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Aldrichimica Acta

For more than 50 years, the Aldrichimica Acta has been a leading, open-access, international forum for the frontiers of chemical research. It publishes topical and insightful reviews, written by prominent chemists from around the world and covering a variety of topics usually based on a synthetic theme in organic, organometallic, and bio-organic chemistry.

Aldrichimica ACTA Volume 56


Aldrichimica Acta's 50-plus years are archived by volume in PDF format. You can print and download documents or read them online. Enjoy!

YearVol.No. TitleAuthorsAffiliation
2024571Rhodium-Catalyzed Asymmetric Suzuki and Related Cross-Coupling ReactionsStephen Webster, Laura Cunningham, and Stephen P. Fletcher†,*Department of Chemistry, Chemistry Research Laboratory, University of Oxford
2024571Ylide-Substituted Phosphines in Palladium-Catalyzed Coupling ReactionsDaniel Knyszek and Viktoria H. Gessner*Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry Inorganic Chemistry II, Ruhr-Universität Bochum
2023561Visible-Light-Mediated Reactions under Mild ConditionsAnna LeeDepartment of Chemistry, Jeonbuk National University
Republic of Korea
2023561Asymmetric Catalysis with Chiral Oxazaborolidinium Ions (COBIs): from Cyclization to Radical ReactionsJae Yeon Kim,

Su Yong Shim  and Do Hyun Ryu
Department of Chemistry, Sungkyunkwan University, Suwon,  Republic of Korea

bInfectious Diseases Therapeutic Research Center, Division of Medicinal Chemistry and Pharmacology, Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology (KRICT) KRICT School, University of Science and Technology, Daejeon,  Republic of Korea
2023561Single-Electron Oxidation-Induced Chemical Transformations: Carbon-Carbon Bond Formation and Selective Oxaziridine RearrangementShafrizal Rasyid Atriardi, and Sang Kook WooDepartment of Chemistry University of Ulsan, Ulsan, Republic of Korea
2023561Recent Advances in the Catalytic Transformations to Access Alkylsulfonyl Fluorides as SuFEx Click HubsByeong Jun Koo,† Sun Bu Lee,† Woo Hee Kim, Muhammad Israr, and Han Yong BaeDepartment of Chemistry, Sungkyunkwan University Suwon, Republic of Korea

2022 Vol. 55

2022551Peptide-Mediated Strategies for Intracellular Protein Delivery
Futaki, Shiroh
(二木 史朗)
Kyoto University, Japan
2022551Chiral Organosuperbase Catalysts as Useful Tools for Developing Enantioselective Reactions
Kondoh, Azusa and Terada, Masahiro
(近藤 梓, 寺田 眞浩)
Tohoku University, Japan
2022551Difunctionalization-Type Fluoroalkylations of Alkenes via Intramolecular Carbo- or Heterocycle Formation
Mukherjee, Subrata; Kawamura, Shintaro; and Sodeoka, Mikiko
(スブラタ ムカジー, 河村 伸太郎, 袖岡 幹子)
RIKEN, Japan
2022552Lewis Acid Catalyzed Carbonyl–Olefin Metathesis (COM): A TutorialAshlee J. Davis, Jessica L. Gomez-Lopez, and Corinna S. SchindlerUniversity of Michigan
2022552Fluoroalkyl Azides and Triazoles: Unlocking a Novel Chemical SpaceAthanasios Markos, Václav Matoušek, and Petr BeierCzech Academy of Sciences and CF Plus Chemicals s.r.o., Czech Republic
2022552Fluorine Labeling as a Versatile Tool for Probing Nucleic Acid Folding and Interactions by NMR SpectroscopyVladimíra Zlínská, Václav Matoušek, Lukáš Trantírek, and Riccardo RigoMasaryk University, Central European Institute of Technology, and CF Plus Chemicals s.r.o., Czech Republic
2022553The Versatile Natural Product Enzymology of Marine Microbial CommunitiesAmy E. Fraley, Serina L. Robinson, and Jörn PielETH and Eawag, Switzerland
202255316S NGS Assay for Degraded and Low Biomass DNA: A GuideShira LezerMilliporeSigma, Israel
2022553Microbiome Research: An OverviewShirley SatanowerMilliporeSigma, Israel
2021541Preparative Batch-Type Electrosynthesis:  A TutorialWaldvogel, Siegfried R.; Pollok, Dennis; Gleede, Barbara; Stenglein, AndreasJohannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Germany
2021541Reductive Electrosynthesis:  A New DawnKim, Hyunwoo and Lin, Song; Park, Steve H; Ju, Minsoo;  Ressler, Andrew J.; Shim, JiwooEwha Womans University, Korea; Cornell University, New York, USA
2021541Chemistry with Potential:  Present Challenges and Emerging Trends in Organic ElectrocatalysisAckermann, Lutz; Meyera, Tjark H.Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
2021541Victor Snieckus (August 1, 1937–December 18, 2020)Firsan, Sharbil J.MilliporeSigma, USA
2020531Asymmetric Catalysis Enabled by Chiral N,N’-Dioxide–Nickel(II) ComplexesLiu, Xiaohua; Feng, Xiaoming; Zhen WangSichuan University
2020531Asymmetric Allylic Substitutions Catalyzed by Iridium Complexes Derived from C(sp2)–H Activation of Chiral LigandsYou, Shu-Li; Zhang, XiaoSIOC, Chinese Academy of Sciences
2020531Recent Advances in Sulfuration Chemistry Enabled by Bunte SaltsJiang, Xuefeng; Wang, Ming; Li, YapingEast China Normal University
2020531P-Chiral Phosphorus Ligands for Cross-Coupling and Asymmetric Hydrogenation ReactionsJiang, Xuefeng; Wang, Ming; Li, YapingSIOC, Chinese Academy of Sciences
2020532Carbon Dioxide Capture and Recycling to Methanol: Building a Carbon-Neutral Methanol EconomyPrakash, G. K. Surya; Sen, Raktim; Goeppert, AlainThe University of Southern California
2020532Designing Renewable, High-Performance Solvents with Improved Toxicity ProfilesClark, James H.; and coauthorsThe University of York (Heslington, York, U.K.)
