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Showing 1-30 of 234 results for "71-91-0" within Technical Documents
The Effective Use of Protein Kinase Inhibitors
69 90 100 58 60 1 0 0 0 80 36 102 110 77 70 93 99 21 34 99 78 85 79 91 96 86 98 58 68 46 7 97 22 11 15 19 0 1
The Effective Use of Protein Kinase Inhibitors
69 90 100 58 60 1 0 0 0 80 36 102 110 77 70 93 99 21 34 99 78 85 79 91 96 86 98 58 68 46 7 97 22 11 15 19 0 1
Poster: A Novel Serum-Free and Animal Component-Free Culture Medium for the Propagation and Maintenance of Human Embryonic Stem Cells
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2 27 ) (2 65 ) (2 68 ) (2 71 ) (2 70 ) (2 77 ) (2 76 ) 14 0. 12 14 0. 91 14 4. 24 (1 45 ) 15 0. 36 15 1. 96
2 27 ) (2 65 ) (2 68 ) (2 71 ) (2 70 ) (2 77 ) (2 76 ) 14 0. 12 14 0. 91 14 4. 24 (1 45 ) 15 0. 36 15 1. 96
2 27 ) (2 65 ) (2 68 ) (2 71 ) (2 70 ) (2 77 ) (2 76 ) 14 0. 12 14 0. 91 14 4. 24 (1 45 ) 15 0. 36 15 1. 96
Periodic Table of the Elements - Certipur ICP multi-element standards according to USP <232> - EMD
3 [Xe] 4f146s2 71 174.97 1652 3402 1.14Lu 3 [Xe] 4f145d16s2 89 *227.03 1050 3198 1.00Ac 3 [Rn] 6d17s2 90 *232.04 1842 4788 1.11Th 4 [Rn] 6d27s2 91 *231.04 1568 4027
Data Sheet - 78436
Bangalore: (+91) 80 6621 9600 New Delhi: (+91) 11 4165 4255 Mumbai: (+91) 22 2570 2364 Hyderabad: (+91) 40 6684 5488 Fax Bangalore: (+91) 80 6621 9650 New Delhi: (+91) 11 4165 4266 Mumbai: (+91) 22 2579
Data Sheet - D9786 - Lot 88H88101
40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 m/z Abundance 42 44 65 71 91 106
MILLIPLEX®MAP Human Myokine Panel is an optimized quantitative immunoassay that simultaneously measures 15 novel muscle-secreted factors
00 0 7, 00 0 8, 00 0 9, 00 0 0 50 ,0 00 10 0, 00 0 15 0, 00 0 20 0, 00 0 25 0, 00 0 30 0, 00 010 10 0 1, 00 0 10 ,0 00 10 0, 00 0 10 10 0 1, 00 0 10 ,0 00
Data Sheet - C6292 - Lot 041H4854
cell types. Caldesmon occurs in both a high molecular weight (120-150 kD) and a low molecular weight (71-80 kD) form, depending on the tissue in which it is located. Caldesmon plays a major role in the regulation
Data Sheet - D9786 - Lot 72K8821
Spectrum 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 m/z Abundance 42 44 65 71 91 106 117 130
Data Sheet - D9786 - Lot 072K8821
Spectrum 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 m/z Abundance 42 44 65 71 91 106
Periodic table A4
4f146s2 71 174.97 1663 3402 1.14 Lu 3 [Xe] 4f145d16s2 89 *227.03 1050 3198 1.00 Ac 3 [Rn] 6d17s2 90 *232.04 1750 4788 1.11 Th 4 [Rn] 6d27s2
Buchwald Portfolio - Precatalysts and Ligands
49) 89 6513 0 Fax: (+49) 89 6513 1169 Hungary Tel: (+36) 1 235 9055 Fax: (+36) 1 235 9068 India Telephone Bangalore: (+91) 80 6621 9400 New Delhi: (+91) 11 4358 8000 Mumbai: (+91) 22 4087 2364
Clarisolve®mPAA Polymer: A Stimulus-Responsive Flocculation Polymer for Cell Culture Clarification
for mPAA treated feed: 92% vs 71% reduction, Figure 6), however, HuMAb recovery showed a lower impact for Millistak+® HC X0HC filters (for pDADMAC treated feed: 84% vs 71% recovery and for mPAA treated
