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Showing 1-30 of 92 results for "207-280-5" within Technical Documents
Data Sheet - C6395 - Lot 71K8805
120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 320 0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 m/z Abundance 43 55 67 77 91 107 121 147 159 174 193 207
Data Sheet - D3162 - Lot 31K8806
0000 2000 4000 m/z Abundance 51 63 77 103 126 138 151 163 179 193 207 228 242 269 Hewlett-Packard 5890 Series II Gas Chromatograph Hewlett-Packard 5971
Data Sheet - D3162 - Lot 118H88021
5000 6000 m/z Abundance 51 63 77 89 103 111 126 138 151 163 178 193 207 214 228 242 270 Mattson Galaxy 3020 FT-IR
Data Sheet - C1037 - Lot 22K8805F
40000 50000 m/z Abundance 44 51 63 75 89 95 115 128 139 152 165 177 193 207 219 236 Hewlett-Packard 5890 Series II Gas Chromatograph Hewlett-Packard 5971 Mass Selective
Data Sheet - D3162 - Lot 22K88061
10000 12000 m/z Abundance 41 51 63 77 89 103 111 126 138 151 163 178 190 207 228 242 256 269 Hewlett-Packard 5890 Series
Data Sheet - D3162 - Lot 22K8806
10000 12000 m/z Abundance 41 51 63 77 89 103 111 126 138 151 163 178 190 207 228 242 256 269 Hewlett-Packard 5890 Series II Gas Chromatograph Hewlett-Packard
Aldolase Antibody 38C2
murine catalytic monoclonal antibody Aldrich Catalog Nos. 47,995-0 and 48,157-2 5/99 4 pages Technical Bulletin AL-207 INTRODUCTION Reactive immunization is a powerful method for the generation
Data Sheet - C1037 - Lot 22K8805
40000 50000 m/z Abundance 44 51 63 75 89 95 115 128 139 152 165 177 193 207 219 236 Hewlett-Packard 5890 Series II Gas Chromatograph Hewlett-Packard 5971
Data Sheet - C6395 - Lot 71K88051
70 eV Electron Ionization Mass Spectrum Abundance 43 67 91 107 121 147 174 193 207 231 246 271 299 314 50 100 150 200 250 300 0 4000
Quality Control Range Sheet- CYT-107 and CYT-207
577 pg/mL GRO Control 1 58 – 120 pg/mL Control 2 1376 – 2858 pg/mL Control 2 280 – 581 pg/mL IL-5 Control
TB415VM pET-47b(+) Vector Map
147 1987 3164 3426 3703 SphI 1 669 SspI 2 4185 4753 StuI 1 280 StyI 3 57 131 275 TaqII 4 1993 2960 4514 4865 TatI 2 283 2862 TspGWI 5 274 2183 2501 4069 4081 Tth111I 1 2803 XbaI 1 402 XcmI 3 1050 1566
Data Sheet - A7011
Velvick, S.F., J. Biol. Chem., 207, 225-244 (1954). 4. Wothington Enzyme Manual, Worthington, V., ed., Worthington Biochemical Corporation (Freehold, NJ: 1988), p 16. 5. Buhner, M., and Sund, H.
Data Sheet - A3263
C Product Description EC Number: CAS Number: 9031-72-5 Molecular Weight: 141-152 kDa1,2 Extinction Coefficient: E1% = 14.6 (280 nm, water)3 pI: 5.4-5.84 Synonym: ADH Alcohol dehydrogenase
TB263 PreACTTM Activated Resins
PreACT TM Activated Resins TB263 11/99 Novagen 1United States & Canada 800-207-0144Germany 0800 6931 000 United Kingdom 0800 622935 Or your local sales office Table of Contents PreACT Activated
TB417VM pET-49b(+) Vector Map
4426 SpeI 1 417 SphI 1 1392 SspI 2 4908 5476 StuI 1 280 StyI 3 57 131 275 SwaI 1 660 TaqII 4 2716 3683 5237 5588 TatI 3 283 512 3585 TspGWI 5 274 2906 3224 4792 4804 Tth111I 1 3526 XbaI 1 1125 XcmI
TB416VM pET-48b(+) Vector Map
Cat. No. pET-48b(+) Cloning Kit 71462-3 Novagen • ordering 800-526-7319 • technical support 800-207-0144 A Brand of EMD Biosciences, Inc., an Affi liate of Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany Novagen®
Cytometry 6:208-214 (1985). 2. Exp. Cell Res. 151:194-207 (1984). 3. J. of Cell. Physiology 130:336-343 (1987). 4. Cytometry 8:280-286 (1987). 5. J. of Histochem. Cytochem. 32,7:757-765 (1984). 6
TB135VM pT7Blue-2 Vector
319 ApoI 4 130 253 526 537 AvaI 3 189 280 318 AvaII 2 1510 1732 AvrII 1 286 BaeI 1 156 BamHI 1 228 BanI 4 157 761 1921 3018 BanII 4 190 319 325 799 BbvI 15 BccI 5 714 731 1425 1712 1836 Bce83I 4 1270 2138
Product Information Sheet - S1638
appropriate column. Wash with 5-10 column volumes of PBS. 2. Apply the sample that contains the biotinylated protein. 3. Wash with PBS until the absorbance at 280 nm is minimal. 4.
