- Organic-inorganic azafullerene-gold C(59)N-Au nanohybrid: synthesis, characterization, and properties.
Organic-inorganic azafullerene-gold C(59)N-Au nanohybrid: synthesis, characterization, and properties.
Azafullerene (C59 N) was functionalized using a Mannich-type reaction and then subsequently condensed with lipoic acid to yield dithiolane-modified C59 N. In the following step, the extended dithiolane moiety from the C59 N core was utilized to decorate the azafullerene sphere with gold nanoparticles (Au NPs). The latter were initially stabilized with dodecanothiol (DTโ Au) and then integrated on azafullerene through a ligand exchange reaction with the dithiolane-functionalized C59 N to produce the C59 N/DTโ Au nanohybrid. The nanohybrid was fully characterized by spectroscopy and microscopy, revealing the formation of spherical nanoparticles with a diameter in the range of 2-5โ nm, as imaged by HR-TEM. In the electronic absorption spectrum of C59 N/DTโ Au nanohybrid, the characteristic surface plasmon band (SPB) of Au NPs was observed, however, it was redshifted compared with that of DTโ Au. The redshift of the SPB is indicative of closer interparticle proximity of Au NPs, in accordance with the formation of aggregated NPs as observed by TEM, in C59 N/DTโ Au nanohybrid. Excited-state interactions in C59 N/DTโ Au were probed by photoluminescence assays. It was found that the weak emission of C59 N at 819โ nm was blueshifted by 14โ nm in C59 N/DTโ Au, but was stronger in intensity, thus suggesting energy transfer to C59 N, within the organic-inorganic C59 N/DTโ Au nanohybrid. Finally, with the aid of pump-probe measurements and transient absorption spectroscopy, the formation of the singlet excited state of C59 N was identified.