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Showing 1-30 of 59 results for "469-38-5" within Technical Documents
CHOZN Platform Technical Bulletin
KS 66215 Phone: 1-913-469-5580 Fax: 1-913-469-5584 Global Email: [email protected] • Biological safety cabinet (Class II; Type A2; ISO 5) • CO2 incubator (5% CO2, 37°C, humidified)
Data Sheet - P1431
Biol., 204(1), 191-204 (1988). 5. Kretsinger, R., in Calcium Transport in Contraction and Secretion (Carafoli, E. et al., eds.). North- Holland Pub. Co., pp. 469-478 (1975). 6. Newton, D. et
PNAS USA (1986) 83:5316-5320. 4. Brain Res. (1987) 402:30-43. 5. Exp. Neurology (1988) 101:303-312. 6. Brain Research (1989) 505:29-38. 7. Exp. Neurology (1990) 109:153-163. 8. J. Electron Microscopy
MMP Activation Chart
bioch 1990/29/ 5783; Chen et al Biochem 1993/39/10289 Docherty, Murphy Ann Rheum.Dis 1990/49/469 Harrison, etal. Biochem 31,1992, 10757 MMP-3 Stromelysin-1 (59 & 57)Gly aa=52.2
PKH Dye Reference Guide
FcgammaRI), blocks phagocytosis, and modulates receptor expression. J.Leukoc.Biol. 1997; 62: 469-479. 38. Wallace PK, Keler T, Guyre PM, Fanger MW: Fc gamma RI blockade and modulation for immunotherapy
Quality Control Range Sheet- A6042-105 and A6042-205
2 226 – 469 pg/mL FGF-2 Control 1 1033 – 2146 pg/mL IL-2 Control 1 24 – 50 pg/mL Control 2 4944 – 10268 pg/mL
XP725 Antibody Number-Lot Number 071M4826
4 25 26 27 28 49 50 51 52 73 74 75 76 1.2 5 6 7 8 29 30 31 32 53 54 55 56 77 78 79 80 1.3 9 10 11 12 33 34 35 36 57 58 59
TB036VM pET-21a-d(+) Vector Map
3273 5156 DrdII 2 787 5206 DsaI 2 501 2137 EaeI 5 166 372 504 1738 4446 EagI 1 166 Eam1105I 1 4058 EarI 3 682 3049 4853 EciI 4 841 3239 3385 4213 Eco47III 3 469 1970 2419 Eco57I 2 3713 4725 EcoNI 1 599 EcoO109I
User Guide-MILLIPLEX® Human Cytokine/Chemokine/Growth Factor Panel B Magnetic Bead Panel
49 537 5.9 7.3 Standard 3 195 2,148 23 29 Standard 4 781 8,594 94 117 Standard 5 3,125 34,375 375 469 Standard 6 12,500 137,500 1,500 1,875 Standard 7
User Guide-HCYTB60K
49 537 5.9 7.3 Standard 3 195 2,148 23 29 Standard 4 781 8,594 94 117 Standard 5 3,125 34,375 375 469 Standard 6 12,500 137,500 1,500 1,875 Standard 7
Product Information Sheet - MIDI67
Wallace, P.K. et al., Cytometry 73A, 1019-1034 (2008). 2. Horan, P.K. et al., Meth. Cell Biol., 33, 469-490 (1990). 3. Poon, R.Y. et al., in: In Living Color: Flow Cytometry and Cell Sorting Protocols
Product Information Sheet - PKH67GL
Wallace, P.K. et al., Cytometry 73A, 1019-1034 (2008). 2. Horan, P.K. et al., Meth. Cell Biol., 33, 469-490 (1990). 3. Poon, R.Y. et al., in: In Living Color: Flow Cytometry and Cell Sorting Protocols
Product Information Sheet - MINI67
Wallace, P.K. et al., Cytometry 73A, 1019-1034 (2008). 2. Horan, P.K. et al., Meth. Cell Biol., 33, 469-490 (1990). 3. Poon, R.Y. et al., in: In Living Color: Flow Cytometry and Cell Sorting Protocols
Product Information Sheet - PKH2GL
and Slezak, S., Nature, 340, 167-168 (1989). 2. Horan, P.K., et al., Methods Cell Biol., 33, 469-490 (1990). 3. Poon, R.Y., et al., In: In Living Color: Flow Cytometry and Cell Sorting Protocols
MultiScreen HTS 384-well Glass Fiber Filter Plates
5645 Fax 7010 5644 EASTERN EUROPE, C.I.S., AFRICA, MIDDLE EAST AND GULF Tel. +33 3 88 38 9536 Fax +33 3 88 38 9539 FINLAND Tel. 0203 05 645 Fax 0203 05 644 FRANCE Tel. 0825 045 645 Fax 0825 045