2019521Remembering Dr. Alfred R. Bader (1924–2018)Firsan, Sharbil J.Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany
2019521Phenothiazines, Dihydrophenazines, and Phenoxazines: Sustainable Alternatives to Precious-Metal-Based Photoredox CatalystsMiyake, Garret M.; Corbin, Daniel A.; Lim, Chern-HooiColorado State University
2019521Titanium Salalen Catalysts for the Asymmetric Epoxidation of Terminal (and Other Unactivated) Olefins with Hydrogen PeroxideBerkessel, AlbrechtUniversity of Cologne, Germany
2019522Accelerating the Discovery of Next-Generation Small-Molecule Protein DegradersSchlesiger, Sarah; Toure, Momar;  Wilke, Kaelyn E.; Huck, Bayard R.Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany, EMD Serono R&D Institute, Inc., and MilliporeSigma, USA
2019522Coumarin-Based Hybrids as Fluorescent Probes for Highly Selective Chemosensing and Biological Target ImagingLacerda, Valdemar Jr.; Francisco, Carla Santana; Valim, Thays Cardoso; Neto, Álvaro CunhaFederal University of Espírito Santo, Goiabeiras Campus, Spain
2019523DNA-Encoded Fragment Libraries: Dynamic Assembly, Single-Molecule Detection and High-Throughput Hit ValidationZhang, Yixin; Reddavide, Francesco V.; Thompson, Michael; Mannocci, LucaTechnische Universität Dresden (Germany), DyNAbind (Germany), DECLTech Consulting (Switzerland)
2019523DNA-Encoded Library Chemistry: Amplification of Chemical Reaction Diversity for the Exploration of Chemical SpaceHuang, Ying, and Goodnow, Jr., Robert A.; Savych, Olena; Moroz, Yuii; Chen, YiyunShanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry (China), Pharmaron USA, Chemspace (Latvia); National Taras Shevchenko University of Kyiv (Ukraine)
2018511The Spectacular Resurgence of Electrochemical Redox Reactions in Organic SynthesisEcheverria, Pierre-Georges; Delbrayelle, Dominique; Letort, Aurélien; Nomertin, Fiona; Perez, Marc; Petit, LaurentMinakem Recherche
2018511Carbon–Carbon π Bonds as Conjunctive Reagents in Cross-CouplingEngle, Keary M.; Derosa, Joseph; Tran, Van T.; van der Puyl, Vincent A.The Scripps Research Institute
2018512Continuous-Flow MacrocyclizationCollins, Shawn K.; Godin, Éric; Morin, ÉmilieUniversité de Montréal
2018512Fluoroenolate-Enabled Monofluorinations and DifluoromethylationsColby, David A.; Sowaileh, Munia F.University of Mississippi
2018513Greener and Sustainable Applications of Phosphorus and Sulfur YlidesPerosa, Alvise; Cattelan, Lisa; Fiorani, Giulia; Selva, MaurizioUniversità Ca’ Foscari, Venezia (Italy)
2018513Trimethylsilyldiazomethane (TMSCHN2) in Carbon–Carbon and Carbon–Heteroatom Bond-Forming ReactionsLee, Daesung; Gupta, SaswataUniversity of Illinois at Chicago
20175014-Substituted Prolines: Useful Reagents in Enantioselective Synthesis and Conformational Restraints in the Design of Bioactive PeptidomimeticsTolomelli, Alessandra; Ferrazzano, Lucia; Amoroso, Rosa“G. Ciamician” University of Bologna
2017501Recent Advances in Alkene Metathesis for Natural Product Synthesis—Striking Achievements Resulting from Increased Sophistication in Catalyst Design and Synthesis StrategyVanderwal, Christopher D.; Atwood, Brian R.University of California, Irvine
2017502Disproportionate Impact of Named Reactions on Chemical BiologyChan, Jefferson; Bearrood, Thomas E.University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
2017502Bioconjugation—A Versatile and Essential Research ToolHermanson, Greg T.Bioscience Consulting Services
2017503Palladium-Catalyzed meta- and para-C–H Bond Functionalizations Assisted by a Directing GroupLi, Gang; Gao, YuzhenFujian Institute of Research on the Structure of Matter
2016491Nucleophilic Chiral Phosphines: Powerful and Versatile Catalysts for Asymmetric AnnulationsYumei, Xiao; Guo, Hongchao; Kwon, Ohyun KwonChina Agricultural University and The University of California, Los Angeles
2016491Silanediol Recognition in Catalysis, Sensing, and Drug DiscoveryWieting, Joshua M.; Hardman-Baldwin, Andrea M.; Visco, Michael D.; Mattson, Anita E.The Ohio State University
2016492Amidine-Based Catalysts (ABCs): Design, Development, and ApplicationsBirman, Vladimir B.Washington University, St. Louis, MO
2016492Advancing Sustainable Catalysis with Magnetite. Surface Modification and Synthetic ApplicationsVarma, Rajender S.; Baig, R. B. Nasir; Verma, Sanny; Nadagouda, Mallikarjuna N.U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
2016493Photocatalytic C–F Reduction and FunctionalizationSenaweera, Sameera; Weaver, Jimmie D.Oklahoma State University
2016493Recent Enabling Technologies for Diazomethane Generation and ReactionsDallinger, Doris; Kappe, C. OliverUniversity of Graz and the Research Center for Pharmaceutical Engineering
2015481Green Chemistry Next: Moving from Evolutionary to RevolutionaryAnastas, Paul T.Yale University
2015481Taking a Measure of Green SuccessRitter, Stephen K.American Chemical Society
2015481Moving Toward a Green Chemistry and Engineering Design EthicConstable, David J. C.American Chemical Society
2015481Practical Aerobic Alcohol Oxidation with Cu/Nitroxyl and Nitroxyl/NOx Catalyst SystemsStahl, Shannon S.;  Miles, Kelsey C.University of Wisconsin-Madison
2015481Toward a Sustainability Mindset in the Practice of Pharmaceutical Chemistry—from Early Discovery to ManufacturingGalloua, Fabrice; Hamann, Lawrence G.Novartis Pharma AG; Novartis Institutes for BioMedical Research, Cambridge, Massachusetts
2015481Catalytic C–C Bond Formation and the Hendricksonian Ideal: Atom- and Redox-Economy, Stereo- and Site-SelectivityKrische, Michael J.; Shin, Inji; Montgomery, T. PatrickUniversity of Texas at Austin
2015481Pharmaceutical Green Chemistry at Amgen: Seeing with New EyesTucker, John L.Amgen Inc.
2015481Switchable Solvents as Media for Synthesis and SeparationsJessop, Philip G.Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada
2015481The Leading Edge of Green Chemistry at GenentechKoenig, Stefan G.; Bryan, Marian C.; Budzinski, Kristi L.Genentech, Inc.
2015481Green Chemistry in the Introductory Organic LaboratoryLipshutz, Bruce H.; Ghoraib, SubirUniversity of California, Santa Barbara; Sigma-Aldrich Corp.
2015481Fluorous Chemistry Meets Green Chemistry: A Concise PrimerGladysz, John A.; Mukherjee, TathagataTexas A&M University
2015481Where We Should Focus Green Chemistry EffortsWarner, John C.Warner Babcock Institute for Green Chemistry
2015481A Practical Overview of Organic Synthesis in Ionic LiquidsRogers, Robin D.; Kelley, Steven P.The University of Alabama
2015481Biocatalysis and Biomass Conversion in Ionic LiquidsSheldon, Roger A.Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
2015482Catalytic Asymmetric Hydrogenation of α-Substituted Ketones and Aldehydes via Dynamic Kinetic Resolution: Efficient Approach to Chiral AlcoholsZhou, Qi-Lin; Xie, Jian-HuaNankai University, Tianjin, China
2015482SnAP Reagents for a Cross-Coupling Approach to the One-Step Synthesis of Saturated N-HeterocyclesBode, Jeffrey W.; Luescher, Michael U. ; Geoghegan, Kimberly; Nichols, Paula L.ETH-Zürich (Laboratorium für Organische Chemie)
2015482Development of Solvent Selection GuidesWatson, Allan J. B.; Eastman, Harry E.; Jamieson, CraigUniversity of Strathclyde, Glasgow, U.K.
