Cancer Research

암 연구는 질병의 복잡성 때문에 기초, 적용, 임상 연구에 이르는 종합적인 분야입니다. 발전은 종양 세포 환경과 암의 생물학적, 병인학적, 임상적, 유전적 이질성에 대한 향상된 이해에 달려 있습니다. 암 발생 및 진행 원인과 메커니즘에 대한 통찰은 암 예방, 발견, 치료를 위한 새로운 방법을 개발했습니다. 진보된 방법으로 조기 발견 비율을 증가시켰고 여러 암 유형에 대한 암 사망률 감소에 기여했지만, 무증상 및 모집단 기반 선별 방법에서는 상당한 격차가 남아있습니다.
관련 자료
- Explore key targets of cancer research and cell signaling research with the DNA damage response (DDR) pathway and do a deep dive into ATM, ATR, and p53 mechanisms involved in DNA damage checkpoints.
- DNA damage and repair mechanism is vital for maintaining DNA integrity. Damage to cellular DNA is involved in mutagenesis, the development of cancer among others.
- We presents an article on Autophagy in Cancer Promotes Therapeutic Resistance
- Atto dyes are a series of fluorescent dyes that meet the critical needs of modern fluorescent technologies.
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관련 프로토콜
- Imprint ® Methylated DNA Quantification Kit (MDQ1) Protocol
- Step-by-step tumorpshere formation protocol that can used to generate 3D cancer stem cell spheroids.
- Atto dyes are a series of fluorescent dyes that meet the critical needs of modern fluorescent technologies.
- Flow cytometry allows researchers to measure several physical characteristics of cells in suspension, such as cell shape, size, and internal complexity.
- Cultrex® Basement Membrane Extract (BME) is a soluble form of basement membrane purified from Engelbreth-Holm-Swarm (EHS) tumor.
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