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Showing 1-25 of 25 results for "210-483-1" within Technical Documents
TB430 pET-52b(+) Vector Map
2554 SacI 1 171 SalI 1 182 SanDI 1 210 SapI 1 2847 ScaI 1 4092 SfcI 5 341 3228 3419 4327 5204 SfoI 4 423 444 558 1740 SgrAI 1 418 SmaI 1 208 SmlI 6 36 1892 3069 3331 3608 3948 SphI 1 574 SspI 1 4777 StyI
Product Information Sheet - S9420
Haeuptle, M.-T. et al., J. Biol. Chem., 258, 305 (1983). 2. Welinder, K.J., Eur. J. Biochem., 96, 483 (1979). 3. Methods in Enzymology, 184 (1990). Whole volume: “Avidin-Biotin Technology.” 4. Dapron
XP725 Antibody Number-Lot Number 071M4826
452 473 474 475 476 5.6 405 406 407 408 429 430 431 432 453 454 455 456 477 478 479 480 6.1 481 482 483 484 505 506 507 508 529 530 531 532 553 554 555 556 6.2 485 486 487
Product Information Sheet - 11483188001
PCR template Cat. No. 11 483 188 001 y Version 10 1 kit (30 reactions) Content version: October 2018 Store at �15 to �25°C 1. What This Product Does Number of Tests 1 kit for 30 cDNA synthesis
Product Information Sheet-11483188001
3 vials, 1 ml each 3 First Strand cDNA Synthesis Kit for RT-PCR (AMV), Deoxynucleotide Mix dNTP stock solution, containing 10 mM dATP, dCPT, dGTP, dTTP each. 1 vial, 210 µl 4 First
Apoptosis - Antibodies, Reagents and Kits
WB IP ELISA FC IH R IgG2b 50 µg MAB3129 $210 Anti-BimL, clone 5E.5 H M WB IP ELISA FC IH R IgG2a 250 µg MAB3129-250UG $650 Bim-GST WB KA 100 µg 12-483 $275
Mobius® Validation Services
cGMP’s (21 CFR parts 210 and 211) and related guidance documents like FDA’s Guidance on Sterile Drug Product Produced by Aseptic Processing (ref.4), EU cGMP Annex 1 (ref.5) or PDA Technical
Reprint: Impact of Process Interruption on Virus Retention of Small-Virus Filters
Reihenversuche. Naunyn-Schmiedebergs Archiv für experimentelle Pathologie und Pharmakologie. 162(4) 1931: 480–483. • Dan LaCasse is a senior scientist in biotherapeutics R&D purification process development at
Patinal Evaporation Materials - Product Catalogue EMD
C ● e-beam: Cu 1 kg 1083331003 Substance M2 Substanz M2 AlxLayOz Granules, about 0.1-2 mm ≥ 99.95 % (3N5) 100 g 1083020103 4.20 g/cm³ about 1900 °C 1.7 at 500 nm 210 nm
Inhibitor Sourcebook 3rd Edition
, VCAM-1, and ICAM-1. A 100 mM (10 mg/483 µl) solution of BAY 11-7082 (Cat. No.196871) in DMSO is also available is also available. 10 mg InSolution™BAY 11-7082 196871 A 100 mM (10 mg/483 µl) solution
MAPK: Antibodies, Proteins, Kits, siRNA and Reagents
10 µg 14-483 PKCε Antibody Anti-phospho-PKCε (Ser729) H M R Rb WB Pur Rb IgG 200 µg 06-821 Anti-PKCε H M R IP WB IH Pur Rb IgG 200 µg 06-991 PKCε siRNA/siAb Assay Kit
Biologics 33.2
$225 PI 3-K NT-frag ., His•Tag® fusion 526555 Recombinant, human protein containing the N-terminal 483 aa of human PI 3-kinase (P3C2A, PI 3-K C2a) with one mutation (N483K) expressed in E. coli with N-terminal
