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Showing 1-5 of 5 results for "753955ALDRICH" within Site Content
Optoelectronic Devices with DPP-containing Molecules
Organic materials in optoelectronic devices like LEDs and solar cells are of significant academic and commercial interest.
Polymer-Sorted Carbon Nanotubes
SWCNTs show promise in FETs, solar cells, and photodetectors due to their ultrafast charge transport mobility.
Soluble Pentacene Precursors
Fabrication procedure of organic field effect transistor device using a soluble pentacene precursor.
Development of Small Molecule Donors for Solution-Processed Organic Solar Cells
Solution-processed organic photovoltaic devices (OPVs) have emerged as a promising clean energy generating technology due to their ease of fabrication, potential to enable low-cost manufacturing via printing or coating techniques, and ability to be incorporated onto light weight, flexible substrates.
Nanoparticle Zinc Oxide ET Layers for Org. Photodet.
Progress in solution-processed functional materials leads to thin-film optoelectronic devices for industrial and consumer electronics.