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Roche Life Science Products

A detailed illustration of a Roche<sup>&reg;</sup> chemical bottles and package with clear labeling, including hazard symbols and safety instructions, placed against a white background.

Breakthroughs are driven not only by inquisition and keen insight into biological processes but also by the molecular tools currently available. Progressing your research often employs a multifaceted approach utilizing genomics, proteomics, and cellular analyses. In order to enable your next discovery, we exclusively offer the complete Roche portfolio of biochemical reagents, as well as a comprehensive range of their qPCR and nucleic acid purification products. Through the spirit of collaborative innovation, our partnership with Roche includes our combined rich legacies and drive for continued product quality excellence to truly offer a seamless experience and a world-class suite of advanced molecular tools. For additional information on the power of our unique collaboration with Roche, please visit our Roche distribution agreement page.

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As pioneers and current leaders in the field of PCR, Roche nucleic acid purification, PCR and qPCR products provide you with assurance that your research is valid from the start. Additionally, our suite of reagents for DNA transfection, cell isolation and function analyses, and our protein protease and phosphatase inhibitors provide end-to-end solutions throughout your gene and protein expression workflows. We invite you to explore our combined offerings and discover how we can help you drive your next discovery.

Genomics Research

PCR, qPCR, RT-PCR, RT-qPCR, and DIG-Labeling Reagents and Protocols

An essential technique within virtually every molecular biology lab, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is an easy and affordable method for amplifying specific fragments of DNA by several orders of magnitude. Our specialized kits have been optimized for a variety of PCR applications. Enabling room temperature PCR reaction setup with hot start PCR reagents, FastStart™ Taq DNA Polymerase is also compatible with automated setups.  

Whether you need Kapa Biosystems PCR products for DNA extraction and amplification, or Kapa qPCR and qRT-PCR products utilizing SYBR® Green reagents, we have your PCR needs covered. The SYBR® Green-based qPCR reagent uses fluorescent dye that binds to double-stranded DNA molecules in order for researchers to quantify the amount of DNA that has been amplified. Probe-based qPCR reagents, such as FastStart™ Universal Probe Master (ROX), is suitable for use on all real-time PCR instruments that normalize with ROX. For RT-PCR/qRT-PCR applications, the Transcriptor One-Step RT-PCR Kit is designed for fast, sensitive, and specific end-point RT-PCR analysis of RNA. Additional nucleic acid labeling applications are readily met with the DIG-System for membrane hybridization and in situ hybridization needs. 

Proteomics Analysis

Protein Stabilization Reagents and Protocols

It is essential to prevent the degradation or aggregation of the protein of interest as those factors will likely negatively impact the protein’s overall structure and functionality. This can be achieved through the addition of protease and phosphatase inhibitors to buffers and solutions. Widely cited, cOmplete™ and PhosSTOP™ protease and phosphatase inhibitors from Roche are easy-to-use, flexible tablet-based formulations which inhibit a wide range of proteases and phosphatases respectively. With the cOmplete™ Protease Inhibitor Cocktail, each of the water-soluble tablets contains a broad blend of metalloproteases, serine, and cysteine protease inhibitors to ensure the protection of proteins isolated from almost any tissue or cell. Additionally, the PhosSTOP™ Phosphatase Inhibitor Cocktail tablet provides a quick-dissolving, water-soluble formulation that contains a proprietary blend of acid and alkaline phosphatase inhibitors, serine/threonine phosphatase inhibitors and tyrosine protein phosphatase inhibitors. 

Cell Research

Cell Function, Cell Isolation, and Transfection Reagents and Protocols

Involving the introduction of DNA or RNA into eukaryotic cells, transfection is a widely used technique for the study and modulation of gene expression. Created to afford high transfection efficiency, ease-of-use and reproducibility, X-tremeGENE™ Transfection Reagents provide increased viable cells and more physiologically relevant results for both transfection and siRNA reagents to knock-down gene expression. While many techniques are used to generate data from heterogeneous cell populations, it is often more informative to separate and analyze individual cellular sub-types. Collagenase and Liberase™ Research Grade enzymes are suitable for use with a broad range of cell and tissue types. Additionally, understanding cellular function also highly informative for evaluating cellular health or suggesting whether a potential drug candidate may be cytotoxic. The Roche biochemical reagents portfolio includes optimized ELISA kits for the measurement of cellular proliferation and cell death.

Labware Partners

We are proud to partner with well-known companies to bring you the highest quality labware. Our labware partners include the Brand®, Corning®, Cytiva™, and Eppendorf® product portfolios. Explore these product portfolios to find the right product for your labware needs.

a BrandTech<sup>&reg;</sup> laboratory pipette tip. The pipette tip is transparent and is positioned in the center against a solid blue background. A pipette shaft is visible in the background.
Brand® Products

Brand® GmbH and BrandTech® glassware and plasticware, lab storage solutions, bottle-top dispensers, pipettes and pipette tips, cuvettes, and cell culture and PCR consumables for laboratories.

A laboratory setting with various Corning<sup>®</sup> branded glass and plastic labware. Key elements include a large glass bottle partially filled with a red liquid, sealed with a red stopper. There’s also an apparatus that includes a pipette or dropper being inserted into another container. The background is blue.
Corning® Products & Labware

Corning® brand glass and plastic labware, filtration membranes, cell culture supplies, and equipment for life sciences.

An assortment of Cytiva™ laboratory products used for drug discovery research and therapeutics bioprocess manufacturing. The products are arranged on a blue background and include Whatman<sup>®</sup> lab filtration bottles, Amersham™ chromatography columns and resins, and other reagents.
Cytiva™ Products

Cytiva™ products for drug discovery research and therapeutics bioprocess manufacturing including Whatman® lab filtration products, Amersham™ chromatography columns and resins, tissue culture reagents, and products for protein sample preparation, blotting, and analysis.

An assortment of Eppendorf laboratory equipment arranged on a yellow background. The equipment includes various types of pipettes with corresponding tips, some placed in racks, conical tubes and microfuge tubes in different sizes, and microtiter plates, both covered and uncovered. A dispenser with a red handle is centrally positioned among the items.
Eppendorf® Products

Eppendorf® brand conical and microfuge tubes, pipettes and pipette tips, dispensers, centrifuges, microtiter plates, mixers, spectrometers, and PCR equipment for laboratories.

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