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Showing 1-30 of 2192 results for "96-17-3" within Technical Documents
Automated Protocol for Extract-N-Amp Tissue PCR Kits Using the Biomek FX (Beckman Coulter)
setup for 96 tissue samples. Page 3 of 17 II. Product Components III. Storage
Product Information Sheet - XNAT2R
setup for 96 tissue samples. Page 3 of 17 II. Product Components III. Storage
Automated Protocol for Extract-N-Amp Tissue PCR Kits
setup for 96 tissue samples. Page 3 of 17 II. Product Components III. Storage
Magna ChIP™ HT96
plate (1) Plate seals (3) Strip caps (12) Magna ChIP™ HT96 Thermal Plate Set 17-10458 96-well Thermal Plate (1) Strip caps (12) Magna ChIP™ HT96 ChIP Plate Set 17-10459 96-well ChIP plates (2)
EZ-Magna ChIP™ HT96 (Cat. No. 17-10078)
plate (1) Plate seals (3) Strip caps (12) Magna ChIP™ HT96 Thermal Plate Set 17-10458 96-well Thermal Plate (1) Strip caps (12) Magna ChIP™ HT96 ChIP Plate Set 17-10459 96-well ChIP plates (2)
Magna ChIP™ HT96 (Cat. No. 17-10077)
plate (1) Plate seals (3) Strip caps (12) Magna ChIP™ HT96 Thermal Plate Set 17-10458 96-well Thermal Plate (1) Strip caps (12) Magna ChIP™ HT96 ChIP Plate Set 17-10459 96-well ChIP plates (2)
User Guide 1.06887
3 min Ethanol 96 % 30 sec Ethanol 96 % 30 sec Papanicolaou’s solution 3a polychromatic solution EA 31 or Papanicolaou’s solution 3b polychromatic solution EA 50 3 min Ethanol 96 % 30
User Guide (IFU) - 1.06888
3 min Ethanol 96 % 30 sec Ethanol 96 % 30 sec Papanicolaou’s solution 3a polychromatic solution EA 31 or Papanicolaou’s solution 3b polychromatic solution EA 50 3 min Ethanol 96 % 30
Magna ChIP™ HiSens Kits
isolation 17-10078 Magna ChIP™ HT96 ChIP and Thermal Plate Set Magna ChIP™ HT96 kit accessory to allow running of partial plates. Inlcudes 96-well Thermal Plate and set of Strip Caps, 96-well ChIP
STAR Phospho-p53 (Ser15) ELISA Kit
Microsoft Word - 17-475-manual.doc Instruction Manual  For  STAR Phospho‐p53 (Ser15) ELISA Kit    Catalog # 17‐475  Sufficient reagents for 96 assays per kit Contents
Product Information Sheet - CASP8C
60 minutes or even longer for very dilute samples). 3 Table 1. Reaction Scheme for 96 Well Plate Microassay Method
EdU Cell Proliferation Assay
of 3% BSA in PBS. 5. Proceed to Fluorescent EdU Detection steps. 6 Flow Cytometry I. EdU Incorporation Procedure 1. Plate cells
Spare parts for Mobius®Bioreactors (50 L, 200 L, 1000 L & 2000 L)
One among 17 to 38 depending on bioreactor configuration (cap included —not shown) (nipple only) 86 1 91 97 82 57 83 96 87 80 52 51
FlowCellect™ Mouse Th17 Differentiation Tool Kit
plate. 17. Incubate at 37ºC in a CO2 humidified incubator for 3-5 hours. 18. Harvest cells for analysis. This step can be scaled up or down using 6- or 96-well plates as follows;
Product Information Sheet - CASP3C
For assays using 96-well plates, dilute the 2 mM stock solution to 200 µM with 1× Assay Buffer. • Caspase 3 positive control: o Reconstitute the vial (5 µg) with 50 µL
H2A.X Phosphorylation Assay Kit Chemiluminescence Detection
Chemiluminescence Detection Catalog #17-327 Chemiluminescent ELISA System for Detection of DNA Double-Strand Breaks and/or Apoptosis. Sufficient reagents for two 96-well plate assays per kit.