2015483Ynamides: Powerful and Versatile Reagents for Chemical SynthesisEvano, Gwilherm; Theunissen, Cédric; Lecomte, MorganUniversité Libre de Bruxelles (ULB)
2015483Cyclic Sulfamidate Enabled Syntheses of Amino Acids, Peptides, Carbohydrates, and Natural ProductsBaig, R. B. Nasir; Nadagouda, Mallikarjuna N.; Varma, Rajender S.U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
2014471Asymmetric Catalysis Using Chiral, Enantiopure DisulfonimidesList, Benjamin van; Gemmeren, Manuel; Lay, FrankMax-Planck-Institut für Kohlenforschung, Germany
2014471Enabling Novel Photoredox Reactivity via Photocatalyst SelectionStephenson, Corey R. J.; Douglas, James J.; Nguyen, John D.; Cole, Kevin P.University of Michigan; Lilly Research Laboratories
2014472Highly Enantioselective Hydroformylation of Alkenes by Rhodium-Diazaphospholane CatalystsLandis, Clark R.; Wong, Gene W.University of Wisconsin at Madison
2014472Boronic Acid Catalysis: an Atom-Economical Platform for Direct Activation and Functionalization of Carboxylic Acids and AlcoholsHall, Dennis G.; Zheng, HongchaoUniversity of Alberta
2014473Ruthenium-Catalyzed anti-Markovnikov Hydration and Reductive Hydration of Terminal AlkynesHerzon, Seth B.; Zeng, MingshuoYale University
2014473TEMPO-Derived Oxoammonium Salts as Versatile Oxidizing AgentsLeadbeater, Nicholas E; Bobbitt, James M.University of Connecticut
2013461Polymer-Incarcerated Metals: Highly Reactive, Recoverable, and Multifunctional Nanocluster Catalysts for Organic SynthesisKobayashi, Shū; Miyamura, HiroyukiUniversity of Tokyo
2013461Advances in Acylation Methodologies Enabled by Oxyma-Based ReagentsRamon Subirós-Funosas; Khattab, Sherine N.; Nieto-Rodríguez, Lidia; El-Faham, Ayman; Albericio, FernandoInstitute for Research in Biomedicine, Barcelona, Spain
2013462Aminoacyl Benzotriazolides: Versatile Reagents for the Preparation of Peptides and Their Mimetics and ConjugatesPanda, Siva S.; Hall, C. Dennis; Scriven, Eric; Katritzky, Alan R.University of Florida, King Abdulaziz University
2013462Recent Advances in the Prins CyclizationGreco, Sandro José Greco; Fiorot, Rodolfo Goetze; Lacerda, Jr., Valdemar; dos Santos, Reginaldo BezerraFederal University of Espírito Santo
2013463Scientist-Led High-Throughput Experimentation (HTE) and Its Utility in Academia and IndustrySchmink, Jason R.; Bellomo, Ana; Berritt, SimonBryn Mawr College, University of Pennsylvania
2013463Cross-Linked Enzyme Aggregates (CLEAs) in Organic SynthesisSheldon, Roger A.; van Pelt, Sander; Kanbak-Aksu, Seda; Rasmussen, Jo‑Anne; Janssen, Michiel H. A.CLEA Technologies B.V.
2012451“Designer”-Surfactant-Enabled Cross-Couplings in Water at Room TemperatureLipshutz, Bruce H.; Ghorai, SubirUniversity of California, Santa Barbara, and Sigma-Aldrich Co.
2012451The Growing Impact of Niobium in Organic Synthesis and CatalysisLacerda, Valdemar, Jr.; Dos Santos, Deborah Araujo;  da Silva-Filho, Luiz Carlos; Greco, Sandro José; dos Santos, Reginaldo BezerraUniversidade Federal do Espírito Santo and Universidade Estadual Paulista (Brasil)
2012452Cp*Rh-Catalyzed C–H Activations: Versatile Dehydrogenative Cross-Couplings of Csp2 C–H Positions with Olefins, Alkynes, and ArenesPatureau, Frederic W.; Wencel-Delord, Joanna; Glorius, FrankTechnische Universität Kaiserslautern and Westfalische Wilhelms-Universitat Munster
2012452Opening New Chemical Space through Novel Dearomatization ReactionsHarrison, Daniel P.; Harman, W. DeanUniversity of Virginia
2012453Recent Advances in the Buchwald–Hartwig Amination Reaction Enabled by the Application of Sterically Demanding Phosphine Ancillary LigandsLundgren, Rylan J.; Stradiotto, MarkDalhousie University
2012453Transition-Metal-Mediated Fluorination, Difluoromethylation, and Trifluoromethylation Jin, Zhuang; Hammond, Gerald B.; Xu, BoUniversity of Louisville
2011441Asymmetric N-Heterocyclic Carbene (NHC) Catalyzed Acyl Anion ReactionsVora, Harit U.; Rovis, TomislavColorado State University
2011441Recent Advances in the Asymmetric Catalytic Mannich ReactionGreco, Sandro José; Lacerda, Valdemar, Jr.; dos Santos, Reginaldo BezerraUniversidade Federal do Espírito Santo (Brasil)
2011442Halonium-Induced Cyclization ReactionsSnyder, Scott A.; Treitler, Daniel S.; Brucks, Alexandria P.Columbia University
2011442The A3-Coupling (Aldehyde–Alkyne–Amine) Reaction: A Versatile Method for the Preparation of PropargylaminesYoo, Woo-Jin; Zhao, Liang; Li, Chao-JunMcGill University
2011443Peroxide-Mediated Wacker Oxidations for Organic SynthesisMichel, Brian W.; Sigman, Matthew W.University of Utah
2011443Organofluorine Chemistry: Deoxyfluorination Reagents for C–F Bond SynthesisAl-Maharik, Nawaf; O’Hagan, DavidUniversity of St. Andrews
2010431Powerful and Versatile Silicon Lewis Acids for Asymmetric Chemical SynthesisLeighton, James L.Columbia University
2010431Copper-Free Click Chemistry: Bioorthogonal Reagents for Tagging AzidesBaskin, Jeremy M.; Bertozzi, Carolyn R.University of California, Berkeley
2010432Gold-Catalysed Addition of X–H Bonds to C–C Multiple BondsHashmi, A. Stephen K.; Bührle, MiriamRuprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg
2010432Copper-, Silver-, and Gold-Catalyzed Migratory Cycloisomerizations Leading to Heterocyclic Five-Membered RingsDudnik, Alexander S.; Chernyak, Natalia; Gevorgyan, VladimirUniversity of Illinois at Chicago
2010432Enantioselective Synthesis Based on Catalysis by Chiral Oxazaborolidinium CationsMukherjee, Santanu; Corey, E. J.Harvard University
2010433Remembering Dr. Jai P. Nagarkatti (1947–2010)Firsan, Sharbil J.Sigma-Aldrich Corp.
