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Showing 1-30 of 33 results for "211-129-9" within Technical Documents
Product Information Sheet - C8917
Improved purification from egg white,
characterization, and detection in chicken serum.
Biochem. J., 211, 129-138 (1983).
2012 Sigma-Aldrich Co. LLC. All rights reserved. SIGMA-ALDRICH
XP725 Antibody Number-Lot Number 071M4826
252 273 274 275 276
3.4 205 206 207 208 229 230 231 232 253 254 255 256 277 278 279 280
3.5 209 210 211 212 233 234 235 236 257 258 259 260 281 282 283 284
3.6 213 214 215
Quality Control Range Sheet- A6602-107 and A6602-207
1 113 – 235 pg/mL IL-2 Control 1 21 – 43 pg/mL
Control 2 517 – 1073 pg/mL Control 2 102 – 211 pg/mL
PKH Dye Reference Guide
111, 116, 128, 129, 145, 155, 172, 207
Recirculation, cellular lifetime 94, 150, 200, 207, 208
Proliferation, growth control 29, 126, 130
Differentiation, embryogenesis 4, 9, 29, 87, 126, 130
Examination of Non-Specifically Bound Proteins and Peptides Following Depletion of Twenty High Abundance Proteins from Human Plasma
IGHA1 protein 212 3 211 4 170 4 95 3 152 4
IPI00166866 IGHA1 protein 94 2 241 4 341 6
IPI00418422 IGHD protein 79 1 47 1
IPI00448938 IGHG1 410 7 89 2 463 8 349
MILLIPLEX®MAP Human Myokine Panel is an optimized quantitative immunoassay that simultaneously measures 15 novel muscle-secreted factors
180 97 200 138 278 392 75 286 154 276 184 306 64 352 8683
193 92 206 147 283 407 80 300 155 291 211 316 73 374 8251
676 353 719 514 801
Product Information - CSAA1
209 PKC β P3203 Signal Transduction P n/d n/d y
210 PKC γ P3328 Signal Transduction P n/d n/d y
211 PKC γ Clone:PK-G4 P8083 Signal Transduction M n/d n/d y
212 PKD P3987 Signal
Stem Cell and Specialty Cell Culture Product Guide
AB5691 ......................................129
AB5702 ......................................126
AB5723 ......................................129
AB5731 ...........
Inhibitor Sourcebook 3rd Edition
...........................57, 211
681629 .....................................................57, 211
681635 .....................................................57, 211
681636 ........................
User Guide Equinox SOP Software 2.1 for Windows XP
vedere "Modifica della
password" a pagina 129).
4. Effettuato con successo il login, viene visualizzata la finestra principale del
programma Steritest (Figura 9).
102 — Installazione/configurazione
Perfection in every dimension 2014. Inorganic reagents Catalogue
5 g Glass bottle 1.12130.0005
Disulfine blue vn 150 [C.I. 42045]
for surfactant tests2)
129-17-9 Tenside
pink blue 25 g Glass bottle 1.12144.0025
Iodine indicator – Indicator
Article: Evaluation of immunological parameters in pit bull terrier-type dogs with juvenile onset generalized demodicosis and age-matched healthy pit bull terrier-type dogs
Immunol Immuno-
pathol 2003; 93: 9–20.
21. Gelman A, Hill J, Masanao Y. Why we (usually) don’t have to
worry about multiple comparisons. J Res Educ Eff 2012; 52:
22. Gelman A, Loken E. The garden
ExPlore with Confidence: Prestige Antibodies Breast Cancer Research
et al. The co-expression of MMP-9 and Tenascin-C is significantly associated
with the progression and prognosis of pancreatic cancer. Diagn Pathol, 2015/12/10;
10:211. Epub 2015 Dec 10.
155. Ghosh Z
New Research Tools for Signal Transduction and Life Science Research
His•Tag® sequence
containing: four functional Ca2+-binding sites (aa 20-�1; aa 56-67; aa 9�-104; aa 129-140) with
EF-hands (aa 7-42; aa 4�-78; aa 80-115; aa 116-148); and a ubiquitination site at
Research Article: MCP-1, KC-like and IL-8 as critical mediators of
blood from Italian
dogs suspected of tick-borne disease. Veterinary Parasitology. 2008; 157(3–4):211–21.