XP725 Antibody List Lot 129K4830
MYO1C P NP_001074248.1 y y y 482 Myosin Va M4812 4644 MYO5A P NP_000250.3,NP_001135967.1 , n/d n/d y 483 Myosin Va M5062 4644 MYO5A P NP_000250.3,NP_001135967.1 , n/d n/d y 484 Myosin VI M0691 4646 MYO6 M
XP725 Antibody List Lot 129K4831
MYO1C P NP_001074248.1 y y y 482 Myosin Va M4812 4644 MYO5A P NP_000250.3,NP_001135967.1 , n/d n/d y 483 Myosin Va M5062 4644 MYO5A P NP_000250.3,NP_001135967.1 , n/d n/d y 484 Myosin VI M0691 4646 MYO6 M
XP725 Antibody List Lot 089K4791
MYO1C P NP_001074248.1 y y y 482 Myosin Va M4812 4644 MYO5A P NP_000250.3,NP_001135967.1 , n/d n/d y 483 Myosin Va M5062 4644 MYO5A P NP_000250.3,NP_001135967.1 , n/d n/d y 484 Myosin VI M0691 4646 MYO6 M
Chrombook 2015 - The world of chromatography in your hands
1 2 3 4 5 6 Intensity [x=107] 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 Time [min] EIC 209; 253; 507 – All MS EIC 197; 241; 483 – All MS EIC 161; 205; 411
List of Antibodies
Cy3+Cy5 C0992 M NA NA NA 481 Myosin Light Chain Kinase M7905 M y y Y 482 Myosin Va M4812 P n/d n/d y 483 Myosin Va M5062 P n/d n/d y 484 Myosin VI M0691 M y y y 485 Myosin VI M5187 P
Cytoskeletal Signaling Antibodies, Reagents and Kits
MW (kDa) Reduced Conditions 210 165 130 150 135 120 125 120 130 95 105 220 110 MW (kDa) Non-Reduced Conditions 200 160 150 140 155 140 150 145 110 90 90 210 100 Integrin Subunit α1 α2 α3
XP725 Antibody List
482 Myosin Va M4812 25017, 17918, 4644 Myo5a,MYO5A NP_071514.1,NP_034994.2,NP_000250.2 P n/d n/d y 483 Myosin Va M5062 25017, 17918, 4644 Myo5a,MYO5A NP_071514.1,NP_034994.2,NP_000250.2 P n/d n/d y 484
XP725 Antibody List 013M4793
482 Myosin Va M4812 25017, 17918, 4644 Myo5a,MYO5A NP_071514.1,NP_034994.2,NP_000250.2 P n/d n/d y 483 Myosin Va M5062 25017, 17918, 4644 Myo5a,MYO5A NP_071514.1,NP_034994.2,NP_000250.2 P n/d n/d y 484
Halal Certificate
FG W392901 A91511 HC-24SI9G85 482. CIS-3-HEXENYL LACTATE 98%, FG W369004 A38324 HC-24SIUO32 483. CIS-3-HEXENYL PHENYLACETATE 99% W363308 B20456 HC-24SINU12 484. CIS-3-HEXENYL PROPIONATE W393304
Halal Certificate
FG W392901 A91511 HC-22SIZX83 482. CIS-3-HEXENYL LACTATE 98%, FG W369004 A38324 HC-22SIY530 483. CIS-3-HEXENYL PHENYLACETATE 99% W363308 B20456 HC-22SIAC10 484. CIS-3-HEXENYL PROPIONATE W393304
XP725 Worksheet for Lot Number 071M4826
� 482 3 3 1 2 E2F1 E8901 483 3 3 1 3 E2F2 E8776 484 3 3 1 4 E2F2 E8776 485 3 3 1 5 E2F3 E8651 486 3 3 1 6 E2F3 E8651 487 3 3
Brochure: LC-MS Resource Guide
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Intensity [x=107] 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 Time [min] EIC 209; 253; 507 – All MS EIC 197; 241; 483 – All MS EIC 161;
Brochure: The Supelco® HPLC and UHPLC Column Selection Guide
1 2 3 4 5 6 Intensity [x=107] 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 Time [min] EIC 209; 253; 507 – All MS EIC 197; 241; 483 – All MS EIC 161; 205; 411