- Effects of disulfiram treatment in patients with Menkes disease and occipital horn syndrome.
Effects of disulfiram treatment in patients with Menkes disease and occipital horn syndrome.
The clinical and biochemical effects of disulfiram were evaluated in three boys with the disorders characterized by copper deficiency due to the defect of ATP7A. Two suffered from Menkes disease (MD) and one from occipital horn syndrome. Disulfiram was orally given, in addition to a parenteral administration of copper-histidine in the case of MD patients. Serum levels of copper and ceruloplasmin slightly increased in one MD patient, and he showed favorable emotional expression and behavior more often than before according to his caretakers. However, no obvious changes were observed in the other two patients. Serum ratios of noradrenaline to dopamine, and adrenaline to dopamine, which are thought to be the indicators of dopamine β-hydroxylase activity, one of the copper requiring enzymes, were unaltered after disulfiram treatment. No adverse effects were recognized during the treatment period in all patients. Although the major improvement was not observed clinically or biochemically by disulfiram treatment so far, the trial will be continued to see the possible effects in these disorders with copper transport defect.