TB044VM pET-14b Vector Map
Enzyme # Sites Locations AatII 1 4598 AccI 2 960 2553 AceIII 5 1005 2292 2433 2735 3975 AciI 72 AflIII 1 2783 AluI 18 AlwI 14 Alw21I 8 280 899 1486 1777 2601 3101 4262 4347 Alw44I 3 2597 3097 4343 AlwNI
Ni-NTA HisユBind® Resins
5. Equilibrate column with 5 column volumes of 1X Ni-NTA Bind Buffer. The flow rate should not exceed 2 ml/min. Monitor elution at 280 nm; the baseline should be stable after washing with 5 column
TB040VM pET-9a-d Vector Map
TB026VM pET-3a-d Vector Map
Enzyme # Sites Locations AatII 1 4567 AccI 2 929 2522 AceIII 5 974 2261 2402 2704 3944 AciI 86 AflIII 1 2752 AluI 18 AlwI 14 Alw21I 8 280 868 1455 1746 2570 3070 4231 4316 Alw44I 3 2566 3066 4312 AlwNI
Bright prospects - Solvents for spectroscopy Uvasol®EMD
at [nm] Content / Packaging Ord. No. 254 nm 365 nm E Ethanol 99.9 0.0002 0.05 1.0 1.0 207 (20 %), 220 (55 %), 235 (80 %), 240 (85 %), 245 (90 %)
Data Sheet - P4762
R.E., et al., J. Biol. Chem., 245, 3485-3492 (1970). 17. Smith, E.L., et al., J. Biol. Chem., 207, 533-549 (1954). 18. Sluyterman, L.A., and de Graaf, M.J., Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 258, 554-561
TB258VM pETBlue™-1 Vector Map
ORF RBS pETBlueT7UP primer #70725-3 Novagen • ORDERING 800-526-7319 • TECHNICAL SUPPORT 800-207-0144 TB258 12/99 lacZ f1 or ig in (9 19 -1 37 6) Ap (1492-1949) or i (
Data Sheet - P3125
). 16. Mitchel, R. E., et al., J. Biol. Chem., 245, 3485- 3492 (1970). 17. J. Biol. Chem., 207, 533 (1954). 18. Sluyterman, L. A., and de Graaf, M.J., Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 258, 554-561 (
Data Sheet - F6796
Factor Res., 1, 207 (1989). 3. Givol, D. and Yayon, A., FASEB. J., 6, 3362 (1992). 4. Baird, A., et al., Curr. Opin. Neurobiol., 4, 78 (1994). 5. Yayon, A.,, EMBO J., 5, 1885 (1992). 6.
TB397VM pET-46 Ek/LIC Vector Map
T7 Terminator Primer (Cat. No. 69337-3). Novagen • ORDERING 800-526-7319 • TECHNICAL SUPPORT 800-207-0144 TB397 0903pET-46 Ek/LIC Vector pET-46 Ek/LIC sequence landmarks T7 promoter 315–331 T7 transcription
Data Sheet - F0425
Factor Res., 1, 207 (1989). 3. Givol, D., and Yayon, A., FASEB. J., 6, 3362 (1992). 4. Baird, A., et al., Curr. Opin. Neurobiol., 4, 78 (1994). 5. Yayon, A., et al., EMBO J., 5, 1885 (1992).
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