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Chemical analysis
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facet applications:Chemical analysis
facet applications:Regulatory compliance
facet applications:Small molecule HPLC
facet content type:Technical Article
Showing 1-30 of 195 results
Cannabinoid Certified Reference Materials (CRMs) for an Improved Testing Accuracy and Traceability
We offer a portfolio of cannabinoid CRMs such as THC and THCA, available as single component solutions or mixes, certified in accordance with ISO 17034 and ISO/IEC 17025 for accurate cannabinoid profiling and potency testing.
SupraSolv® GC Solvent Specifications
Our GC solvents have been specially developed and tested for ECD, FID and MS detection or for headspace gas chromatography to ensure accurate, reliable and reproducible analytical results.
Supel™-Select Polymeric SPE
Supel-Select HLB SPE - a hydrophilic modified styrene based polymer developed for the solid phase extraction of a broad range of compounds from aqueous samples.
Rapid Determination of Protein Binding Affinity Using Solid Phase Microextraction
Accurate protein binding affinities were measured using bioSPME more rapidly than membrane dialysis (RED) techniques. Binding affinities correlated to the reference values.
Bioanalysis with SPME
Biocompatible SPME devices employ C18 bonded porous silica sorbent particles, in a binder which resists fouling by biological matrix components
Calculating Your Working Tolerance: A Guideline
Guideline to calculate your working tolerance - Certified Standard Solutions (CRM)
Separation of Organic Acids with 100% aqueous mobile phase using an Ascentis® Express AQ-C18 HPLC Column
A new RP-HPLC method is proposed for the determination of organic acids in 100% aqueous mobile phase using an Ascentis® Express AQ-C18 column
HybridSPE-Phospholipid Technology
This Sigma-Aldrich article discusses how the HybridSPE-Phospholipid Technology works and how the phospholipids are removed.
Benefits of Ascentis Express Phenyl-Hexyl over Biphenyl for the Separation of Pain Management Opiates
Although both biphenyl and phenyl-hexyl phases can resolve these compounds, the former exhibits excellent peak shape and substantially less silanol-derived ion exchange activity.
UHPLC Analysis of Paraquat and Diquat on Supel™ Carbon LC
Ultra-high performance liquid chromatographic (UHPLC) separation of polar herbicides, paraquat and diquat using SupelTM Carbon LC column with baseline resolution, excellent peak shape, and good lot-to-lot reproducibility.
Evaluation of Different Enzymes on Hydrolysis Efficiencies of Glucuronide Drug Metabolites in Urine
β-glucuronidase (GUS) enzymes are utilized to hydrolyze glucuronide (gluc) drug metabolites to the parent drug, facilitating analysis by LC-MS/MS.
Improving HILIC Mode Chromatography by Choosing the Proper Injection and Wash Solvent
Improving HILIC Mode Chromatography by Choosing the Proper Injection and Wash Solvent
Ascentis® Express Biphenyl UHPLC and HPLC Columns
The bonded, densely endcapped, dimethyl-biphenyl stationary phase of Ascentis® Express 90 Å Biphenyl, based on fused-core particles, provides a stable, reversed phase packing with enhanced π-π and mild steric interactions due to the two sequential phenyl groups bonded to the
Ultra-High Performance Liquid Chromatography (UHPLC) with the Ascentis® Express Phenyl-Hexyl Column
Ultra-High Performance Liquid Chromatography (UHPLC) with the Ascentis® Express Phenyl-Hexyl Column
Chromatographic Selectivity
Harnessing the Power of Chromatographic Selectivity
Developing HPLC Methods
We recommend every HPLC method developer have these four columns in their arsenal; Ascentis C18, Ascentis RP-Amide, Ascentis Phenyl and Discovery HS F5.
Ascentis® Express C8 U/HPLC Columns
When a C18 doesn′t give the desired separation, or your sample contains compounds that are known to be difficult to retain or resolve on a C18, consider changing to an Ascentis® Express C8 column.
BIOshell™ A400 Protein C4 U/HPLC Columns
BIOshell™ A400 Protein C4 columns contain 3.4 μm particles with 400 Å pores, which are derivatized with dimethylbutyl silane and exhaustively endcapped for optimum protein recovery.
HPLC Tips & Tricks: Optimizing Injection Volume
Learn the tips and tricks to optimize the injection volume during your High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) method-based analyses and further, how it affects your peak area.
HPLC Tips & Tricks: Proper Storage of HPLC/UHPLC Columns
Learn the tips and tricks of properly storing your HPLC/UHPLC columns, whether its for short, medium, or long intervals for the longer life of columns.
Solution with 17 Amino Acids as TraceCERT® Certified Reference Material
Technical article on "Solution with 17 Amino Acids as TraceCERT® Certified Reference Material"
Extractables Studies of Single-Use Equipment Immediate Identification and Quantification of Unknown Extractables by GC/MS with a Certified Reference Material Mix for Extractables and Leachables
Identification and quantification of the most common extractables originating from single-use equipment by GC/MS and an Extractables and Leachables Screening Standard.
Headspace-SPME as a Versatile Monitoring Method for Early Detection of Insect Infestation in Rice
Discover a high-throughput HS-SPME-GC-MS method for detecting early insect biomarkers in rice. Utilizing a Carboxen®-PDMS phase on a nitinol fiber core ensures robustness and reproducibility in extraction and desorption processes.
HPLC Tips & Tricks – Mobile Phase Preparation
Tips and tricks to prepare the correct and consistent mobile phase for optimized separations during your High-performance Liquid Chromatographic (HPLC) based method developments and optimizations.
LC-MS Analysis of PFAS Compounds in EPA Method 533 using Supelclean™ ENVI-WAX™ SPE
Learn how method EPA 533 is used for sample collection and preparation, featuring Supelclean™ ENVI-WAX™ SPE cartridges for LC-MS analysis on an Ascentis® Express PFAS HPLC Column.
HPLC Tips & Tricks: Getting Greener in HPLC
Discover sustainable liquid chromatography techniques, including eco-friendly solvents and optimized methods, to reduce environmental impact in various analytical fields.
Monolithic Silica with Bimodal Pore Structure
Monolithic silica HPLC columns enable high-throughput analysis at low back pressure without loss of separation efficiency or peak capacity.
Vitamin D epi-Metabolites Separated with HybridSPE-Phospholipid
This Sigma-Aldrich article continues to detail new methodology for the analysis of Vitamin D metabolites using HybridSPE-Phospholipid technology.
Sample Cleanliness Using BioSPME
Learn about Supel™ BioSPME C18 96-pin tool to prepare a clean sample with minimal matrix effects for an LC-MS/MS analysis from human plasma and its comparison with acetonitrile-based precipitation.
BioSPME for Plasma Protein Binding Assay: Details of Method Development and Optimization
Determination of plasma protein binding using a SupelTM C18 pin device based BioSPME method for efficient sample preparation, along with a comparison to the equilibrium dialysis method.
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