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Showing 1-30 of 30 results for "478-43-3" within Technical Documents
Data Sheet - SAB4200548
). 3. Geisbrecht, B.V., and Gould, S.J., J. Biol. Chem., 274, 30527–30533 (1999). 4. Borodovsky, A., et al., Curr. Opin. Oncol., 24, 83-89 (2012). 5. Lu, C., et al., Nature, 483, 474-478 (2012
Data Sheet - SAB4200547
2010). 3. Geisbrecht, B.V., and Gould, S.J., J. Biol. Chem., 274, 30527–30533 (1999). 4. Borodovsky, A., et al., Curr. Opin. Oncol., 24, 83-89 (2012). 5. Lu, C.,et al., Nature, 483, 474-478 (2012
Data Sheet - M9317
rabbit using a synthetic peptide corresponding to the C-terminus of human MeCP2 (amino acids 465-478) conjugated to KLH as immunogen. The sequence is conserved in rat and mouse. Anti-MeCP2 is affinity-purified
Data Sheet - 70186
Differentiation of E.coli and Aerogenes on simplified Eosin-Methylene Blue Agar, J. Infect. Dis. 23, 43, 3. N.J. Menolasino et al., 1960, Isolation and Identification of coagulase positive staphylococci
Product Information Sheet - CLZNS
Biochem. Pharmacol., 60, 471-478 (2000). 4. Teranishi, K., and Shimomura, O., Coelenterazine analogs as chemiluminescent probe for superoxide anion. Anal. Biochem., 249, 37-43 (1997). 5. Inouye, S
Data Sheet - P1431
North- Holland Pub. Co., pp. 469-478 (1975). 6. Newton, D. et al., J. Biol. Chem., 259(7), 4419- 4426 (1984). 7. Newton, D. et al., Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 845(3), 533-539 (1985). 8. Sacks
LEVINE EMB Agar (Eosin Methylene-blue Lactose Agar acc. to LEVINE), 101342 MIBIO
Arch. Dermat. Syph., 67 (5); 473-478 (1953). United States Pharmacopeia XXVI, Chapter "Microbial Limit Tests", 1985. Appearance of Colonies Microorganisms Diameter 2-3 mm, greenish metallic sheen in
Data Sheet - 31404
204, 478 (1970). 22. Walter, H. and Johansson, G., Anal. Biochem., 155, 215, (1986). 23. Sanders, F.K. and Smith, J.D., Nature, 227, 513 (1970). 24. Sasaki, S and Noguchi, H., J. Gen. Physiol., 43, 1
62087 Levine EMB Agar - Data Sheet
Differentiation of E. coli and Aerogenes on simplified Eosin-Methylene Blue Agar, J. Infect. Dis. 23, 43 (1918) 3. M. Levine, Bull. 62, Iowa State College Engr. Exp. Station. (1921) 4. J.T. Weld, Arch. Dermat
Data Sheet - 31403
204, 478 (1970). 22. Walter, H. and Johansson, G., Anal. Biochem., 155, 215, (1986). 23. Sanders, F.K. and Smith, J.D., Nature, 227, 513 (1970). 24. Sasaki, S and Noguchi, H., J. Gen. Physiol., 43, 1
Data Sheet - 31395
204, 478 (1970). 22. Walter, H. and Johansson, G., Anal. Biochem., 155, 215, (1986). 23. Sanders, F.K. and Smith, J.D., Nature, 227, 513 (1970). 24. Sasaki, S and Noguchi, H., J. Gen. Physiol., 43, 1
Data Sheet - 31396
204, 478 (1970). 22. Walter, H. and Johansson, G., Anal. Biochem., 155, 215, (1986). 23. Sanders, F.K. and Smith, J.D., Nature, 227, 513 (1970). 24. Sasaki, S and Noguchi, H., J. Gen. Physiol., 43, 1
Product Information Sheet - P2277
Krestinger, R. in Calcium Transport in Contraction and Secretion (Carafoli, E., et al ed.), pp. 46-478 (1975). 24. Newton, D. et al., J. Biol. Chem., 259, 4419-4426 (1984). 25. Newton, D. et al.
XP725 Antibody Number-Lot Number 071M4826
426 427 428 449 450 451 452 473 474 475 476 5.6 405 406 407 408 429 430 431 432 453 454 455 456 477 478 479 480 6.1 481 482 483 484 505 506 507 508 529 530 531 532 553
Culture Dishes
Chemical Constituents, and Pharmacological Activities adn Clinical Trials. I. Ross, Humana Press, 2003, 478 pp., Hard cover w w w . s ig m a - a l d r ic h . c o m L a b o ra to ry S u p
Celltransmissions Newsletter
. 25. Murthy, K.S., Biochem. J., 360, 199-208 (2001). 26. Rybalkin, S.D., et al., EMBO J., 22, 469-478 (2003). 27. Tasken, K.A., et al., J. Biol. Chem., 276, 21999-22002 (2001). 28. Dodge, K.L., et al.
