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HomePhotometry & ReflectometryAnalytical Method: Analytical Quality Assurance, Standard for Total Chlorine

Analytical Method: Analytical Quality Assurance, Standard for Total Chlorine


Product No. 102426 – Chloramine T for analysis
Product No. 116754 – Water for analysis

Preparation of a Standard Solution:

Dissolve 4.00 g of chloramine T with water for analysis in a calibrated or conformity-checked 1000-ml volumetric flask and make up to the mark with water for analysis. The stock solution prepared according to this procedure has a concentration of 1000 mg/l total chlorine.

Further investigational concentrations may be prepared from this stock solution by diluting accordingly.


When stored in a cool place (refrigerator), the stock solution and the diluted investigational solutions remain stable for one day.

For use with test kits:Measuring range in mg/l Cl2
111174MColortest™ Chlorine and pH Test (free + total chlorine)0.1 - 1.5
111100MColortest™ Chlorine and pH Test (free + total chlorine) refill pack for 111174 
MColortest™ Chlorine Test Reagent Cl2-1 
MColortest™ Chlorine Test Reagent Cl2-2
MColortest™ Chlorine Test Reagent Cl2-3
114801MColortest™ Chlorine Test (free + total chlorine, liquid)0.1 - 2
114803MColortest™ Chlorine Test (free + total chlorine, liquid) refill pack for 114801 
114826MColortest™ Chlorine Test (free + total chlorine)0.25 - 15
118326MColortest™ Chlorine Test (free + total chlorine) refill pack for 114826 
For use with test kits:Measuring range in mg/l
116896Reflectoquant® Chlorine Test (free + total chlorine)0.5 - 10.0
100597Spectroquant® Chlorine Cell Test (free + total chlorine)0.03 - 6.00
100599Spectroquant® Chlorine Test (free + total chlorine)0.010 - 6.00
100602Spectroquant® Chlorine Test (total chlorine)0.010 - 6.00
Spectroquant® Chlorine Reagents Cl2-1
Spectroquant® Chlorine Reagents Cl2-2
Spectroquant® Chlorine Reagents Cl2-3
0.010 - 6.00
119257Spectroquant® Chlorine Powder Packs for non-Merck photometers for 10-ml-samples (total chlorine)0 - 2.00
119258Spectroquant® Chlorine Powder Packs for non-Merck photometers for 25-ml-samples (total chlorine)0 - 10.00
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