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Showing 1-14 of 14 results for "203-309-0" within Technical Documents
User Guide-HCYTB60K
-1 06 0- 2 (4 8- pl ex D et ec tio n M ix ) w it h L- S A PE -1 1 A va ila bl e
User Guide-MILLIPLEX® Human Cytokine/Chemokine/Growth Factor Panel B Magnetic Bead Panel
-1 06 0- 2 (4 8- pl ex D et ec tio n M ix ) w it h L- S A PE -1 1 A va ila bl e
Chrombook 2015 - The world of chromatography in your hands Analytical HPLC 203 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 0 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Detergents Booklet
tularensis lipopolysaccharide. Anal. Biochem. 203, ���. Hansel, A., et al. ����. Isolation and characterization of porin from the outer membrane of Synechococcus PCC ��0�. Arch. Microbiol. 161, ���. Hassanain
White Paper - The Message in the Marks: Deciphering Cancer Epigenetics
levels (C). 25 0 20 0 16 0 10 0 60 0-235 102 103 ERBB2-Cy5 SmartFlare™ ERBB2-Cy5 SF in Mixed Population ERBB2 Fluorescence History FS C- A (x 1, 00 0) 104 105
Perfection in every dimension 2014. Inorganic reagents Catalogue
anionic and cationic solution • Traceable to NIST Certipur® products Advantages 203 203 203 Page 202 Ion chromatography requires the constant use
Shaping Epigenetics Discovery - Epigenetics Product Selection Brochure
2.09% 97.22% 100 0 20 40 60 80 12 0 16 0 20 0 101 102 103 104 Red Fluorescence Co un t 10-9 0 20 10 40 30 60 50 70
Article: Evaluation of immunological parameters in pit bull terrier-type dogs with juvenile onset generalized demodicosis and age-matched healthy pit bull terrier-type dogs
T helper 2 cytokines in peripheral CCR4 + CD4 + lym- phocytes in dogs. Vet Dermatol 2014; 25: 199–203. 17. Mizuno T, Kanbayashi S, Okawa T et al. Molecular cloning of canine interleukin-31 and its
inNovations Newsletter #16
69, 156–165. 5. Jarvis, D. L., Weinkauf, C., and Guarino, L. A. (1996) Prot. Expr. Pur. 8, 191–203. 6. Loomis, K., Grabski, A., and Wong, S. C. (2002) inNovations 15, 16–17. continued from page
Cytoskeletal Signaling Antibodies, Reagents and Kits
phospho-SHC (Tyr317) H M WB Rb IgG 200 µL 07-206 SHC H M R Po WB IP IH Pur Rb IgG 250 µg 06-203 SHC H M R WB IP Antiserum Rb IgG 200 µL 07-150 SHC
MAPK: Antibodies, Proteins, Kits, siRNA and Reagents
form H M WB Rb IgG 100 µg 07-241 Anti-MAPKAP Kinase 2, agarose conj. ELISA WB Rb IgG 200 µL 16-203 MAPKAP Kinase 2 Immunoprecipitation KA 1 kit 17-297 Kinase Assay Kit, non-radioactive siRNA
XP725 Antibody List 013M4793
C3095 1475 CSTA NP_005204.1 M y n/d n/d 202 Cytohesin-1 C8979 9267 PSCD1 NP_059430.2 M y n/d n/d 203 Cytokeratin peptide 4 C5176 3851 KRT4 NP_002263.2 M y n/d n/d 204 Cytokeratin CK5 C7785 3875 KRT18
XP725 Antibody List
C3095 1475 CSTA NP_005204.1 M y n/d n/d 202 Cytohesin-1 C8979 9267 PSCD1 NP_059430.2 M y n/d n/d 203 Cytokeratin peptide 4 C5176 3851 KRT4 NP_002263.2 M y n/d n/d 204 Cytokeratin CK5 C7785 3875 KRT18
Inhibitor Sourcebook 3rd Edition
Product Cat. No. Comments Size Ca2+/Calmodulin Kinase II Inhibitor 281-309 208711 (CaM kinase II Inhibitor 281-309; MhRQeTVDCLkkFNARRkLkGAILTTMLA-Oh) A synthetic peptide that contains the CaM-