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Simplifying CRISPR Licensing
The Sigma-Aldrich® Advanced Genomics and Broad Institute CRISPR Licensing Collaboration
You will not find a more unique, expansive opportunity for your CRISPR research. Anywhere.
With the Broad Institute, we have created a framework to simplify your pathway to licensing both parties’ CRISPR technology, making it more easily accessible for internal research use and for the development and sale of commercial research tools and kits.
Here’s what you will receive.
- Sigma-Aldrich® IP for CRISPR technology is available as a no-fee license to academic institutions, non-profit organizations and governmental agencies for their internal research. This approach supports our and the Broad Institute’s long-standing commitment in advancing global research.
- Each entity can continue offering licenses independently, outside of this framework.
- In addition to our CRISPR IP and that from Broad Institute, this licensing framework includes certain IP from multiple other institutions: Harvard University, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, New York Genome Center, New York University, The Rockefeller University, the University of Iowa Research Foundation, the University of Tokyo and others.
As always, ethics is a priority.
We support research with genome editing under careful consideration of ethical and legal standards. Our parent company, Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany, has established an independent, external Bioethics Advisory Panel to provide guidance for research in which its businesses are involved, including research on or using genome editing, and has defined a clear operational position taking into account scientific and societal issues to inform promising therapeutic approaches for use in research and applications.
Learn more.
Ready to talk about how we can expand your CRISPR research with our unique CRISPR licensing portfolio?
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