10.1016/j.vetpar.2008.07.024 PMID: 18789581
14. Birkenheuer AJ, Levy MG
Dispensette Organic Bottle-Top Dispenser Manual
mit SafetyPrime™
1 4700 210 4700 211
2 4700 220 4700 221
5 4700 230 4700 231
10 4700 240 4700 241
Fixvolumen nach Wahl: 0,5
Dispensette III Bottle-Top Dispenser Manual
mit SafetyPrime™
1 4700 210 4700 211
2 4700 220 4700 221
5 4700 230 4700 231
10 4700 240 4700 241
Fixvolumen nach Wahl: 0,5
XP725 Antibody List Lot 089K4791
Caspase 9 C7729 842 CASP9 P NP_001220.2 y n/d y
127 Caspase 9 C4356 842 CASP9 M NP_001220.2 y n/d n/d
128 Caspase 10 C8351 843 CASP10 P NP_001221.2 ,NP_116756.2 ,NP_116759.2 , y n/d n/d
129 Caspase
XP725 Antibody List Lot 129K4831
Caspase 9 C7729 842 CASP9 P NP_001220.2 y n/d y
127 Caspase 9 C4356 842 CASP9 M NP_001220.2 y n/d n/d
128 Caspase 10 C8351 843 CASP10 P NP_001221.2 ,NP_116756.2 ,NP_116759.2 , y n/d n/d
129 Caspase
XP725 Antibody List Lot 129K4830
Caspase 9 C7729 842 CASP9 P NP_001220.2 y n/d y
127 Caspase 9 C4356 842 CASP9 M NP_001220.2 y n/d n/d
128 Caspase 10 C8351 843 CASP10 P NP_001221.2 ,NP_116756.2 ,NP_116759.2 , y n/d n/d
129 Caspase
Analytix Reporter Issue 11 2022
soy milk for pesticide analysis at trace levels by means
of a matrix-compatible coating, Talanta. 211 (2020). https://doi.
4. Souza-Silva É.A.; Pawliszyn J, Direct
XP725 Antibody List
Caspase 9 C7729 842, 58918 Casp9,CASP9 NP_127463.1,NP_113820.1 P y n/d y
127 Caspase 9 C4356 842 CASP9 NP_127463.1 M y n/d n/d
128 Caspase 10 C8351 843 CASP10 NP_116759.2 P y n/d n/d
129 Caspase 10
Organic and Molecular Electronics
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Chrombook 2015 - The world of chromatography in your hands
Kostaki Homsi Street 106, Suite 3
P. O. Box 5441
Phone +963 (0) 21 211 6060
Telefax +963 (0) 21 211 6062
E-mail [email protected]
List of Antibodies
/d n/d
125 Pro-Caspase 8 C7849 P y n/d n/d
126 Caspase 9 C7729 P y n/d y
127 Caspase 9 C4356 M y n/d n/d
128 Caspase 10 C8351 P y n/d n/d
129 Caspase 10
3D BIOPRINTING: Printing a Brighter Future
Yoon, S. I.; Hong, I. S.; Khang, G.;
Lee, S. J.; Yoo, J. J.; Park, C. H. Nat. Commun. 2018, 9, 1620.
(129) Kabirian, F.; Mozafari, M. Methods 2020, 171, 108–118.
(130) Kim, B. S.; Das, S.; Jang, J.;
3D BIOPRINTING: Printing a Brighter Future
Yoon, S. I.; Hong, I. S.; Khang, G.;
Lee, S. J.; Yoo, J. J.; Park, C. H. Nat. Commun. 2018, 9, 1620.
(129) Kabirian, F.; Mozafari, M. Methods 2020, 171, 108–118.
(130) Kim, B. S.; Das, S.; Jang, J.;
Mobius®Chrom 20 System User guide
Mobius® Chrom 20 System with Flexware® Assemblies 211
System Settings Menu with LAMP VOLTAGE Selected
9. Set the LAMP VOLTAGE to ON and save it.
10. Select
XP725 Antibody List 013M4793
Caspase 9 C7729 842, 58918 Casp9,CASP9 NP_127463.1,NP_113820.1 P y n/d y
127 Caspase 9 C4356 842 CASP9 NP_127463.1 M y n/d n/d
128 Caspase 10 C8351 843 CASP10 NP_116759.2 P y n/d n/d
129 Caspase 10
XP725 Worksheet for Lot Number 071M4826
Calretinin C7479
208 2 1 2 8 Calretinin C7479
209 2 1 3 1 Claspin C7867
210 2 1 3 2 Claspin C7867
211 2 1 3 3 CaM Kinase IV CaMKIV C2851
212 2 1 3 4 CaM Kinase IV CaMKIV C2851
213 2 1
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