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Biologics and Biosimilars Characterization
facet applications:Biologics and Biosimilars Characterization
facet content type:Protocol
Showing 1-5 of 5 results
Released N-Linked Glycan Analysis Workflow of Adalimumab
A step-by-step protocol for released N-linked glycan analysis of the monoclonal antibody adalimumab, based on UHPLC-FLR-MS and procainamide labeling.
Protocol for Purification, Optional Reduction, and SEC-MS Analysis of a Monoclonal Antibody
A complete workflow for the intact and middle-up mass analysis of reduced and non-reduced monoclonal antibodies based on SEC-MS with sample preparation by protein-A affinity clean-up.
Peptide Mapping LC-MS/MS Analysis Workflow for Adalimumab
An optimized LC-MS/MS based workflow for low artifact tryptic digestion and peptide mapping of monoclonal antibody, adalimumab (Humira) using filter assisted sample preparation (FASP).
Workflow and Analysis of Stressed and Unstressed Antibody Samples By Size Exclusion Chromatography
A complete SEC-UV workflow for quantifying monoclonal antibody fragments, monomers, and aggregates, including procedure for a system suitability test and heat stressing of antibodies.
High-Throughput Glycoprofiling Workflow for Rituximab
SEC-MS protocol for rapid glycoprofiling of monoclonal antibodies with antibody purification and mass spectrometer calibration.