  • Carbon isotope compositions of whole wine, wine solid residue, and wine ethanol, determined by EA/IRMS and GC/C/IRMS, can record the vine water status-a comparative reappraisal.

Carbon isotope compositions of whole wine, wine solid residue, and wine ethanol, determined by EA/IRMS and GC/C/IRMS, can record the vine water status-a comparative reappraisal.

Analytical and bioanalytical chemistry (2019-02-05)
Jorge E Spangenberg, Vivian Zufferey

Recently, we reported that the carbon isotope composition of the solid residues obtained by freeze-drying white and red wines (δ13CWSR) could be used for tracing the water status of the vines whose grapes were used to produce them. Here, we compare different methods using δ13C values of other wine components, particularly those of whole wine (δ13CWW) obtained by elemental analysis and isotope ratio mass spectrometry (EA/IRMS) and of wine ethanol (δ13CWEtOH) obtained by gas chromatography/combustion/IRMS (GC/C/IRMS), for their suitability to assess the vine water status. The studied wines were obtained from field-grown cultivars (Vitis vinifera L. cv. Chasselas, Petite Arvine, and Pinot noir) under different water treatments during the 2009-2014 seasons and were the same wines in which the δ13CWSR was measured previously. The EA/IRMS method for whole wine used two successive EA analytical cycles in each acquisition period to reduce the residence time of the sample capsules in the autosampler. The sample aliquots for the EA/IRMS and GC/C/IRMS analyses were optimized for peak-size differences less than 10% between the sample and reference gas. For all wine varieties, the δ13CWW and δ13CWEtOH values were linearly correlated with the predawn leaf water potential (Ψpd) and therefore serve as reliable indicators of vine water status, as do the δ13C values for must sugars and wine solid residues. The strongest negative correlations with Ψpd were for δ13Csugars (r = -0.94, n = 54) and δ13CWEtOH (r = -0.91) and were lower but still highly significant (p < 0.00001) for δ13CWW (r = -0.71) and δ13CWSR (r = -0.70). An evaluation of the advantages and drawbacks of the different methods is presented, showing that the δ13C analysis of wine ethanol by GC/C/IRMS is the most appropriate.