Material Matters Vol. 1, No. 1
5, p 111. (3) Fetters, L. J. Monodisperse Polymers. In Encyclopedia of Polymer Science and Engineering Kroschwitz, J. I., Ed.; 2nd ed.; Wiley-Interscience: New York, 1985; Vol. 2, p 478. (4) Hadjichristidis
Integration of Experimental and Computational Microfluidics in 3D Tissue Engineering
Biorheology, Vol. 43, No. 3-4, 2006, pp. 215–222. [14] Raimondi, M. T., et al. “Engineered Cartilage Constructs Subject to Very Low Regimens of Intersti- tial Perfusion,” Biorheology, Vol. 45, No. 3-4, 2008
User Guide - Milli-Q® IX
Yearly energy con- dumption (kWh) ZIX7003T0C 60 10 413 ZIX7005T0C 100 30 434 ZIX7010T0C 200 40 478 ZIX7015T0C 300 60 518 Water consumption Depending upon the water system type and feed water
XP725 Antibody List Lot 129K4831
433 MAP1 M4278 25152 Map1a M NP_112257.1 n/d y y 310 GRK 2 G7670 25238 Adrbk1 M NP_036908.1 y n/d y 478 Myosin IX/Myr5 M5566 25486 Myo9b P NP_037116.1 n/d n/d y 667 Sin3A, N-terminal S4445 25942 SIN3A P
XP725 Antibody List Lot 129K4830
433 MAP1 M4278 25152 Map1a M NP_112257.1 n/d y y 310 GRK 2 G7670 25238 Adrbk1 M NP_036908.1 y n/d y 478 Myosin IX/Myr5 M5566 25486 Myo9b P NP_037116.1 n/d n/d y 667 Sin3A, N-terminal S4445 25942 SIN3A P
XP725 Antibody List Lot 089K4791
433 MAP1 M4278 25152 Map1a M NP_112257.1 n/d y y 310 GRK 2 G7670 25238 Adrbk1 M NP_036908.1 y n/d y 478 Myosin IX/Myr5 M5566 25486 Myo9b P NP_037116.1 n/d n/d y 667 Sin3A, N-terminal S4445 25942 SIN3A P
List of Antibodies
n/d 475 Myosin M1570 M y y y 476 Myosin Iβ (Nuclear) M3567 P y y y 477 Myosin IIA M8064 P y n/d y 478 Myosin IX/Myr5 M5566 P n/d n/d y 479 Negative Control NA 480 Anti Cy3+Cy5 C0992 M NA NA NA 481 Myosin
Validation of Milliflex Quantum for bioburden testing of pharmaceutical products - PDA Journal of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology 2017 71 206-224 (Oliver Gordon et al)
Bioaerosol Detection System for Heat- Stressed Bacteria. PDA J. Pharm. Sci. Technol. 2014, 68 (5), 478 – 493. 28. Bhusari, P. K.; Tabor, D. E.; Yamagata, R.; Ga- linski, M. S. Application of Flow Cytometry
XP725 Antibody List
203693.3,NP_032685.1 P y y y 477 Myosin IIA M8064 4627, 25745 Myh9,MYH9 NP_002464.1,NP_037326.1 P y n/d y 478 Myosin IX/Myr5 M5566 25486 Myo9b NP_037116.1 P n/d n/d y 479 Negative Control 480 Anti Cy3+Cy5 481
XP725 Antibody List 013M4793
203693.3,NP_032685.1 P y y y 477 Myosin IIA M8064 4627, 25745 Myh9,MYH9 NP_002464.1,NP_037326.1 P y n/d y 478 Myosin IX/Myr5 M5566 25486 Myo9b NP_037116.1 P n/d n/d y 479 Negative Control NA 480 Anti Cy3+Cy5 C0992
XP725 Worksheet for Lot Number 071M4826
Dystrophin D8043 477 3 2 6 5 E2F1 E9026 478 3 2 6 6 E2F1 E9026 479 3 2 6 7 Anti CY3/5 C0992�
Halal Certificate
Halal-ID Product Certificate # 478. CIS-3-HEXENYL CIS-3-HEXENOATE 95%, FG W368903 A56022 HC-22SIZZ36 479. CIS-3-HEXENYL FORMATE W335304 C42596 HC-22SICY41 480. CIS-3-HEXENYL HEXANOATE 98%, FG W340308
Halal Certificate
Halal-ID Product Certificate # 478. CIS-3-HEXENYL CIS-3-HEXENOATE 95%, FG W368903 A56022 HC-24SIE238 479. CIS-3-HEXENYL FORMATE W335304 C42596 HC-24SI6343 480. CIS-3-HEXENYL HEXANOATE 98%, FG W340308
Chrombook 2015 - The world of chromatography in your hands
mV] 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 [min] Purospher® STAR RP-18 endcapped A B 0 5 10 15 20 25 [mV] 1. 55