Product Information Sheet - 4743814001
76, 7607-7615. 8 Simonic,T. (2000) cDNA cloning of turtle prion protein. FEBS Letters 469, 33-38. For general information on PCR, please see the following (available on our website): 9
Product Information Sheet - MIDCLARET
.D., et al., Immunol. Invest., 36, 587-606 (2007). 2. Horan, P.K., et al., Methods Cell Biol., 33, 469-490 (1990). 3. Poon, R.Y., et al., in: In Living Color: Flow Cytometry and Cell Sorting Protocols
Product Information Sheet - MINCLARET
.D., et al., Immunol. Invest., 36, 587-606 (2007). 2. Horan, P.K., et al., Methods Cell Biol., 33, 469-490 (1990). 3. Poon, R.Y., et al., in: In Living Color: Flow Cytometry and Cell Sorting Protocols
Protocol- HCYP4MAG-64K
IL-32α (pg/mL) IL-38 (pg/mL) Standard 1 24 29 39 49 Standard 2 98 117 156 195 Standard 3 391 469 625 781 Standard 4 1,563 1,875 2,500 3,125
Product Information Sheet - 11811002001
, 7607-7615. 8 Simonic,T. et. al. (2000) cDNA cloning of turtle prion protein. FEBS Letters 469, 33-38. Quality Control Each lot of Expand 20 kbPLUS PCR System is function tested in PCR. Routinely
Development and Application of a Chemically Defined Bioreactor Feed for CHO Cells
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Culture Time (days) m M IA 66131 Test Gluc/Gln Fed Control Non Fed Control Figure 3b. For more information, visit or contact SAFC USA: + 1-913-469-5580 •
Exploring the RNA world: An introduction to genome-wide analysis of RNA-protein interactions using RNA-binding protein immunoprecipitation (RIP)
HITS-CLIP yields genome-wide insights into brain alternative RNA processing. Nature 456: 464-469. References FSC logo To Place an Order or Receive
Exploring the RNA world: An introduction to genome-wide analysis of RNA-protein interactions using RNA-binding protein immunoprecipitation (RIP)
HITS-CLIP yields genome-wide insights into brain alternative RNA processing. Nature 456: 464-469. References FSC logo EMD Millipore and the M logo are trademarks of Merck KGaA, Darmstadt
Protocol: Rat Bone Panel 2 Magentic Bead Kit
Standard 2 39 10 122 29 1.5 Standard 3 156 39 488 117 6 Standard 4 625 156 1,953 469 23 Standard 5 2,500 625 7,813 1,875 94 Standard 6 10,000 2500
Protocol- MCYT1-190K|MCYT1-190K-SPX|MCYT1-190K-SPXBK|MCYT1-190K-LPX|MCYT1-190K-LPXBK
IL-17A, MIP-1α, MCP-5, Betacellulin (pg/mL) Standard 1 1.8 2.2 2.4 Standard 2 7.3 8.8 9.8 Standard 3 29 35 39 Standard 4 117 141 156 Standard
Product Information Sheet - PP0500
Practical Approach, Humana Press, (New Jersey: 1986) p 168. 14. Drapeau, G.R., Methods Enzymol., 45, 469-475 (1976). 15. Drapeau, G.R., Methods Enzymol., 47, 189-191 (1977). 16. Tarr, G.E. Methods
Protocol- RBN1MAG-31K
PTH (pg/mL) Standard 1 10 31 5 7 0.4 Standard 2 39 122 20 29 1.5 Standard 3 156 488 78 117 6 Standard 4 625 1,953 313 469 23
Protocol: Mouse Bone Magnetic Bead Panel --96-Well Plate Assay
4 7 16 15 Standard 2 15 29 63 59 Standard 3 59 117 254 234 Standard 4 234 469 1,016 938 Standard 5 938 1,875 4,063 3,750 Standard 6
Protocol- MBNMAG-41K
4 7 16 15 Standard 2 15 29 63 59 Standard 3 59 117 254 234 Standard 4 234 469 1,016 938 Standard 5 938 1,875 4,063 3,750 Standard 6
User Guide-EZPIIANP53K
2 0 612 - 1000 1658 104.5% 500 1253 128.0% 250 883 108.4% Human Serum 3 0 469 - 1000 1491 102.2% 500 1063
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