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Showing 1-30 of 34 results for "218-414-7" within Technical Documents
Product Information Sheet - Amine-Stabilized Borane-Tetrahydrofuran Solutions
17,619-2 NaBH 4 96 92 94:6 65,039-0 PMP 94 90 93:7 65,041-2 NIMBA 97 93 94:6 AL-211 AtmosBag™ - Inflatable Polyethylene Isolation ChambersAL-218 New, Safer, Amine-Stabilized Borane-Tetrahydrofuran
Product Information Sheet - L4025
References 1. Scott, D.H., and Schekman, R., J. Bacteriol., 42(2), 414-423 (1980). 2. Machado, F.R.S., Jr. et al., J. Biotechnol., 218, 108-114 (2016). 3. Van Burik, J.-A.H. et al., Med. Mycol., 36
Quality Control Ranges: Milliplex Human Cytokine / Chemokine Immunoassay
Expected Range Units IL-1RA Control 1 76 – 159 pg/mL IL-8 Control 1 99 – 205 pg/mL Control 2 414 – 859 pg/mL Control 2 465 – 965 pg/mL
Data Sheet - P1782
., J. Biol. Chem., 270(48), 28495- 28498 (1995). 6. Epand, R.M., Anal. Biochem., 218(2), 241-247 (1994). 7. Dekker, L.V., and Parker, P.J., Trends Biochem. Sci., 19(2), 73-77 (1994). 8.
Data Sheet - P9542
Newton, A.C., J. Biol. Chem., 270, 28495-28498 (1995). 6. Epand, R.M., Anal. Biochem., 218, 241-247 (1995). 7. Dekker, L.V., and Parker, P.J., Trends Biochem. Sci., 19, 73-77 (1994). 8. Nishizuka
Data Sheet - P8538
Newton, A.C., J. Biol. Chem., 270, 28495-28498 (1995). 6. Epand, R.M., Anal. Biochem., 218, 241-247 (1995). 7. Dekker, L.V., and Parker, P.J., Trends Biochem. Sci., 19, 73-77 (1994). 8. Nishizuka
Product Information Sheet - D106208
use. Aldrich Chemical Company, Inc. 940 West Saint Paul Ave., Milwaukee, WI 53233 Telephone (414) 273-3850 Cable Aldrichem TWX 910-262-3052 © 1979 by Aldrich Chemical Company, Inc. For packaging
Product Information Sheet - L2524
References 1. Scott, D.H., and Schekman, R., J. Bacteriol., 42(2), 414-423 (1980). 2. Machado, F.R.S., Jr. et al., J. Biotechnol., 218, 108-114 (2016). 3. Van Burik, J.-A.H. et al., Med. Mycol.
XP725 Antibody Number-Lot Number 071M4826
383 384 5.1 385 386 387 388 409 410 411 412 433 434 435 436 457 458 459 460 5.2 389 390 391 392 413 414 415 416 437 438 439 440 461 462 463 464 5.3 393 394 395 396 417 418
Quality Control Range Sheet- HCC-121A and HCC-221A
pg/mL IL-7 Control 1 94 – 196 pg/mL Control 2 517– 1073 pg/mL Control 2 490 – 1019 pg/mL IL-1RA Control 1 76
Data Sheet - P0540
Newton, A.C., J. Biol. Chem., 270, 28495-28498 (1995). 6. Epand, R.M., Anal. Biochem., 218, 241-247 (1995). 7. Dekker, L.V., and Parker, P.J., Trends Biochem. Sci., 19, 73-77 (1994). 8. Nishizuka
Data Sheet - P1164
Newton, A.C., J. Biol. Chem., 270, 28495-28498 (1995). 6. Epand, R.M., Anal. Biochem., 218, 241-247 (1995). 7. Dekker, L.V., and Parker, P.J., Trends Biochem. Sci., 19, 73-77 (1994). 8. Nishizuka
Data Sheet - P3287
.C., J. Biol. Chem., 270, 28495-28498 (1995). 6. Epand, R.M., Anal. Biochem., 218, 241-247 (1995). 7. Dekker, L.V., and Parker, P.J., Trends Biochem. Sci., 19, 73-77 (1994). 8. Nishizuka
Data Sheet - P1787
A. C., J. Biol. Chem., 270, 28495-28498 (1995). 6. Epand, R. M., Anal. Biochem., 218, 241-247 (1995). 7. Dekker, L. V., and Parker, P. J., Trends Biochem. Sci., 19, 73-77 (1994). 8.
Data Sheet - P0194
A.C., J. Biol. Chem., 270, 28495-28498 (1995). 6. Epand, R.M., Anal. Biochem., 218, 241-247 (1995). 7. Dekker, L.V., and Parker, P.J., Trends Biochem. Sci., 19, 73-77 (1994). 8. Nishizuka
Innovative Chemicals for Process Intensification in Cell Culture Media
at Various pHs and NaCl Concentrations. Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data, 1996. 41(3): p. 414-417. 4. Hitchcock, D.I., The Solubility of Tyrosine in Acid and in Alkali. J Gen Physiol, 1924.
