- Femtosecond SESAM-modelocked Cr:ZnS laser.
Femtosecond SESAM-modelocked Cr:ZnS laser.
Optics express (2012-12-25)
Evgeni Sorokin, Nikolai Tolstik, Kathleen I Schaffers, Irina T Sorokina
We report self-starting femtosecond operation of a 180-MHz SESAM-controlled prismless Cr:ZnS laser around 2400 nm at open air and room temperature. Dispersion compensation was achieved by a combination of bulk materials and chirped mirrors. Both soliton- and chirped-pulse operation regimes have been demonstrated with 130 fs (630 fs) pulse duration at 130 (205) mW average output power, respectively. The output power was about 30% higher than for a comparable Cr:ZnSe sample in the same cavity.