2010433Recent Advances in the Application of α-Phenylethylamine (α-PEA) in the Preparation of Enantiopure CompoundsBandala, Yamir; Juaristi, EusebioInstituto Politécnico Nacional (México)
20104332-Iodoxybenzenesulfonic Acid (IBS) Catalyzed Oxidation of AlcoholsUyanik, Muhammet; Ishihara, KazuakiNagoya University (Japan)
2009421Please Call Me Alfred (Editorial)Firsan, Sharbil J.Sigma-Aldrich Corp. (Milwaukee)
2009421The Super Silyl Group in Diastereoselective Aldol and Cascade ReactionsBoxer, Matthew B.; Albert, Brian J.; Yamamoto, HisashiUniversity of Chicago
2009421Iterative Cross-Coupling with MIDA Boronates: towards a General Strategy for Small-Molecule SynthesisGillis, Eric P.; Burke, Martin D.University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
2009422Chiral Diene Ligands for Asymmetric CatalysisShintani, Ryo; Hayashi, TamioKyoto University
2009422Chiral, Chelating, Hydroxyalkyl and Hydroxyaryl N-Heterocyclic Carbenes: Design, Synthesis, and Application in Copper-Catalyzed Asymmetric Conjugate Addition (Cu-ACA)Wencel, Joanna; Mauduit, Marc; Hénon, Hélène; Kehrli, Stefan; Alexakis, AlexandreUniversité Européenne de Bretagne and Université de Genève
2009423Discovering New Reactions with N-Heterocyclic Carbene CatalysisPhillips, Eric M.; Chan, Audrey; Scheidt, Karl A.Northwestern University
2009423Synthesis and Applications of Diorganozinc Reagents: Beyond DiethylzincLemire, Alexandre; Côté, Alexandre; Janes, Marc K.; Charette, André B.Université de Montréal
2008411Practical Organocatalysis with (S)- and (R)-5-Pyrrolidin-2-yl-1H-tetrazolesLongbottom, Deborah A.; Franckevicius, Vilius; Kumarn, Sirirat; Oelke, Alexander J.; Wascholowski, Veit; Ley, Steven V.University of Cambridge (U.K.)
2008411Aminophosphine Catalysts in Modern Asymmetric SynthesisAmoroso, Dino; Graham, Todd W.; Guo, Rongwei; Tsang, Chi-Wing; Abdur-Rashid, KamaluddinKanata Chemical Technologies, Inc. (Toronto, Canada)
2008412TRIP—A Powerful Brønsted Acid Catalyst for Asymmetric SynthesisAdair, Gareth; Mukherjee, Santanu; List, BenjaminMax-Planck-Institut für Kohlenforschung
2008412N-Heterocyclic Carbene–Copper Complexes: Synthesis and Applications in CatalysisDíez-González, Silvia; Nolan, Steven P.Institute of Chemical Research of Catalonia (ICIQ)
2008413Transition-Metal-Catalyzed Cross-Couplings Going Green: in Water at Room TempreatureLipshutz, Bruce H.; Ghorai, SubirUniversity of California, Santa Barbara
2008413Preparation of Chiral Diamines by the Diaza-Cope Rearrangement (DCR)Kim, Hyunwoo; So, Soon Mog; Chin, Jik, Kim, B. MoonUniversity of Toronto and Seoul National University
2008414Formation of C-C Bonds via Catalytic Hydrogenation and Transfer Hydrogenation: Vinylation, Allylation and Enolate AdditionPatman, Ryan L.; Bower, John F.; Kim, In Su;  Krische, Michael J.University of Texas at Austin
2008414Amino Carbonyl Compounds in Organic SynthesisBaktharaman, Sivaraj; Hili, Ryan; Yudin, Andrei K.University of Toronto
2007401What a Journey It Has Been!Firsan, Sharbil J.Sigma-Aldrich Corp.
2007401Catalytic Azide-Alkyne Cycloaddition: Reactivity and ApplicationsWu, Peng; Fokin, Valery V.Scripps Research Institute
2007401Selecting and Driving Monolayer Structures through Tailored Intermolecular InteractionsMullen, Thomas J.; Dameron, Arrelaine A.; Andrews, Anne M.; Weiss, Paul S.Pennsylvania State University
2007402Recent Advances in Intermolecular Direct Arylation ReactionsCampeau, Louis-Charles; Stuart, David R.; Fagnou, KeithUniversity of Ottawa (Canada)
2007402Evolution and Applications of Second-Generation Ruthenium Olefin Metathesis CatalystsSchrodi, Yann; Pederson, Richard L.Materia, Inc.
2007403Palladium-Catalyzed Dynamic Kinetic Asymmetric Allylic Alkylation with the DPPBA LigandsTrost, Barry M.; Fandrick, Daniel R.Stanford University
2007403Development and Applications of C2-Symmetric, Chiral, Phase-Transfer CatalystsOoi, Takashi; Maruoka, KeijiKyoto University
2007404Recent Advances in the Chemistry of AllenesMa, ShengmingShanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry
2007404Chiral Imidazolium Ionic Liquids: Their Synthesis and Influence on the Outcome of Organic ReactionsHeadley, Allan D.; Ni, BukuoTexas A&M University-Commerce
2006391Organic Synthesis with Light-Fluorous Reagents, Reactants, Catalysts, and ScavengersCurran, Dennis P.University of Pittsburgh
2006391Synthetic Applications of Buchwald’s Phosphines in Palladium-Catalyzed Aromatic-Bond-Forming ReactionsMauger, Christelle C.; Mignani, Gerard A.Rhodia Recherches et Technologies
2006392Chiral, Poly(Rare-Earth Metal) Complexes in Asymmetric CatalysisShibasaki, Masakatsu; Kanai, Motomu; Matsunaga, ShigekiUniversity of Tokyo
2006392Organic Synthesis and Device Testing for Molecular ElectronicsJames, Dustin K.; Tour, James M.Rice University
2006393Enzymes in Organic Synthesis: Aldolase-Mediated Synthesis of Iminocyclitols and Novel HeterocyclesWhalen, Lisa J.; Wong, Chi-HueyThe Scripps Research Institute
2006393Modern Strategies in Organic Catalysis: The Advent and Development of Iminium ActivationLelais, Gerald; MacMillan, David W. C.California Institute of Technology
2006394Pd-N-Heterocyclic Carbene (NHC) Catalysts for Cross-Coupling ReactionsKantchev, Eric Assen B.; O’Brien, Christopher J.; Organ, Michael G.York University (Toronto, ON, Canada)
2005381ROM Polymerization in Facilitated SynthesisHarned, Andrew M.; Zhang, Mianji; Vedantham, Punitha; Mukherjee, Shubhasish; Herpel, Russell H.; Flynn, Daniel L.; Hanson, Paul R.The University of Kansas
2005381Polyurea-Encapsulated Palladium Catalysts: The Development and Application of a New and Versatile Immobilized-Homogeneous-Catalyst TechnologyPears, David A.; Smith, Stephen C.Avecia Pharmaceuticals and Syngenta
2005382Herbert C. Brown and Aldrich: Advancing Borane Chemistry for 32 YearsLane, Clinton F.Northern Arizona University
2005382Organotrifluoroborates: Expanding Organoboron ChemistryMolander, Gary A.; Figueroa, RuthThe University of Pennsylvania
2005382Recent Advances in the Chemistry of Lithium AminoborohydridesPasumansky, Lubov; Singaram, Bakthan; Goralski, Christian T.University of California, Santa Cruz
2005383Palladium-Catalyzed Alkenylation by the Negishi CouplingNegishi, Ei-ichi; Hu, Qian; Huang, Zhihong; Qian, Mingxing; Wang, GuangweiPurdue University
2005383Enantiopure Sulfoxides and Sulfinamides: Recent Developments in Their Stereoselective Synthesis and Applications to Asymmetric SynthesisSenanayake, Chris H.; Krishnamurthy, Dhileepkumar; Lu, Zhi-Hui; Han, Zhengxu; Gallou, IsabelleBoehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
2004371Recent Applications of Proazaphosphatranes in Organic SynthesisVerkade, John G.; Kisanga, Philip B.Iowa State University and Albany Molecular Research, Inc.
