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Showing 1-3 of 3 results for "223-985-0" within Technical Documents
TB415VM pET-47b(+) Vector Map
DraIII 1 4961
DrdI 3 2751 3166 4916
EaeI 4 242 502 634 1868
EagI 1 242
EarI 3 812 2942 4073
EciI 3 985 3120 3266
Eco57I 1 3606
Eco57MI 4 1032 1521 2585 3606
EcoICRI 1 236
EcoNI 3 318 729 4172
EcoO109I 4
An Update on Ligands for Prostanoid Receptors
Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun., 302, 797-802 (2003).
32. Hirai, H., et al., J. Immunol., 168, 981-985 (2002).
33. Dong, Y.J., et al., Br. J. Pharmacol., 87, 97-107 (1986).
34. Lawrence, R.A., et al., Br
Product Information Sheet-chlum-ro
to +25°C.
Autoclave, keep
Detection protocol
Washing solution,
0.1x conc.
Mix 985 ml double-distilled water,
5 ml 20x SSC (0.1x SSC), 10 ml 10% SDS