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Cytology Stains

Papanicolaou staining of vaginal secretion sample showing characteristic range of nuclear and cytoplasmic coloration of exfoliative cells

Cytology is the of analysis of exfoliated cells and cells removed from tissues of the human body allowing for the rapid diagnosis of many common diseases. Our range of ready-to-use, high-quality cytology stains and staining solutions will help you achieve reliable and reproducible cytological test results. The portfolio covers Papanicolaou’s solutions and Shorr staining solution for the diagnosis of hormonal disorders, Giemsa staining reagents, Hematoxylin solutions, dry dyes including Gill’s No. 1, 2 and 3, Blueing reagents, and Pappenheim’s stain.

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Papanicolau Stains

Papanicolaou staining (Pap staining) is a widely used staining technique in cytopathology developed by Dr. George N. Papanicolaou. We offer a series of pap staining dyes and solutions to differentially stain various components of the cells, allowing critical examination of nuclei and cytoplasmic components. Common cytological samples include exfoliative cells of vaginal, cervical, prostatic, and other bodily secretions. Papanicolaou staining solutions are available in many packaging options covering both manual and automated methods. The nuclear staining solutions include a range of hematoxylin solutions and dry dyes.

Shorr Staining Solution

Shorr stain is a rapid, mono-reagent staining method exclusively used in hormonal cytodiagnosis. It assesses the characteristic changes in the vaginal epithelium, caused by the follicle and corpus luteum hormonal effects and determines the stage of the estrous cycle through the examination of vaginal smears.  The effects of follicular stimulating hormone (FSH) and corpus luteum hormone influences the rise of eosinophilic cells and cyanophilic cells, respectively.   Our IVD registered and CE-certified ready-to-use Shorr staining solutions are suitable for both manual and automated methods.

Cytocolor™ Rapid Staining Kit

Szczepanik′s standard cytological stain with modified solutions (CYTOCOLOR™) is chiefly used for for early recognition gynecological screening. Within 3-4 minutes, these stains give reliable information on cell changes, hormone status and vaginal flora of gynecological smears. Compared to classical Papanicolaou staining, the CYTOCOLOR™ kit requires no orange stain; both mature and keratinized cells appear pink instead of orange.

All our solutions and kits are suitable for clinical diagnostic applications and laboratory accreditations.

Rapid Staining Kits & Solutions – Hemacolor®

We offer a wide range of Hemacolor® stains for non-gynecological samples, covering everything from blood and bone marrow smears to cytological samples, including urine, sputum, FNAB, sperm, effusions, and lavages. These kits and solutions are IVD registered and CE certified for diagnostic applications.

Our Hemacolor® Kits allows efficient reproducibility of Pappenheim staining in only 30 seconds. The kit contains buffer tablets plus 3 ready-to-use and highly stable solutions (fixing, red, and blue solutions). The selection also includes individual Hemacolor® staining solutions. We offer CE certified and IVD registered Auto-Hemacolor® stain  for the automatic staining of blood and bone marrow smears in conjunction with Hematek® slide stainers (Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics) for applications in diagnostics and can be applied for up to 1000 stains.

Auxiliaries for Cytology

We have everything you need to collect, fix, prepare, and mount your cytological samples with confidence.

  • Sample: Collecting systems include sterile containers, swabs, and spatulae
  • Fixation: M-Fix® spray fixative for optimum prevention of dehydration, ethanol, reagent alcohol, and other fixation reagents
  • Differentiation solution: acidified alcohol solution for the differentiation of regressive hematoxylin stains
  • Dehydration & Clearing: Ethanol, 2-propanol, xylene, xylene substitutes including xylene-free Neo-Clear™
  • Mounting: Xylene-free Neo-Mount™ anhydrous mounting medium; DPX new non-aqueous, DBP-free mounting medium for permanent preparations; M-Glas® liquid cover glass to replace glass coverslips, Entellan® rapid mounting agents for permanent preparations, Krystalon™ toulene-based mounting medium
  • Imaging: Immersion oils for high-magnification microscopy

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