2004371Chemistry Without Reagents: Synthetic Applications of Flash Vacuum PyrolysisMcNab, HamishThe University of Edinburgh
2004372Birth of a New Macromolecular Architecture: Dendrimers as Quantized Building Blocks for Nanoscale Synthetic Organic ChemistryTomalia, Donald A.Dendritic NanoTechnologies, Inc., Central Michigan University
2004372Recent Advances in Microwave-Assisted SynthesisHayes, Brittany L.CEM Corporation
2004373Palladium-Mediated Synthesis of Aldehydes and Ketones from Thiol EstersFukuyama, Tohru; Tokuyama, HidetoshiThe University of Tokyo
2004373Hydroalumination Reactions in Organic ChemistryRoesky, Herbert W.The University of Goettingen
2003361Iron Lewis Acid [(η5-C5H5)Fe(CO)2(THF)]+ Catalyzed Organic ReactionsRedlich, Mark D.; Mayer, Michael F.; Hossain, M. MahmunUniversity of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
2003361Applications of Dialkylaminopyridine (DMAP) Catalysts in Organic SynthesisMurugan, RamiahReilly Industries, Inc.
2003362Aziridines and Oxazolines: Valuable Intermediates in the Synthesis of Unusual Amino AcidsCardillo, Giuliana; Gentilucci, Luca; Tolomelli, AlessandraUniversita di Bologna
2003362Highlights of the Chemistry of Enantiomerically Pure Aziridine-2-carboxylatesLee, Won Koo; Ha, Hyun-JoonSogang University; Hankuk University of Foreign Studies (Korea)
2003363Organosilicon Reagents: Synthesis and Application to Palladium-Catalyzed Cross-Coupling ReactionsDenmark, Scott E.; Ober, Michael H.University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
2003363Cross Metathesis of Nitrogen-Containing SystemsVernall, Andrea J.; Abell, Andrew D.University of Canterbury
2002351Herbert C. Brown and AldrichFirsan, Sharbil J.Aldrich Chemical Co., Inc.
2002351Boron-Based Reducing Agents for the Asymmetric Reduction of Functionalized Ketones and KetiminesCho, Byung TaeHallym University (Korea)
2002351Pinane-Based Versatile "Allyl"boranesRamachandran, P. VeeraraghavanPurdue University
2002352Asymmetric Epoxidation of α, β-Unsaturated Ketones Catalyzed by Poly(amino acids)Lauret, Christelle; Roberts, Stanley M.The University of Liverpool
2002352Borane–Amine Complexes for HydroborationKanth, Josyula V. B.Aldrich Chemical Co., Inc.
2002353Applications of Ionic Liquids in Organic SynthesisZhao, Hua; Malhotra*, Sanjay V.New Jersey Institute of Technology
2002353Novel Methods of Resolving Racemic Diols and Amino AlcoholsPeriasamy, MariappanUniversity of Hyderabad
2001341The Preparation of Optically Active α-Amino Acids from the Benzophenone Imines of Glycine DerivativesO’Donnell, Martin J.Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI)
2001341Alkoxymethylenemalonates in Organic SynthesisMilata, ViktorSlovak Technical University
2001342A Half Century of Chemists Helping Chemists: Aldrich from 1951 to 2001Firsan, Sharbil J.Aldrich Chemical Co., Inc.
2001342Activated 2H-Azirines as Dienophiles and ElectrophilesGilchrist, Thomas L.The University of Liverpool
2001342Reactive Chemical Hazard Evaluation in the Scale-Up of Chemical ProcessesAmery, GordonSigma-Aldrich Company Ltd. (Gillingham)
2001343Solid-Phase Dendrimer Chemistry: Synthesis and ApplicationsLebreton, S.; Monaghan, S.; Bradley, M.University of Southampton
2001343[Hydroxy(tosyloxy)iodo]benzene and Closely Related Iodanes: The Second Stage of DevelopmentKoser, Gerald F.The University of Akron
2000331The Chemical Vapor Deposition of Metal Nitride Films Using Modern Metalorganic PrecursorsWinter, Charles H.Wayne State University
2000331Synthetic Applications of Indium Trichloride Catalyzed ReactionsBabu, G. Perumal, P. T.Central Leather Research Institute (Chennai, India)
2000331Purpald®: A Reagent That Turns Aldehydes Purple!Hopps, Harvey B.Amarillo College
2000332The Catalytic Synthesis of Thiacrowns from Thietanes and Thiiranes by Metal Carbonyl ComplexesAdams, Richard D.University of South Carolina
2000332The Preparation of Highly Reactive Metals and the Development of Novel Organometallic ReagentsRieke, Reuben D.Rieke Metals, Inc.
2000332Add a Little Tellurium to Your Synthetic Plans!Comasseto, Joao V.; Barrientos-Astigarraga, Rafael E.Universidade de Sao Paulo
2000333Tailoring Polystyrene Solid-Phase Synthesis Resins: Incorporation of Flexible Cross-LinkersToy, Patrick H.; Reger, Thomas S.; Janda, Kim D.The Scripps Research Institute
2000333Highlights from Two Decades of Synthetic Radical ChemistryCurran, Dennis P.University of Pittsburgh
1999321Chiral Heterosubstituted 1,3-Butadienes: Synthesis and [4+2] Cycloaddition ReactionsBarluenga, Jose; Suarez-Sobrino, A.; Lopez, Luis A.Universidad de Oviedo
1999321Serine Derivatives in Organic SynthesisKulkarni, Yashwant S.Aldrich Chemical Co., Inc.
1999322Enzymatic Dihydroxylation of Aromatics in Enantioselective Synthesis: Expanding Asymmetric MethodologyHudlicky, Tomas; Gonzalez, David; Gibson, David T.University of Florida, Gainsville; University of Iowa, Iowa City
1999323Ring-Closing Metathesis of Nitrogen-Containing Compounds: Applications to Heterocycles, Alkaloids, and PeptidomimeticsPhillips, Andrew J.; Abell, Andrew D.University of Canterbury, New Zealand
1999323Are Two Phenyls Better than One? Synthesis and Applications of (R)-4-Diphenylmethyl-2-oxazolidinoneSibi, Mukund P.North Dakota State University
1998311Applications of cis-1-Amino-2-indanol in Asymmetric SynthesisSenanayake, Chris H.Sepracor, Inc.