User Guide-RAB0431
Serum 79 71-87 Plasma 77 71-79 Cell Culture Supernatants 82 78-86 Linearity Sample Type Serum Plasma Cell Culture Supernatants 1:2 Average % of Expected 99 91 85 Range (%) 91-107 83-103
Fast GC-A Practical Guide for Increasing Sample Throughput without Sacrificing Quality
49) 89 6513 0 Fax: (+49) 89 6513 1169 Hungary Tel: (+36) 1 235 9055 Fax: (+36) 1 235 9068 India Telephone Bangalore: (+91) 80 6621 9400 New Delhi: (+91) 11 4358 8000 Mumbai: (+91) 22 4087 2364
Periodic table Poster
3 [Xe] 4f146s2 71 174.97 1663 3402 1.14Lu 3 [Xe] 4f145d16s2 89 *227.03 1050 3198 1.00Ac 3 [Rn] 6d17s2 90 *232.04 1750 4788 1.11Th 4 [Rn] 6d27s2 91 *231.04 1572
Transferpette Electronic Pipette Leaflet
1 - 20 µl 7056 71 7056 78 7033 80 7033 41 5 - 100 µl 7056 62 7056 82 7034 91 7056 44 10 - 200 µl 7056 63 7056
Transferpette 8-Channel Electronic Pipette Leaflet
1 - 20 µl 7056 71 7056 78 7033 80 7033 41 5 - 100 µl 7056 62 7056 82 7034 91 7056 44 10 - 200 µl 7056 63 7056
Data Sheet - 55661
Bangalore: (+91) 80 6621 9600 New Delhi: (+91) 11 4165 4255 Mumbai: (+91) 22 2570 2364 Hyderabad: (+91) 40 6684 5488 Fax Bangalore: (+91) 80 6621 9650 New Delhi: (+91) 11 4165 4266 Mumbai: (+91) 22 2579
Data Sheet - 62533
Bangalore: (+91) 80 6621 9600 New Delhi: (+91) 11 4165 4255 Mumbai: (+91) 22 2570 2364 Hyderabad: (+91) 40 6684 5488 Fax Bangalore: (+91) 80 6621 9650 New Delhi: (+91) 11 4165 4266 Mumbai: (+91) 22 2579
Data Sheet - 16593
Bangalore: (+91) 80 6621 9600 New Delhi: (+91) 11 4165 4255 Mumbai: (+91) 22 2570 2364 Hyderabad: (+91) 40 6684 5488 Fax Bangalore: (+91) 80 6621 9650 New Delhi: (+91) 11 4165 4266 Mumbai: (+91) 22 2579
Data Sheet - 56917
Bangalore: (+91) 80 6621 9600 New Delhi: (+91) 11 4165 4255 Mumbai: (+91) 22 2570 2364 Hyderabad: (+91) 40 6684 5488 Fax Bangalore: (+91) 80 6621 9650 New Delhi: (+91) 11 4165 4266 Mumbai: (+91) 22 2579
Data Sheet - 49699
Bangalore: (+91) 80 6621 9600 New Delhi: (+91) 11 4165 4255 Mumbai: (+91) 22 2570 2364 Hyderabad: (+91) 40 6684 5488 Fax Bangalore: (+91) 80 6621 9650 New Delhi: (+91) 11 4165 4266 Mumbai: (+91) 22 2579
Data Sheet - 61397
Bangalore: (+91) 80 6621 9600 New Delhi: (+91) 11 4165 4255 Mumbai: (+91) 22 2570 2364 Hyderabad: (+91) 40 6684 5488 Fax Bangalore: (+91) 80 6621 9650 New Delhi: (+91) 11 4165 4266 Mumbai: (+91) 22 2579
Data Sheet - 07190
Bangalore: (+91) 80 6621 9600 New Delhi: (+91) 11 4165 4255 Mumbai: (+91) 22 2570 2364 Hyderabad: (+91) 40 6684 5488 Fax Bangalore: (+91) 80 6621 9650 New Delhi: (+91) 11 4165 4266 Mumbai: (+91) 22 2579
Data Sheet - 59744
Bangalore: (+91) 80 6621 9600 New Delhi: (+91) 11 4165 4255 Mumbai: (+91) 22 2570 2364 Hyderabad: (+91) 40 6684 5488 Fax Bangalore: (+91) 80 6621 9650 New Delhi: (+91) 11 4165 4266 Mumbai: (+91) 22 2579
Data Sheet - 55662
Bangalore: (+91) 80 6621 9600 New Delhi: (+91) 11 4165 4255 Mumbai: (+91) 22 2570 2364 Hyderabad: (+91) 40 6684 5488 Fax Bangalore: (+91) 80 6621 9650 New Delhi: (+91) 11 4165 4266 Mumbai: (+91) 22 2579
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