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Showing 1-30 of 1099 results for "93-11-8" within Technical Documents
Data Sheet - A8111
Haemost., 91(3): 450–456 (2004). 11. De Taeye, B. et al., Curr. Opin. Pharmacol., 5(2): 149-154 (2005). 12. Dellas, C., and Loskutoff, D.J., Thromb. Haemost., 93(4): 631-640 (2005).
Quality Control Range Sheet- HSP2-110 and HSP2-210
Control II 64500 - 133961 pg/mL IL-1α Control I 93 - 194 pg/mL Control II 509 - 1057 pg/mL IL-8 Control
25 23 2. 04 23 1. 04 23 8. 03 (2 37 ) (2 44 ) (2 43 ) (2 47 ) 58 .6 93 63 .5 46 65 .3 8 10 6. 42 10 7. 87
25 23 2. 04 23 1. 04 23 8. 03 (2 37 ) (2 44 ) (2 43 ) (2 47 ) 58 .6 93 63 .5 46 65 .3 8 10 6. 42 10 7. 87
25 23 2. 04 23 1. 04 23 8. 03 (2 37 ) (2 44 ) (2 43 ) (2 47 ) 58 .6 93 63 .5 46 65 .3 8 10 6. 42 10 7. 87
Product Information Sheet-11685597910
available in US 11 112 481 001 Streptavidin-POD Conjugate, 500 U 11 089 153 001 1,4-Dithiothreitol 2 g 10 197 777 001 10 g 10 708 984 001 25 g 11 583 786 001 05 21 .1 16 93 06
CAPASE 6 HUMAN RECOMBINANT C-terminal histidine tagged protein Expressed in E. coli
27099- 27106 (1996). 8. Fernandes-Alnemri, T., et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 93, 7464-7469 (1996). 9. Srinivasula, S.M., et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 93, 14486-14491 (1996). 10
Spare parts for Mobius®Bioreactors (50 L, 200 L, 1000 L & 2000 L)
4 175HC1 176HC1 177HC1 11 2Q 1 11 2Q 2 11 2Q 3 11 2Q 4 11 2Q 5 11 1Q 3 11 1Q 4 11 2Q 6 11 2Q 7 11 2Q
The Effective Use of Protein Kinase Inhibitors
91 96 86 98 58 68 46 7 97 22 11 15 19 0 1 77 8 53 94 89 87 116 91 104 71 50 3 4 13 3 95 78 38 65 34 91 93 96 66
Verfication summary-03-0202-00
5.8 4% 105% HMN713787 2 MRD (1:4) 45.07 4.9 11% 180.27 19.7 11% - 3 1:8 20.18 2.1 11% 161.45 17.1 11% 90% 3 1:16 9.88 0.7 8% 158.15 12.0 8% 88% 3 1:32 5.75 0.9
Verfication summary-03-0202-00
5.8 4% 105% HMN713787 2 MRD (1:4) 45.07 4.9 11% 180.27 19.7 11% - 3 1:8 20.18 2.1 11% 161.45 17.1 11% 90% 3 1:16 9.88 0.7 8% 158.15 12.0 8% 88% 3 1:32 5.75 0.9
Data Sheet - A1848
et al., Blood, 89, 2706 (1997). 6. Cortes, F., et al., Blood, 93, 826 (1999). 7. Patel, D.D., et al., J. Exp. Med., 181, 1563 (1995). 8. Levesque, M.C., Arthritis Rheum., 41, 2221 (1998). 9. Sekine-Aizawa
The Effective Use of Protein Kinase Inhibitors
91 96 86 98 58 68 46 7 97 22 11 15 19 0 1 77 8 53 94 89 87 116 91 104 71 50 3 4 13 3 95 78 38 65 34 91 93 96 66
Data Sheet - 01993
latte, 7/93, 770 7. C. Cantoni, et at., Comparazione tra vari terreni selettivi per l'isolamento di salmonella sp da funghi biologici e da alimenti. - Ingegneria Alimentare, 3/93, 35 8. G. Caserio
Data Sheet - 84369
latte, 7/93, 770 7. C. Cantoni, et at., Comparazione tra vari terreni selettivi per l'isolamento di salmonella sp da funghi biologici e da alimenti. - Ingegneria Alimentare, 3/93, 35 8. G. Caserio
DWK Tissue Grinders Product Information Sheet
• Muscle, skin, heart and intestine • Autoclavable 358103 358107 358111 358115 11 x 49 11 x 86 13 x 93 18 x 114 130 220 220 240 1 3 5 15 1 1 1 1 Tapered PTFE • Tapered PTFE
High throughput sample preparation for the quantitation of drug compounds in serum samples