1998311Synthetic Applications of Zinc BorohydrideNarasimhan, S.; Balakumar, R.Centre for Agrochem. Res. (Guindy, India)
1998312Benzotriazole-Based Intermediates: Reagents for Efficient Organic SynthesisKatritzky, Alan R.; Belyakov, Sergei A.University of Florida, Gainsville
1998312Manganese-Based Organic and Bioinorganic TransformationsMelikyan, Gagik G.California State University, Northridge
1998313Transition-Metal-Based Lewis Acid CatalystsBosnich, BriceUniversity of Chicago
1997301Chiral Oxazolidinones in Asymmetric SynthesisAger, David J.; Prakash, Indra; Schaad, David R.NSC Technologies & NutraSweet Kelco Co. (Units of Monsanto)
1997301Preparation and Reactivity of Acyclic (Pentadienyl)iron(1+) Cations: Applications to Organic SynthesisDonaldson, William A.Marquette University
1997302Thiazole-Based Routes to Amino Hydroxy Aldehydes, and Their Use for the Synthesis of Biologically Active CompoundsDondoni, Alessandro; Perrone, DanielaUniversita di Ferrara
1997302Esterifications, Transesterifications, and Deesterifications Mediated by Organotin Oxides, Hydroxides, and AlkoxidesMascaretti, Oreste A.; Furlan, Ricardo L.E.CONICET-UNR
1997303Synthesis of Biologically Important Oligosaccharides and Other Glycoconjugates by the Glycal Assembly MethodSeeberger, P.H.; Bilodeau, M.T.; Danishefsky, S.J.Sloan-Kettering Institute for Cancer Research
1997303Crisscross Cycloaddition ReactionsRadl, StanislavResearch Institute for Pharmacy and Biochemistry (Prague)
1997304Asymmetric Synthesis Using Rhodium-Stabilized Vinylcarbenoid IntermediatesDavies, Huw M.L.State University of New York at Buffalo
1997304Dimethyl Tricylclo[,5]nona-3,7-diene-3,4-dicarboxylate: A Versatile Ambident DienophileWarrener, Ronald N.; Butler, Douglas N.Central Queensland University
1996291Chiral Dirhodium Carboxamidates: Catalysts for Highly Enantioselective Syntheses of Lactones and LactamsDoyle, Michael P.Trinity University
19962913-Formylchromone as a Versatile Synthon in Heterocyclic ChemistrySabitha, GowravaramIndian Institute of Chemical Technology
1996292Nonnatural Products NonpareilHormann, Robert E.Rohm and Haas Co.
1996292Oxalyl Chloride in Photochemical Chlorocarbonylation of Cage CompoundsBashir-Hashemi, A.; Doyle, GeraldGEO-Centers, Inc. at ARDEC
1996292Atlas of Organic Conversions: An Aid in PerspectiveKoganti, Vara PrasadNew Science College
1996293New Possibilities in Organic SynthesisMukaiyama, TeruakiScience University of Tokyo
1995281CalixarenesGutsche, C. DavidTexas Christian U.
1995281Mismatches and Mutagenic Lesions in Nucleic AcidsBrown, TomUniversity of Southampton
1995282Triethylamine Tris(hydrogen fluoride): Applications in SynthesisMcClinton, Martin A.FAR Research Inc.
1995282Spontaneous Polymerizations Can Occur During Cycloaddition Reactions of Olefins and DienesHall, H.K., Jr.; Padias, BuyleUniversity of Arizona
1995282Polyfluorinated Alkenes, Alkynes, and AllenesSilvester, Michael J.Sigma-Aldrich Chemical Co., Ltd.
1995283Organo Iodine(III) and Thallium(III) Reagents in Organic Synthesis: Useful Methodologies Based on Oxidative RearrangementsPrakash, OmKurukshetra University
1995283Rare Earth Triflates in Organic SynthesisMarshman, Robert W.Aldrich Chemical Co., Inc.
1995283The Intermediacy of Transition-Metal Silicon-Bonded Complexes: Recent DevelopmentsRecatto, Craig A.Aldrich Chemical Co., Inc.
1995284Polycyclic Cage Compounds: Reagents, Substrates, and Materials for the 21st CenturyMarchand, Alan P.University of North Texas
1995284New Reactions for Forming Heterocycles and Their Use in Natural Products SynthesisOverman, Larry E.University of California at Irvine
1993261Electrochemistry in Organic SynthesisFry, Albert J.Wesleyan University
1993261The Ireland-Claisen RearrangementPereira, Schubert; Srebnik, MorrisUniversity of Toledo
1993262Oxidation Reactions Using Magnesium Monoperphthalate and Urea Hydrogen PeroxideHeaney, HarryLoughborough U. of Technology
1993262Modern Methods for the Monofluorination of Aliphatic Organic Compounds: Nucleophilic Fluoride Transfer AgentsMascaretti, Oreste A.CONICET-Universidad Nacional de Rosario
1993263New Synthetic Methods and Strategies and Total Synthesis of Natural ProductsNicolaou, K.C.University of California at San Diego
1993264Starburst™/Cascade Dendrimers: Fundamental Building Blocks for a New Nanoscopic Chemistry SetTomalia, Donald A.Michigan Molecular Institute
1993264Probing the Specificity of Synthetically Useful EnzymesJones, J. BryanUniversity of Toronto
1992251A Methionine Salvage PathwayAbeles, Robert H.Brandeis University
1992251The Molecular Basis of Biological Order and Amide-Amide Hydrogen Bonds—An AddendumWilliams, Dudley H.University of Cambridge
1992251Asymmetric Syntheses of α-Amino AcidsWilliams, Robert M.Colorado State University
1992252Building Blocks for Dendritic MacromoleculesNewkome, George R.; Moorefield, Charles N.; Baker, Gregory R.University of South Florida
1992252The Synthesis of Polyquinanes and Polyquinenes via the Weiss ReactionFu, Xiaoyong; Cook, James M.University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee
1992253How We Stumbled into Peptide ChemistrySeebach, DieterEidgenoessischen Technischen Hochschule
1992253A Curiosity Driven Search for New Chemical ReactionsMotherwell, William B.Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine
1991241Simple, Novel Methods for the Synthesis of Carbonyl Compounds Using Metal Complexes as CatalystsAlper, HowardUniversity of Ottawa
1991241Samarium(II) Iodide in Organic SynthesisSoderquist, John A.University of Puerto Rico
1991242Fluoroheterocyclic Compounds: Synthesis, Reactions, and Commercial ApplicationsSilvester, Michael J.Aldrich Chemical Co., Ltd. (England)
1991242Transannular Diels-Alder Reaction on Macrocycles: A General Strategy for the Synthesis of Polycyclic CompoundsDeslongchamps, PierreUniversite de Sherbrooke
1991243Organic Chemistry in Unconventional SolventsGrieco, Paul A.Indiana University
1991243The Molecular Basis of Biological OrderWilliams, Dudley H.University of Cambridge
1990231The Invention of Chemical ReactionsBarton, Derek H. R.Texas A&M University
1990231TPAP: Tetra-n-propylammonium Perruthenate, a Mild and Convenient Oxidant for AlcoholsGriffith, William P.; Ley, Steven V.Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine
1990232The Chiral Auxiliary [(C5H5)Fe(CO)(PPh3)] for Asymmetric SynthesisDavies, Stephen G.Dyson Perrins Laboratory
1990232CarboxyolefinationKulkarni, Yashwant S.Aldrich Chemical Co., Inc.
1990233Albert EschenmoserPrelog, VladimirEidgenoessischen Technischen Hochschule
1990233Synthetic Aspects of Electron-Transfer ChemistryKornblum, NathanPurdue University
1990234Long-Range Electron Transfer in ProteinsGray, Harry B.California Institute of Technology
1990234Understanding and Controlling Diastereofacial Selectivity in Carbon-Carbon Bond-Forming ReactionsHeathcock, Clayton H.University of California at Berkeley
1989221Design and Implementation of Tactically Novel Strategies for Stereochemical Control Using the Chiron ApproachHanessian, StephenUniversite de Montreal
1989221Johann Josef Loschmidt (1821-1895): A Forgotten Genius. Benzene Rings and Much More in 1861Wiswesser, William J.Weed Science Research Lab (USDA)
1989222The Direct Synthesis of Non-Transition-Metal Organo DerivativesMassey, A.G.; Humphries, R. E.University of Technology (Loughborough) and U. of New Brunswick (St. John)
1989222Teaching Organic Synthesis: Why, How, What?Seoane, CarlosUniversidad de Castilla-La Mancha
1989223Mechanistic Ingenuity in Enzyme Catalysis: Dehydroquinate SynthaseKnowles, Jeremy R.Harvard University
1989223At the Organic Chemistry/Bioscience Interface: Rate Processes in Complex SystemsIngold, Keith U.National Research Council of Canada
1988211Fluoroaromatic Compounds: Synthesis, Reactions and Commercial ApplicationsHewitt, Christopher D.; Silvester, Michael J.Aldrich Chemical Co., Inc.
