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Showing 1-28 of 28 results for "252-213-5" within Technical Documents
Quality Control Range Sheet- A60MG-105 and A60MG-205
IL-1RA Control 1 53 - 109 pg/mL IL-17E/IL-25 Control1 1406 - 2920 pg/ml Control 2 252 - 524 pg/mL Control 2 6642 - 13795 pg/ml
Data Sheet - P3818
. References 1. Lambert, N., and Freedman, R.B., Biochem. J., 213, 225-234 (1983). 2. Carmichael, D.F. et al., J. Biol. Chem., 252, 7163- 7167 (1977). 3. Land, S. et al., Biochim. Biophys. Acta
CLONAZEPAM Methanol Solution
8000 m/z Abundance 44 51 63 75 89 111 125 151 177 190 205 213 234 252 268 280 314 70 eV Electron Ionization Mass Spectrum
CLONAZEPAM Methanol Solution
8000 m/z Abundance 44 51 63 75 89 111 125 151 177 190 205 213 234 252 268 280 314 Hewlett-Packard 5890 Series II Gas Chromatograph Hewlett-Packard
XP725 Antibody Number-Lot Number 071M4826
227 228 249 250 251 252 273 274 275 276 3.4 205 206 207 208 229 230 231 232 253 254 255 256 277 278 279 280 3.5 209 210 211 212 233 234 235 236 257 258 259 260 281 282
Trypsin In-Gel Digest Kit: A Complete Kit for the Digestion of Proteins from SDS-PAGE Gels
T10 118-124 818.4347 T10* 118-124 oxidized 834.4296 T13 135-159 2601.2949 T15 191-213 2232.1665 T19 252-263 1280.6487 T20 264-276 1409.6661 Missing Cleavages Amino Acid M+H+ T20-21 264
Highly sensitive and specific 384 well assay for chemiluminescent detection of cyclic AMP
drug discovery Millipore and Drug Discovery • HTS assays and profiling services: 120+ GPCRs, 252 Kinases and 29 Ion channels • 500+ cell-based assays for stem cells, neuroscience and drug discovery
Product Information Sheet - P2277
, J. et al., Mol. Cell. Endocrinol., 28, 387-410 (1982). 30. Dedman, J. et al., J. Biol. Chem., 252, 8415-8422 (1977). 31. Cheung, W., Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun., 38, 533-538 (1970). 32. Bredt
CompoZr Custom Zinc Finger Activators
complex at 2.1 A. Science, 252, 809-817. 2. Klug, A. (2010) The discovery of zinc fingers and their applications in gene regulation and genome manipulation. Annu Rev Biochem, 79, 213-231. 3. Duca, M.
Neurotoxicity and Neurite Outgrowth Assay
Hepatotoxicity Assay, Human HepG2 cells HCS201–213, 216 HCS Kits for Cell Cycle and Proliferation HCS223-225 DNA Damage HCS kits 5 Assay Instructions
Protocol: Rat/Mouse Ghrelin (Active)
0 (Basal) 0 -- 53 -- 50 60 96% 106 106% 200
Protocol- EZRGRA-90K
Rate pg/mL Recovery Rate Rat 0 (Basal) 0 - 53 - 50 60 96% 106 106% 200 200 94% 252 100% 1,000 885 102% 1,019 97% Rat 0
Detergents Booklet
Benetti, P.H., et al. ����. Protein Expr. Purif. 13, ���. Blisnick, T., et al. ����. Eur. J. Biochem. 252, ���. Chong, Y., and Chen, H. �000. Biotechniques 29, ����. Goldberg, M.E., et al. ���� . Folding
