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Showing 1-25 of 25 results for "SIAL1080SIGMA" within Site Content
Human Astrocytes (HA) Culture Protocol
Store the cryovials in a liquid nitrogen storage tank immediately upon arrival.
Rat Dermal Fibroblasts (RDF) Culture Protocol
Store the cryovials in a liquid nitrogen storage tank immediately upon arrival.
Human Lung Fibroblasts (HLF) Culture Protocol
Store the cryovials in a liquid nitrogen storage tank immediately upon arrival.
Rat Brain Microvascular Endothelial Cells (RBMVEC) Culture Protocol
Technical information for working with rat brain microvascular endothelial cells including thawing, subculturing and cryopreservation
Human Coronary Artery Endothelial Cells (HCAEC) Culture Protocol
Store the cryovials in a liquid nitrogen storage tank immediately upon arrival.
Human Pulmonary Artery Endothelial Cells (HPAEC) Culture Protocol
Technical information for working with human pulmonary artery endothelial cells including thawing, subculturing and cryopreservation
Human Mammary Epithelial Cells (HMEpC) Culture Protocol
Mammary Epithelial Cells and primary epithelial cells from other tissue at Cell Applications, your worldwide provider of human & animal cells, antibodies.
HCF Culture Protocol
Culturing HCFs from human heart ventricles involves critical steps for studying cardiac-related conditions.
Human Bronchial Epithelial Cell line
Technical information for working with human bronchial epithelial cell line including thawing, subculturing and cryopreservation.
Bovine Aortic Endothelial Cells (BAOEC) Culture Protocol
Technical information for working with bovine aortic endothelial cells including thawing, subculturing and cryopreservation.
Human Fibroblast-Like Synoviocytes (HFLS) Culture Protocol
Store the cryovials in a liquid nitrogen storage tank immediately upon arrival.
Human Pulmonary Artery Smooth Muscle Cells (HPASMC) Culture Protocol
Technical information for working with human pulmonary artery smooth muscle cells including thawing, subculturing and cryopreservation
Human Epidermal Melanocytes (HEM) Culture Protocol
Store the cryovials in a liquid nitrogen storage tank immediately upon arrival.
Human Chondrocytes (HC) Culture Protocol
Cryovial handling precautions prevent injuries from liquid nitrogen bursts.
Human Aortic Endothelial Cells (HAOEC) Culture Protocol
Technical information for working with human aortic endothelial cells including thawing, subculturing and cryopreservation.
Human Dermal Fibroblasts (HDF) Culture Protocol
This protocol contains: Storage - Preparation for Culturing - Culturing HDF - Subculturing HDF
Human Lung Microvascular Endothelial Cells (HLMVEC) Culture Protocol
Technical information for working with human lung microvascular endothelial cells including thawing, subculturing and cryopreservation
Human Umbilical Vein Endothelial Cells (HUVEC) Culture Protocol
Human Umbilical Vein Endothelial Cells (HUVEC) Culture Protocol. Storage. Preparation for Culturing. Store the cryovials in a liquid nitrogen storage tank immediately upon arrival.
Human Osteoblasts (HOb) Culture Protocol
Store the cryovials in a liquid nitrogen storage tank immediately upon arrival.
Culturing Human Aortic Smooth Muscle Cells
Technical information for working with human aortic smooth muscle cells including thawing, subculturing and cryopreservation.
Human Epidermal Keratinocytes (HEK) Culture Protocol
Storage - Preparation for Culturing - Culturing HEK - Subculturing HEK
Human Follicle Dermal Papilla Cells (HFDPC) Culture Protocol
Technical information for working with human follicle dermal papilla cells including thawing, subculturing and cryopreservation.
Rat Skeletal Muscle Cells (RSkMC) Culture Protocol
Technical information for working with rat skeletal muscle cells including thawing, subculturing and cryopreservation
Human Skeletal Muscle Cells (HSkMC) Culture Protocol
Technical information for working with human skeletal muscle cells including thawing, subculturing and cryopreservation
Human Preadipocytes (HPAd) Culture Protocol
Store the cryovials in a liquid nitrogen storage tank immediately upon arrival.