1988211How to Find a Great HerbicideBader, AlfredAldrich Chemical Co., Ltd. (England)
1988212Ultrasound in Organic SynthesisAbdulla, Riaz F.Lilly Research Laboratories
1988213Synthetic Methodology in the Context of Natural Product Total SynthesisIreland, Robert E.University of Virginia, The
1988213John D. RobertsDervan, Peter B.California Institute of Technology
1988214The Mechanisms of Oxygen Transfer from Acyl and Alkyl Hydroperoxides to Metal(III) Porphyrins and the Epoxidation of Alkenes by the Resultant Hypervalent Metal-Oxo Porphyrin ProductsBruice, Thomas C.University of California at Santa Barbara
1988214"CLAYCOP," a User-Friendly Oxidizing and Nitrating ReagentLaszlo, Pierre; Cornelis, AndreUniversite de Liege
1988214Filtering-Column Chromatography—A Fast, Convenient Chromatographic MethodYau, Eric K.; Coward, James K.University of Michigan
1987201To Live for Wisdom—An Appreciation of Herbert C. BrownBrewster, James H.Purdue University
1987201The Utility of Chiral Organoboranes in the Preparation of Optically Active CompoundsSrebnik, Morris; Ramachandran, P. VeeraraghavanAldrich Chemical Co., Inc. and Purdue University
1987201On Opinion in Good Men: An Oblique Tribute to H.C. BrownDavenport, Derek A.Purdue University
1987202O-Acyl Thiohydroxamates: New and Versatile Sources of Alkyl Radicals for Use in Organic SynthesisCrich, DavidUniversity College London
1987202Allylic Tin Compounds in Organic SynthesisYamamoto, YoshinoriTohoku University
1987203New Methods in the Formation of Macrocyclic Lactams and Lactones of Biological InterestWasserman, Harry H.Yale University
1986191Ralph Alexander Raphael: A Lover of Acetylenes at 65Williams, Dudley H.Cambridge University
1986191The Synthesis of Labeled Compounds via OrganoboranesKabalka, George W.University of Tennessee at Knoxville
1986192Guidelines for Handling Air-Sensitive CompoundsGill, G. B.; Whiting, D.A.University of Nottingham
1986192Some Useful Synthetic Applications of Gold’s ReagentGupton, John T.University of Central Florida
1986192The Use of the Aldrich-Nicolet IR Peak-Search and Retrieval Programs in Introductory Chemical InstrumentationSzafran, Zvi; Pike, Ronald M. and Davis, J. DavidMerrimack College
1986193Reflections on Organic Synthesis: The Evolution of a General Strategy for the Stereoselective Construction of Polyoxy-genated Natural ProductsDanishefsky, Samuel J.Yale University
1984171"Our Chemist-Collector" Approaches SixtyCori, Tom; Emanuel, Ralph N.; Harvey, David; Klitsner, Marvin E.Sigma-Aldrich Corp., M. Emanuel, Ltd., Aldrich Chemical Co., and Foley & Lardner
1984171The Use of Acronyms in Organic ChemistryDaub, Guido H.; Leon, Alberto A.; Silverman, I. Robert; Daub, G. William; Walker, S. BarrieUniversity of New Mexico, Harvey Mudd College, and Imperial Chemical Industries
1984172Preparative Flash-Vacuum Thermolysis. The Revival of Pyrolytic SynthesisWiersum, U.E.Akzo Research Labs, The Netherlands
1984172Synthetic Routes to Cyclopentanoid-Fused Unnatural and Natural ProductsPaquette, Leo A.Ohio State University
1984173The Concept of Strategy in Organic SynthesisDeslongchamps, PierreUniversite de Sherbrooke
1984173Tin Reagents for Organic SynthesisBristow, Garry S.Aldrich Chemical Co, Ltd. (England)
1983161The Preparation and Reactions of DiazomethaneBlack, T. HowardAldrich Chemical Co., Inc.
1983161Triflic Acid and Its DerivativesStang, Peter J.; White, Mitchell R.University of Utah
1983162Enzymes as Catalysts in Organic SynthesisWhitesides, George M.; Wong, C.-H.Harvard University
1983162LectinsBalding, Peter; Humphryes, Ken C.Sigma- London
19831625-Thio-D-glucose: How Do Enzymes Work?Frost, John W.Harvard University
1983163The Chemical Synthesis of DNACrockett, Geoffrey C.Aldrich Chemical Co., Inc.
1983163New Developments in Chemiluminescence ResearchGill, Steven K.Liquid Light Laboratories
1983164New Transformations of 2,3-Epoxy Alcohols and Related Derivatives. Easy Routes to Homochiral SubstancesBehrens, Carl H.; Sharpless, K. BarryMassachusetts Institute of Technology
1982151Gilbert Stork: A Celebration of 35 Years in Research & TeachingHoffman, FrancesColumbia University
1982151Recent Applications of Homogeneous Catalysis to Organic SynthesisBlack, T. HowardAldrich Chemical Co., Inc.
1982152Studies in Asymmetric Synthesis. The Development of Practical Chiral Enolate SynthonsEvans, David A.California Institute of Technology
1982152A Compilation of References on R-Functional Acyl Anion Synthons, RCO-Hase, Tapio A.; Koskimies, Jorma K.University of Helsinki
1982153Advances in Stereochemical Control: The 1,2- and 1,3-Diol SystemsMasamune, Satoru; Choy, WilliamMassachusetts Institute of Technology
1981141Synthesis and Applications of Vinylic OrganoboranesBrown, Herbert C.; Campbell, James B., Jr.Purdue University
1981141Chemical Reactions of Newly Available PyridinesBeschke, HelmutDegussa
1981142Polymeric DyesDawson, D.J.Dynapol
1981142Bromotrimethylsilane and Iodotrimethylsilane—Versatile Reagents for Organic SynthesisSchmidt, Arthur H.Fachhochschule Fresenius
1981143Transition-Metal Templates for Selectivity in Organic SynthesisTrost, Barry M.University of Wisconsin at Madison
1981143Isobenzofuran and Related o-Quinonoid Systems. A New Group of Synthetic IntermediatesWiersum, U.E.Akzo Research Labs, The Netherlands
1981144The Role of Silver Salts in Organic ProcessesLong, John R.Aldrich Chemical Co., Inc.
1981144A Compilation of References on Formyl and Acyl Anion SynthonsHase, Tapio A.; Koskimies, Jorma K.University of Helsinki
1980131Hydroxylamine-O-sulfonic Acid—A Versatile Synthetic ReagentWallace, Raymond G.Brunel University
1980131Chiral Starting Materials and Reagents. An Outline of Recent Synthetic ApplicationsSzabo, William A.; Lee, H.T.Aldrich Chemical Co., Inc.