96±2% 98±3% 88±11% 97±3% 96±3% 81±6% Taxol 92±3% 92±2% 96±10% 91±2% 90±2% 99±9% Testosterone 106±3% 93±2% 104±11 102±2% 90±2% 88±8% Verapamil 90±3% 96±2% 99±14% 91±2% 95±2% 102±11% Warfarin 92±
MILLIPLEX®MAP Human Myokine Panel is an optimized quantitative immunoassay that simultaneously measures 15 novel muscle-secreted factors
27 91 16 45 25 31 29 125 26 std 5 20 11 15 15 108 4085 27 93 16 46 24 31 29 125 25 19 12 15 16 111 4059 27 90 15 44 25
Product Information Sheet-04693124001
7.8 85 96 Pronase 0.005 7.8 92 98 Thermolysin 0.0005 7.8 98 98 Chymotrypsin 0.0015 7.8 85 93 0.003 7.8 90 93 Papain 0.33 7.8 66 77 The inhibitory power of cOmplete, Mini has been demonstrated with
Product Information Sheet-11836153001
plant tissues or cells, yeast, and bacteria Cat. No. 11 836 153 001 25 tablets in a glass vial for 10 ml each Store product at +2 to +8°C.
Data Sheet - C8351
. Acad. Sci. USA, 93, 7464-7469 (1996). 3. Talanian, R.V., et al., J. Exp. Med., 186, 1323-1331 (1997). 4. Srinivasula, S.M., et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 93, 14486-14491 (1996).
Data Sheet - F0300
, et. al., Mol. Cell Biol., 11, 4627 (1991). 8. Hanneken, A., et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 91, 9170 (1994). 9. Levi, E., et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 93, 7069 (1996). 10. Zimmer
Data Sheet - F6796
et. al., Mol. Cell Biol., 11, 4627 (1991). 8. Hanneken, A., et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 91, 9170 (1994). 9. Levi, E., et. al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 93, 7069 (1996). 10. Zimmer
Data Sheet - C9179 - Lot 092H4810
Histochemistry, 95, 613 (1991). 8. Lane, E.B., and Alexander, C.M., Sem. Canc. Biol., 1, 165 (1990). 9. Wetzels, R.H.W., et al., Histopathol., 20, 295 (1992). 10. Smed 11. Moll, Sigma
Data Sheet - S9571
Anti-SUMO-2 is produced in rabbit using as immunogen a synthetic peptide corresponding to amino acids 80-93 located at the C-terminal of human SUMO-2 (GeneID: 6613), conjugated to KLH. This sequence is identical
Using the Mastercycler® X50 and Its 2D-Gradient to Increase Yield and Specificity of Your PCR
61.2/95 63.9/95 66.5/95 68.5/95 69.7/95 70.3/95 93 49.9/93 50.3/93 51.5/93 53.4/93 56.2/93 58.8/93 61.2/93 63.9/93 66.5/93 68.5/93 69.7/93 70.3/93 91.5 49.9/91.5 50.3/91.5 51.5/91.5 53.4/91.5 56.2
Product Information Sheet - D106208
Abstr. 1962, 57, 3550i. 7) Wolfram, M.L. et al. J. Org. Chem. 1971, 93, 1490. 8) Corey, E.J. et al. J. Amer. Chem. Soc. 1971, 93, 1490. 9) Methoden der Organischen Chemie (Houben-Weyl); Mueller, E.
Straightforward PCR optimization and highly flexible operation on the dual block thermocycler Mastercycler® nexus GX2
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 M 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1000 500 50 (1) 64-well block 32-well block (2)
Caspase 8 human (C1099)
Martin, D.A., et al., J. Biol. Chem., 273(8), 4345- 4349 (1998). 10. Srinivasula, S.M., et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 93(25), 14486-14491 (1996). 11. Muzio, M., et al., J. Biol. Chem., 272
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