. (1992) 40:1211-1222. 6. Kawaguchi, S, et al., J. Histochem
Data Sheet - B4437
of Typical Lot: ≥70% (SDS-PAGE, densitometry) Figure 2. Specific Activity of Typical Lot: 663–897 nmole/min/mg Procedure Preparation Instructions Kinase Assay Buffer – 25 mM MOPS, pH 7.2, 12.5
MultiScreen HTS 384-well Glass Fiber Filter Plates
0900 7 645 644 NORWAY Tel. 810 62 645 Fax 810 62 644 POLAND Tel. 22-669 12 25 22-663 70 31 Fax 22-663 70 33 PORTUGAL Tel. +34 917 283 960 Fax +34 917 292 909 PUERTO RICO
Data Sheet - SRP5279
of Typical Lot: ≥70% (SDS-PAGE, densitometry) Figure 2. Specific Activity of Typical Lot: 663–1,024 nmole/min/mg Procedure Preparation Instructions Kinase Assay Buffer – 25 mM MOPS, pH 7. 2
Data Sheet - R8282
of Typical Lot: ≥70% (SDS-PAGE, densitometry) Figure 2. Specific Activity of Typical Lot: 663–897 nmole/min/mg Procedure Preparation Instructions Kinase Assay Buffer – 25 mM MOPS, pH 7.2, 12.5
Data Sheet - SAB4600193
CF660R CF660C λabs = 667 nm (PBS buffer, pH 7.4) λem = 685 nm (PBS buffer, pH 7.4) CF660R λabs = 663 nm (PBS buffer, pH 7.4) λem = 682 nm (PBS buffer, pH 7.4) Reagent Supplied as a solution in PBS
Data Sheet - SAB4600194
CF660R CF660C λabs = 667 nm (PBS buffer, pH 7.4) λem = 685 nm (PBS buffer, pH 7.4) CF660R λabs = 663 nm (PBS buffer, pH 7.4) λem = 682 nm (PBS buffer, pH 7.4) Reagent Supplied as a solution in PBS
Data Sheet - SAB4600191
CF660R CF660C λabs = 667 nm (PBS buffer, pH 7.4) λem = 685 nm (PBS buffer, pH 7.4) CF660R λabs = 663 nm (PBS buffer, pH 7.4) λem = 682 nm (PBS buffer, pH 7.4) Reagent Supplied as a solution in PBS
MF-Millipore Filters: A biologically inert mixture of cellulose acetate and cellulose nitrate
076-5022436 NORWAY Tel. 22 67 82 53 Fax 22 66 04 60 POLAND Tel. 22-669 12 25 22-663 70 31 Fax 22-663 70 33 PUERTO RICO Tel. (787) 273-8495 Fax (787) 747-6553 SINGAPORE Tel. (65) 842 1822
Data Sheet - R3152
Nakielny S and Dreyfuss, G., Cell, 99, 677-690, 1999. 3. Moore, S. and Blobel G., Nature, 365, 661-663, 1993. 4. Conti, E. and Izaurralde, E., Curr. Opin. Cell. Biol., 13, 310-319, 2001.
Product Information Sheet - FCANOS1
2. Marletta, M.A., et al., Catalysis by nitric oxide synthase. Curr. Opin. Chem. Biol., 2, 656-663 (1998). 3. Geller, D.A., and Billiar, T.R., Molecular biology of nitric oxide synthases. Cancer
MultiScreen Solubility Filter Plate: 96-well filter plate designed and optimized for aqueous solubility assays
645 Fax 0900 7 645 644 NORWAY Tel. 810 62 645 Fax 810 62 644 POLAND Tel. 22 669 12 25 Fax 22 663 70 33 PORTUGAL Tel. +34 91 728 39 60 Fax +34 91 729 29 09 PUERTO RICO
Data Sheet - SAB4600192
CF660R CF660C λabs = 667 nm (PBS buffer, pH 7.4) λem = 685 nm (PBS buffer, pH 7.4) CF660R λabs = 663 nm (PBS buffer, pH 7.4) λem = 682 nm (PBS buffer, pH 7.4) Reagent Supplied as a solution in PBS
Data Sheet - SAB4600190
CF660R CF660C λabs = 667 nm (PBS buffer, pH 7.4) λem = 685 nm (PBS buffer, pH 7.4) CF660R λabs = 663 nm (PBS buffer, pH 7.4) λem = 682 nm (PBS buffer, pH 7.4) Reagent Supplied as a solution in PBS
Data Sheet - SAB4600195
CF660R CF660C λabs = 667 nm (PBS buffer, pH 7.4) λem = 685 nm (PBS buffer, pH 7.4) CF660R λabs = 663 nm (PBS buffer, pH 7.4) λem = 682 nm (PBS buffer, pH 7.4) Reagent Supplied as a solution in PBS
Data Sheet - SRP5040
function for I-kappa- B kinase-alpha in NF-kappa-B-dependent gene expression. Nature, 423, 659-663 (2003). 2. Hoshino, K. et al., I-kappa-B kinase-alpha is critical for interferon-alpha production
XP725 Antibody Number-Lot Number 071M4826
611 612 633 634 635 636 657 658 659 660 7.4 589 590 591 592 613 614 615 616 637 638 639 640 661 662 663 664 7.5 593 594 595 596 617 618 619 620 641 642 643 644 665 666
Using a New, Fast Flow, Low Protein Binding Membrane for Sterile Filtration in Life Science Applications
04 60 POLAND Millipore Sp.z.o.o./ul. Jasnodworska 7/01745 Warszawa/Tel. 22-669 12 25/ 22-663 70 31/Fax 22-663 70 33 PUERTO RICO Millipore Cidra Inc./P.O. Box 11977/Cidra, P.R. 00739-1977/Tel. (787) 273
MultiScreen Ultracel-10 filter plate: Protein retention, recovery, volume recovery and guidelines for concentrating and desalting
645 Fax 0900 7 645 644 NORWAY Tel. 810 62 645 Fax 810 62 644 POLAND Tel. 22 669 12 25 Fax 22 663 70 33 PORTUGAL Tel. +34 91 728 39 60 Fax +34 91 729 29 09 PUERTO RICO
EZ-Magna ChIP™ HiSens
increased to a minimum of 20 uL per ChIP. Additional Magna ChIP™ A/G beads in 200 µL (catalogue number 16-663X) and 1 mL amounts (16- 663) are available should additional bead be required. In addition when
Product Information Sheet - 11333151001
sterile 11 363 743 001 Nutridoma-SP 100 ml, sterile 11 011 375 001 BM-Condimed 100 ml, sterile 10 663 573 001 Isostrip Mouse Monoclonal Antibody Isotoping Kit 1 kit (10 tests) 11 493 027 001
Product Information Sheet - 10843555001
11 11 19 200–400 200 300 50–500 50 150 50 120 Rat Embryo fibroblasts 16 200 Mink CCL 64 7 400 Human B 95–8 Raji 721 WIL 2 TK-/- Daudi GG 68 293 K-562 8 8 8 8 8 8 14 21 50
Pure Bioprocessing -- Void-free tangential flow UF membranes for robust, reliable protein purification
076-5022436 NORWAY Tel. 22 67 82 53 Fax 22 66 04 60 POLAND Tel. 22-669 12 25 22-663 70 31 Fax 22-663 70 33 PUERTO RICO Tel. (787) 273-8495 Fax (787) 747-6553 SINGAPORE Tel. (65) 842 1822
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