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Showing 1-16 of 16 results for "920-39-8" within Technical Documents
TB070VM pET-24a-d(+) Vector Map
4514 5241 Tsp509I 20 Tth111I 1 2910 Tth111II 8 903 1596 2626 3755 3762 3794 4203 4330 UbaJI 18 VspI 5 325 1749 1808 4566 4755 XbaI 1 276 XcmI 3 920 1436 1454 XhoI 1 158 XmnI 2 2723 4756 Enzymes
Bulletin - DAX01
Adenocarcinoma Cell Invasion (Adv. Healthcare Mater. 6/2013). Advanced Healthcare Materials, 2013. 2(6): p. 920-920. 18. Chung, S., et al., Cell migration into scaffolds under co-culture conditions in a microfluidic
Periodic Table of the Elements - Certipur ICP multi-element standards according to USP <232> - EMD
268.14 Mt 110 *281 Ds 111 *280 Rg 112 *285 Cn 57 138.91 920 3464 1.08La
TB036VM pET-21a-d(+) Vector Map
TseI 26 Tsp45I 8 1245 2073 2604 2817 2912 4314 4525 5374 Tsp509I 16 Tth111I 1 2910 Tth111II 6 903 1596 2626 3755 3762 3794 UbaJI 20 VspI 4 325 1749 1808 4230 XbaI 1 276 XcmI 3 920 1436 1454 XhoI
Periodic table A4
Rg [Rn] 5f146d97s2 112 *285 Cn [Rn] 5f146d107s2 57 138.91 920 3464 1.08 La 3 [Xe] 5d16s2 58 140.12 799 3443 1.08 Ce 3
Dental Application Brochure
Monomer Precursors Methacrylic anhydride Precursor 760-93-0 Methacryloyl chloride Precursor 920-46-7 Acrylic acid Precursor 79-10-7 Methacrylic acid Precursor 79-41-4 4 Inorganic
Periodic table Poster
111 *280 Rg [Rn] 5f146d97s2 112 *285 Cn [Rn] 5f146d107s2 57 138.91 920 3464 1.08La 3 [Xe] 5d16s2 58 140.12 799 3443 1.08Ce 3, 4
PKH Dye Reference Guide
aggregation and linkage in collagen gel culture of porcine follicle cells. Endocrinology 1993; 133: 914-920. 138. Tomasetto C, Neveu MJ, Daley J, Horan PK, Sager R: Specificity of gap junction communication
Mass Spectra Stable Isotopes products
MSMS 90.04ES+ 92090.1 50.3 51.4 60.1 9: TOF MSMS 94.04ES+ 3.23e3 9: TOF MSMS 90.04ES+ 920 4 m/z 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150
Solutions for Milk Testing Chinese National Standard test methods 2015-3 (EMD version)
add ACN to volume, filter solution (0.45 µm filter) prior analysis. Pressure Drop: 63 Bar (920 psi) 26 EMD Millipore is a division of Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany
Bioreactor Systems for Bone Tissue Engineering
J.P. Tissue engineering. Science 260, 920, 1993. 4. Drosse, I., et al. Tissue engineering for bone defect healing: an update on a multi-component approach. Injury 39 Suppl 2, S9, 2008. 5. Stoddart
Inhibitor Sourcebook 3rd Edition
some degree of isozyme specificity (IC50 = 8 nM for PKCa, 8 nM for PKCßI, 14 nM for PKCßII, 13 nM for PKCg, and 39 nM for PKC). 1 mg Ro-32-0432 557525 3-(8-((dimethylamino)methyl)-6,7,8,9-tetrahydropyrido
XP725 Worksheet for Lot Number 071M4826
4 1 4 LRRK2 (PARK8) L3044 917 5 4 1 5 MRP1 M9192 918 5 4 1 6 MRP1 M9192 919 5 4 1 7 MRP2 M3692 920 5 4 1 8 MRP2 M3692 921 5 4 2 1 aMSH M0939 922 5 4 2 2
Perfection in every dimension 2014. Inorganic reagents Catalogue
rods 282 Polyvidone CAS No. Content Packaging Ord. No. Polyvidone 25 Ph Eur, BP 9003-39-8 100 g Plastic bottle 1.07443.0100 1 kg Plastic bottle 1.07443.1000 Application advice Polyvidone
Halal Certificate
FCC, FG W276200 A52411 HC-22SIDX12 919. MYRISTIC ACID 95%, FCC, FG W276405 A16221 HC-22SILV73 920. MYRISTIC ACID NATURAL W276413 B56499 HC-22SIGA59 921. N-Amyl Octanoate W207918 C32917 HC-22SIWR18
Halal Certificate
FCC, FG W276200 A52411 HC-24SIGP14 919. MYRISTIC ACID 95%, FCC, FG W276405 A16221 HC-24SICZ75 920. MYRISTIC ACID NATURAL W276413 B56499 HC-24SIKP61 921. N-Amyl Octanoate W207918 C32917 HC-24SI2E20