Data Sheet - P6862
. 6. Epand, R. M., In vitro assays of protein kinase C activity. Anal. Biochem., 218, 241-247 (1994). 7. Dekker, L. V., and Parker, P. J., Protein kinase C— a question of specificity. Trends
Product Information Sheet - 10843555001
Isolation Products Genopure Plasmid Midi Kit 1 kit (for up to 20 prepara- tions) 03 143 414 001 Genopure Plasmid Maxi Kit 1 kit (for up to 10 prepara- tions) 03 143 422 001 Protease
PKH Dye Reference Guide
Viability of fibroblast- seeded ligament analogs after autogenous implantation. J Orthop Res 1998; 16: 414-420. 5. Imaizumi K, Hasegawa Y, Kawabe T, et al: Bystander tumoricidal effect and gap junctional
Material Matters Vol. 1, No. 1
7 US $ 5 Flu o rin a te d H y p e rb ra n ch e d P o ly m e rs �,6-Difluorophthalic anhydride, 97% C8H2F2O3 O F F O
XP725 Antibody List Lot 089K4791
003831.2 y n/d n/d 218 DcR1 D3566 8794 TNFRSF10C P NP_003832.2 y y y 234 DR5 D3938 8795 TNFRSF10B P NP_003833.4,NP_671716.2 y n/d n/d 233 DR4 D3813 8797 TNFRSF10A P NP_003835.3 y n/d n/d 410 LIN-7 L1538 8825 LIN7A
XP725 Antibody List Lot 129K4831
003831.2 y n/d n/d 218 DcR1 D3566 8794 TNFRSF10C P NP_003832.2 y y y 234 DR5 D3938 8795 TNFRSF10B P NP_003833.4,NP_671716.2 y n/d n/d 233 DR4 D3813 8797 TNFRSF10A P NP_003835.3 y n/d n/d 410 LIN-7 L1538 8825 LIN7A
XP725 Antibody List Lot 129K4830
003831.2 y n/d n/d 218 DcR1 D3566 8794 TNFRSF10C P NP_003832.2 y y y 234 DR5 D3938 8795 TNFRSF10B P NP_003833.4,NP_671716.2 y n/d n/d 233 DR4 D3813 8797 TNFRSF10A P NP_003835.3 y n/d n/d 410 LIN-7 L1538 8825 LIN7A
Chrombook 2015 - The world of chromatography in your hands
200 200 200 200 218 218 218 218 Analytical HPLC 203 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 0 4
Cytoskeletal Signaling Antibodies, Reagents and Kits
Junction Molecules 14 Crk Monoclonal Antibody CrkL 5-6 H WB IP IH Pur M IgG 200 µg 05-414 Polyclonal Antibody CrkL H WB Pur Rb IgG 200 µg 07-620
List of Antibodies
C0992 M NA NA NA 409 LIM Kinase 1 L2290 P y y y 410 LIN-7 L1538 P n/d n/d y 411 LIS1 L7391 M y y y 412 LKB1 L7917 P y y y 413 LDS1 L4793 P y y y 414 Mad1 M8069 M
XP725 Worksheet for Lot Number 071M4826
12 C7034 412 3 1 4 4 Cytokeratin 8 12 C7034 413 3 1 4 5 Cytokeratin 8 13 C6909 414 3 1 4 6 Cytokeratin 8 13 C6909 415 3 1 4 7 Cytokeratin peptide 13 C0791 416 3 1 4 8 Cytokeratin peptide
XP725 Antibody List
035622.1,NP_001101539.1 P y y y 413 LDS1 L4793 99982, 23028 Aof2,AOF2 NP_598633.1,NP_055828.2 P y y y 414 Mad1 M8069 8379 MAD1L1 NP_003541.2 M y n/d n/d 415 Mad2 M8694 4085 MAD2L1 NP_002349.1 M y n/d n/d 416
XP725 Antibody List 013M4793
035622.1,NP_001101539.1 P y y y 413 LDS1 L4793 99982, 23028 Aof2,AOF2 NP_598633.1,NP_055828.2 P y y y 414 Mad1 M8069 8379 MAD1L1 NP_003541.2 M y n/d n/d 415 Mad2 M8694 4085 MAD2L1 NP_002349.1 M y n/d n/d
3D BIOPRINTING: Printing a Brighter Future
(22) Mapili, G.; Lu, Y.; Chen, S.; Roy, K. J. Biomed. Mater. Res. B Appl. Biomater. 2005, 75, 414. (23) Paz, V. F.; Emons, M.; Obata, K.; Ovsianikov, A.; Peterhänsel, S.; Frenner, K.; Reinhardt
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