Product Information Sheet - H7006
H7006 Page 3 of 3 09/17/96 - CKV HEPES SODIUM SALT Sigma Prod. No. H7006 CITED REFERENCES: 1. Sigma quality control. 2. Merck Index, 12th Ed., #4687 (1996). 3. Medzon, E.L.
Product Information Sheet - H6147
H3375 Page 3 of 3 09/17/96 - CKV HEPES FREE ACID Sigma Prod. No. H3375, H7523, H6147, H9136 and H4034 CITED REFERENCES: 1. Sigma quality control. 2. Merck Index, 12th Ed., #4687 (1996). 3. Medzon
Product Information Sheet - H4034
H3375 Page 3 of 3 09/17/96 - CKV HEPES FREE ACID Sigma Prod. No. H3375, H7523, H6147, H9136 and H4034 CITED REFERENCES: 1. Sigma quality control. 2. Merck Index, 12th Ed., #4687 (1996). 3. Medzon
Product Information Sheet - H9136
H3375 Page 3 of 3 09/17/96 - CKV HEPES FREE ACID Sigma Prod. No. H3375, H7523, H6147, H9136 and H4034 CITED REFERENCES: 1. Sigma quality control. 2. Merck Index, 12th Ed., #4687 (1996). 3. Medzon
3 V. KIT COMPONENTS 1. GSK-3β Capture Plate: (Part No. 17-471A) One pre-coated 96-stripwell immunoplate sealed in a foil pouch. 2. Anti-GSK-3β detection antibody: (Part No. 17-471B) One
phospho-IRS1 (Ser312) STAR ELISA Kit
anti-IRS1 antibody: (Part No. 17-459A) One pre- coated 96-stripwell immunoplate sealed in a foil pouch. 2. Anti-phospho-IRS1 (Ser312) detection antibody: (Part No. 17-459B) One bottle (11 mL) of anti-phospho-IRS1
Product Information Sheet - M9069
cocktail, PerkinElmer Product Code 1200-439 • Ultrapure water (17 MΩ⋅cm or equivalent) • Filter plates (Millipore MultiScreenHTS 96 well Filter Plates with glass fiber filter or equivalent, Millipore
Microsoft Word - 17-473MAN.doc Instruction Manual For MEK1 STAR ELISA Kit Catalog # 17-473 Sufficient reagents for 96 assays
Microsoft Word - 17-485MAN.doc Instruction Manual For IκB STAR ELISA Kit Catalog # 17-485 Sufficient reagents
Microsoft Word - 17-455-Manual.doc Instruction Manual  For  STAR AKT1 ELISA Kit    Catalog # 17‐ 455  Sufficient reagents for 96 assays per kit Contents Page I. TEST
Protocol: GLP-1 Total ELISA
-5439 EZGLP1T-36K Rev. 8-May-17 EMD Millipore
STAR phospho-MEK1 (Ser218/222) ELISA Kit
Microsoft Word - 17-474.doc     Instruction Manual For    Phospho‐MEK1 (Ser218/222)   STAR ELISA Kit  Catalog # 17‐ 474  Sufficient reagents for 96 assays per kit Contents
Product Information Sheet - CASP3F
Note: For assays using 96 well plates dilute the stock solution to 200 µM with 1× Assay Buffer. Caspase 3 Positive Control - Reconstitute the vial (5 µg) with 50 µl of 17 megohm water (100 µg/ml)
Product Information Sheet - F4428
D8537) • Caspase-3 assay kit (CASP-3-F) • 17 megohm water • 50 ml disposable tube • Four 15 ml disposable tube • Two PCR tube strips - 0.2 ml • 96 well plate, flat bottom • 96
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