Cytoskeletal Signaling Antibodies, Reagents and Kits
Expression Kit TFX 1 kit 17-252 Akt1/PKBα cDNA (activated) Expression Kit TFX 1 kit 17-253 Akt1/PKBα cDNA Allelic Pack TFX 1 kit 17-254 Akt1/PKBα cDNA (activated) in pUSEamp TFX 5 µg 21-151 Akt1/PKBα
XP725 Antibody List Lot 129K4830
n/d 245 E6AP E8655 1876 E2F6 M NP_937987.2 y y y 265 E2F6 E1532 1876 E2F6 M NP_937987.2 y n/d n/d 252 Endothelin E0771 1906 EDN1 M NP_001161791.1 ,NP_001946.3 y n/d y 253 Epidermal Growth Factor E2520
XP725 Antibody List Lot 129K4831
n/d 245 E6AP E8655 1876 E2F6 M NP_937987.2 y y y 265 E2F6 E1532 1876 E2F6 M NP_937987.2 y n/d n/d 252 Endothelin E0771 1906 EDN1 M NP_001161791.1 ,NP_001946.3 y n/d y 253 Epidermal Growth Factor E2520
XP725 Antibody List Lot 089K4791
n/d 245 E6AP E8655 1876 E2F6 M NP_937987.2 y y y 265 E2F6 E1532 1876 E2F6 M NP_937987.2 y n/d n/d 252 Endothelin E0771 1906 EDN1 M NP_001161791.1 ,NP_001946.3 y n/d y 253 Epidermal Growth Factor E2520
List of Antibodies
250 Endothelial Cell Protein C Receptor E6280 M y n/d n/d 251 Endothelial Cells E9653 M y n/d n/d 252 Endothelin E0771 M y n/d y 253 Epidermal Growth Factor E2520 M y n/d n/d 254 Episialin (EMA) E0143
XP725 Worksheet for Lot Number 071M4826
ProCaspase 8 C7849 250 2 2 2 2 ProCaspase 8 C7849 251 2 2 2 3 Caspase 9 C7729 252 2 2 2 4 Caspase 9 C7729 253 2 2 2 5 Caspase 9 C4356 254 2 2 2 6 Caspase 9 C4356 255 2 2
Halal Certificate
Halal Certificate
3D BIOPRINTING: Printing a Brighter Future
Rogers, S.; Shebanova, O.; Snow, T.; Gough, T. J. Colloid Interface Sci. 2020, 565, 119–130. (252) Chatterjee, S.; Hui, P. C.-l.; Kan, C.-w.; Wang, W. Sci. Rep. 2019, 9, 11658. Subscribe Today
3D BIOPRINTING: Printing a Brighter Future
Rogers, S.; Shebanova, O.; Snow, T.; Gough, T. J. Colloid Interface Sci. 2020, 565, 119–130. (252) Chatterjee, S.; Hui, P. C.-l.; Kan, C.-w.; Wang, W. Sci. Rep. 2019, 9, 11658. Subscribe Today
XP725 Antibody List
Protein C Receptor E6280 10544 PROCR NP_006395.2 M y n/d n/d 251 Endothelial Cells E9653 M y n/d n/d 252 Endothelin E0771 24323, 1906 Edn1,EDN1 NP_036680.1,NP_001946.3 M y n/d y 253 Epidermal Growth Factor
XP725 Antibody List 013M4793
Protein C Receptor E6280 10544 PROCR NP_006395.2 M y n/d n/d 251 Endothelial Cells E9653 M y n/d n/d 252 Endothelin E0771 24323, 1906 Edn1,EDN1 NP_036680.1,NP_001946.3 M y n/d y 253 Epidermal Growth Factor
Chrombook 2015 - The world of chromatography in your hands An al yt ic al H PL C 252 0 1 10 1 2 3 4 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 200
Perfection in every dimension 2014. Inorganic reagents Catalogue
CombiTitrant 5; 5 mg H2O/ml S38 1 l 1.88005.1038 AQUASTAR® CombiTitrant 5; 5 mg H2O/ml GL45 1 l 1.88005.1045 AQUASTAR® CombiTitrant 5; 5 mg H2O/ml S38 2.5 l 1.88005.2538 AQUASTAR® CombiTitrant 5; 5 mg H2O