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Showing 1-9 of 9 results for "634565ALDRICH" within Site Content
Nanomaterials for Energy Storage in Lithium-ion Battery Applications
Nanomaterials for Energy Storage in Lithium-ion Battery Applications
DOE's Materials Research for Advanced Lithium Ion Batteries
HEVs address rising fuel costs and emissions concerns, utilizing battery packs alongside internal combustion engines for enhanced performance.
Solid-State Rechargeable Batteries
Solid-state Li batteries: Review of solid electrolytes, ion conduction, structures, and electrochemical processes.
Electrode Materials for Li-ion Batteries
Solid oxide fuel cells and electrolyzers show potential for chemical-to-electrical energy conversion, despite early development stages.
Safer High-performance Electrodes, Solid Electrolytes, and Interface Reactions for Lithium-ion Batteries
Li-ion batteries are currently the focus of numerous research efforts with applications designed to reduce carbon-based emissions and improve energy storage capabilities.
Olivine-Type Cathode Materials for Li-Ion Batteries
Lithium-ion batteries offer high energy density and cyclic performance for portable electronic devices.
Scaling Up High-Energy Cathode Materials for Electric Vehicles
The critical technical challenges associated with the commercialization of electric vehicle batteries include cost, performance, abuse tolerance, and lifespan.
Nanostructured Olivine-based Cathode Materials for Lithium-ion Batteries
Due to the adverse impact of the continued use of fossil fuels on the earth’s environment and climate, researchers have been asked to develop new approaches for producing power using renewable sources like wind and solar energy
Ionic Liquids for Rechargeable Batteries
Ionic liquid electrolytes explored for rechargeable batteries' advancement; future IL development discussed.