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Showing 1-30 of 424 results for "83-32-9" within Technical Documents
SMC®Plate Washer Evaluation Kit
73 83 73 70 83 65 70 84 66 87 74 8 11 G 78 62 55 44 68 51 56 54 55 68 62 83 61 11 18 H 97 76 89 77 80 83 85 71
The Effective Use of Protein Kinase Inhibitors
SGK 25 109 92 81 78 91 111 90 83 98 101 72 35 108 99 100 21 63 26 S6K1 0 94 32 98 93 92 86 100 87 75 106 81 25 109 95 101 6 32
The Effective Use of Protein Kinase Inhibitors
SGK 25 109 92 81 78 91 111 90 83 98 101 72 35 108 99 100 21 63 26 S6K1 0 94 32 98 93 92 86 100 87 75 106 81 25 109 95 101 6 32
15 .9 99 18 .9 98 20 .1 80 4. 00 26 26 .9 82 28 .0 85 30 .9 74 32 .0 6 35 .4 5 39 .9 48 69 .7 23 72 .6 3 74 .9
15 .9 99 18 .9 98 20 .1 80 4. 00 26 26 .9 82 28 .0 85 30 .9 74 32 .0 6 35 .4 5 39 .9 48 69 .7 23 72 .6 3 74 .9
15 .9 99 18 .9 98 20 .1 80 4. 00 26 26 .9 82 28 .0 85 30 .9 74 32 .0 6 35 .4 5 39 .9 48 69 .7 23 72 .6 3 74 .9
Data Sheet - D1689
401,127-128 (1999). 9. Wang IK, et al., Induction of apoptosis by lovastatin through activation of caspase-3 and DNase II in leukaemia HL-60 cells. Pharmacol Toxicol., 86, 83- 91 (2000). 10. Shiokawa
Data Sheet - T0950
H.C., et al., Nature, 356, 80-83 (1992). 7. Felix, M.A., et al., J. Cell Biol., 124, 19-31 (1994). 8. Stearns, T., and Kirschner, M., Cell, 76, 623-637 (1994). 9. Oakley, B.R., Nature, 378, 555
Data Sheet - T1450
, 65, 817-823 (1991). 7. Joshi, H.C., et al., Nature, 356, 80-83 (1992). 8. Felix, M.A., et al., J. Cell Biol., 124, 19-31 (1994). 9. Stearns, T., and Kirschner, M., Cell, 76, 623-637 (1994)
Product Information Sheet - T4DNAPOL-RO
see section, Contact and Support. 12 21 .1 10 06 83 50 01 19 4. Supplementary Information y Version: 19 T4 DNA Polymerase from T4 plasmid
MILLIPLEX®MAP Human Myokine Panel is an optimized quantitative immunoassay that simultaneously measures 15 novel muscle-secreted factors
23 13635 18 16 120 44 30 96 17 49 28 37 32 136 27 BDNF std 4 17z 9 307 13 112 40 26 84 13 35 23 36 26 117 22 16 12 347 15
Anti-NeuN, clone A60 - Data Sheet
et al., J Neuroscience Research (2006) 83:318-331. 82) Sakaguchi, M, et al., PNAS (2006) 103:7112-7117. 83) Koizumi, H., et al., Nature Neuroscience (2006) 9:779-786. 84) Goetz, A., et al., PNAS
Anti-Tau-1, clone PC1C6 - Data Sheet
Motility and the Cytoskeleton 8:210. 7. Wood, J.G. et al. (1986) PNAS.USA 83:4040. 8. Grundke, Iqbal et al. (1986) PNAS.USA 83:4913. 9. Shelanski, M.L. et al. (1973) PNAS.USA 70:765. 10. Hsu, S. et al.
Fast GC-A Practical Guide for Increasing Sample Throughput without Sacrificing Quality
82 83 84,85 86 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.02.0 Min 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18,19
Anti-Cannabinoid Receptor 2 produced in rabbit affinity isolated antibody
Twitchell, W., et al., J. Neurophysiol., 78, 43-50 (1997). 3. Tsou, K., et al., Neuroscience, 83, 393-411 (1998). 4. Pertwee, R.G., Curr. Med. Chem., 6, 635-664 (1999). 5. 5. Lu, Q., et al.
Product Information Sheet - C0150
Characterization of Cathepsin B and collagenolytic cathepsin from human placenta. Eur. J. Biochem., 83(1), 87-97 (1978). 2. Etherington, D. J., Bovine spleen cathepsin B1 and collagenolytic cathepsin
Product Information Sheet - C27101
Deutschland Telefon: 0800 – 776 66 23 (gebührenfrei) Fax: 0800 – 100 83 06 (gebührenfrei) France Téléphone: 0800 90 93 32 (ligne verte) Téléfax: 0800 90 27 36 (ligne verte) United Kingdom Phone
Detection of low-level bacterial contamination on stainless steel using ICR Swabs and Contact Plates
. coli 130 10 13 13 21 16 15 3 of 3 650 36 29 41 61 56 55 3 of 3 P. aeruginosa 32 1 3 1 8 6 0 3 of 3 228 3 9
Data Sheet - T9533
Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 77, 5258 (1980). 9. Pike, L., et al., J.Biol. Chem., 257, 14628 (1982). 10. Ibbotson, K., et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 83, 2228 (1986). 11. Schreiber, A., et al.
Data Sheet - SAB4200719
9. Iorio V., et al., Adv Wound Care (New Rochelle), 4, 250-63 (2015). 10. Halper J. and Kjaer M., Adv Exp Med Biol., 802, 31-47 (2014). 11. Aumailley M., Matrix Biol., 24, 326-32 (2005)
Data Sheet - T7924
Biol. Chem., 257, 14628 (1982). 11. Ibbotson, K., et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 83, 2228 (1986). 12. Schreiber, A., et al., Science, 232, 1250 (1986). 13. Kobrin, M., et al., J. Biol. Chem
Periodic table Poster
.44Tl 1, 3 [Xe] 4f145d106s26p1 82 207.2 327.46 1749 1.55Pb 2, 4 [Xe] 4f145d106s26p2 83 208.98 271.4 1564 1.67Bi 3, 5 [Xe] 4f145d106s26p3 84 *208.98 254 962 1.76Po 2, 4, 6
Data Sheet - SAB4200767
12, 472-83 (2016). 2. Chen X., et al., Front Aging Neurosci., 8, 129 (2016). 3. Singh K., et al., Breast Cancer Res., 17, 27 (2015). 4. Stoka V., et al., Ageing
MF-Millipore Filters: A biologically inert mixture of cellulose acetate and cellulose nitrate
.42 50 35 32 28 17 16 16 12 10 8 6 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 135 135 18 32 60 60 140 190 190 270 320 580 620 2 3
User Guide-RAB0555
are as follows: Sample Type Average % Recovery Range (%) Serum 98 83-113 Plasma 89 74-103 Cell Culture Supernatants 94 83-109 Linearity Sample Type Serum Plasma Cell Culture Supernatants
Product Information Sheet - T5326
Rather, it is located at the MTOC.1, 6-8 γ-Tubulin shares 28-32% identity with α-tubulin from various organisms and 32-36% identity with β-tubulins. Some regions (including regions thought
Datasheet - T3526
microtubules. Rather, it is located at the MTOC.1, 6-8 γ-Tubulin shares 28-32% identity with α-tubulin from various organisms and 32-36% identity with β-tubulins. Some regions (including regions thought
Glasgow's Minimum Essential Medium (GMEM) Product Information EMD
dihydrochloride 30925-07-6 0.03129 3 L-Glutamine 56-85-9 0.29200 4 L-Histidine hydrochloride monohydrate 5934-29-2 0.02100 5 L-Isoleucine 73-32-5 0.05240 6 L-Leucine 61-90-5 0.05240 7 L-Lysine
Product Information Sheet - CS0660
.18 1.25 97 1:16 0.49 0.59 83 Specificity • The Phospho-IκBα [pSer32] ELISA is specific for measurement of human IκBα, which is phosphorylated on serine 32. • The reactivity of this ELISA
An Update on Ligands for Prostanoid Receptors
2 , 20 04 O rd er : 1- 80 0- 32 5- 30 10 Te ch ni ca l S er vi ce : 1- 80 0- 32 5-
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