1980132Recent Developments in the Chemistry of Natural ProductsKishi, YoshitoHarvard University
1980132Hydrazine—Rocket Fuel to Synthetic ToolSchiessl, Henry W.Olin Corporation
1980133Organosilicon Reagents for Carbon-Carbon Bond-Forming ReactionsMagnus, PhilipOhio State University, The
1980133PTC in PracTiCeSjoeberg, KjellRoyal Institute of Technology
1979121Boranes for Organic Reductions—A Forty-Year OdysseyBrown, Herbert C.; Krishnamurthy, S.Purdue University
1979121Trialkylborohydrides in Organometallic SynthesesGladysz, J. A.University of California at Los Angeles
1979122Spin TrappingEvans, C. AndersonVarian Associates
1979122A Small Chemical Businessman Looks at Premanufacture Notification (PMN)Greenlee, Kenneth W.Chemsampco, Inc.
1979123New Synthetic Reagents and ReactionsOlah, George A.University of Southern California at Los Angeles
1979123Choosing and Using Noble Metal Hydrogenation CatalystsRylander, Paul N.Engelhard Minerals and Chemicals Corp.
1979124Metal-Catalyzed, Highly Selective Oxygenations of Olefins and Acetylenes with tert-Butyl Hydroperoxide. Practical Considerations and Mechanisms.Sharpless, K. Barry; Verhoeven, Thomas R.Stanford University
1979124Tilorone, Its Analogs, and Developments in Chemical ImmunologyLevin, Robert H.Consultant (Research & Management)
1978111A Status Report on Biological StainsGreen, Floyd J.Aldrich Chemical Co., Inc.
1978111Chemical Reactions of 2,3-CycloalkenopyridinesBeschke, HelmutDegussa
1978112Recent Progress in Macrolide SynthesisMasamune, SatoruUniversity of Alberta
1978113Selenium Reagents for Organic SynthesisClive, Derrick L. J.University of Alberta
1978113Organic Sulfur Compounds in Organic Synthesis: Some Recent AdvancesBlock, EricUniversity of Missouri at St. Louis
1977101Robert Burns Woodward: Three Score Years and Then?Dolphin, DavidUniversity of British Columbia
1977101Handling Air-Sensitive ReagentsLane, Clinton F.; Kramer, Gary W.Aldrich-Boranes, Inc. & Purdue U.
1977102Chlorosulfonyl Isocyanate: Silver Anniversary of a Lively HeterocumuleneSzabo, William A.Aldrich Chemical Co., Inc.
1977103Deuterium NMR—A Useful Technique in Chemistry, Physics, and BiologySmith, Ian C.P.National Research Council of Canada
1977103Selective Reductions Using Borane ComplexesLane, Clinton F.Aldrich-Boranes, Inc.
1977104A Practical Guide to Uses of Lanthanide NMR Shift ReagentsKime, Katherine A.; Sievers, Robert E.University of Colorado
1977104Recent Methods for the Synthesis of Conjugated LactonesNewaz, S.S.Aldrich Chemical Co., Inc.
197691Crown Ether Chemistry: Principles and ApplicationsGokel, George W.; Durst, H. DupontThe Pennsylvania State U. and State U of New York at Buffalo
197691Polymeric ReagentsCrosby, Guy A.Dynapol
197692Permeation Chromatography of Organic Solutes Using Enzacryl® Gel PackingsEpton, RogerKoch-Light Laboratories, Ltd.
197692Selective Reduction of the Carbonyl Group in α,β-Unsaturated Aldehydes and KetonesLane, Clinton F.Aldrich-Boranes, Inc.
197693Applications of Phase-Transfer Catalysis in Organic SynthesisJones, R. AlanUniversity of East Anglia
197693Recent Advances in Synthetic PyrethroidsBader, AlfredAldrich Chemical Co., Inc.
197581Sodium Cyanoborohydride: A Highly Selective Reducing AgentLane, Clinton F.Aldrich-Boranes, Inc.
197582Organoboranes in Organic SynthesisKabalka, George W.University of Tenessee at Knoxville
197582Organic Synthesis via Organoboranes IV. Reduction of Organic Functional Groups with Borane-Methyl SulfideLane, Clinton F.Aldrich-Boranes, Inc.
197583Chemical Reactions of PolymersAnonymousAldrich Chemical Co., Inc.
197584HighlightsHarvey, David R.Aldrich Chemical Co., Inc.
197361The Use of Polymethylhydrosiloxane (PMHS) as a Reducing Agent for Organic CompoundsLipowitz, Jonathan; Bowman, Sheryl A.Dow Corning Corp.
197361Carbocation and Onium Ion ReagentsOlah, George A.Case Western Reserve University
197362The Versatile BoranesLane, Clinton F.Aldrich-Boranes, Inc.
197363Chemical Information Management for the 21st CenturyWiswesser, W.J.Fort Detrick
197363The Borane•Amine ComplexesLane, Clinton F.Aldrich-Boranes, Inc.
197251Bifunctional CatalysisLi, J.P.Aldrich Chemical Co., Inc.
197251Better Computer Searches from AldrichAnonymousAldrich Chemical Co., Inc.
197252Deuterium Analysis and Organic ChemistryCox, James R., Jr.; Willcott, M.Robert, IIIUniversity of Houston
197252The Determination of Optical and Enantiomeric Purity by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (NMR)Campbell, JohnAldrich Chemical Co., Inc.
197253A Biologic Assimilation of Inorganic EnergyKiesow, L. A.Naval Medical Research Institute
197253The Methadone StoryMay, Everette L.National Institutes of Health
197141Macrocyclic Polyethers for Complexing MetalsPedersen, Charles J.E.I. Du Pont de Nemours & Co., Inc.
197142Cornelis Bega’s Alchemist: A Problem in Art HistoryBader, AlfredAldrich Chemical Co., Inc.
197142IsonitrilesFerosie, IshakAldrich Chemical Co., Inc.
197143Special Reagents for Thiol GroupsAnonymousAldrich Chemical Co., Inc.
197144Lanthanide Chemical Shift ReagentsCampbell, John R.Aldrich Chemical Co., Inc.
197144Improving Nature’s CatalystsEpton, R. Thomas, T.H.Koch-Light Laboratories, Ltd.
197031Thallium Chemistry: A Study in International CooperationBader, Alfred R.Aldrich Chemical Co., Inc.
197031Organothallium Chemistry—New Horizons in SynthesisTaylor, Edward C.; McKillop, AlexanderPrinceton University & U. of East Anglia
197032Synthesis of Benzocyclobutene and DerivativesKlundt, Irwin L.Aldrich Chemical Co., Inc.
197032Steroidal Saponin Esters Elaborated by Poisonous Marine EchinodermsFriess, S. L.Naval Medical Research Institute
197033Liquid Crystals and ScienceFergason, James L.Kent State University
197033Liquid Crystals and Modern ArtBader, Alfred R.Aldrich Chemical Co., Inc.
197034Batrachotoxin, a Novel Steroidal Alkaloid with Selective Effects on Biomembrane PermeabilityDaly, John; Witkop, BernhardNational Institutes of Health
197034Preparation and Reactions of DiazomethaneHopps, Harvey B.Aldrich Chemical Co., Inc.
196921The Evolution of Totally Synthetic, Strong AnalgesicsMay, Everette L.National Institutes of Health
196921Computer Aids Search for R&D ChemicalsAnonymousReprinted from C&EN 1968, 46 (Sept. 2), 26-27
196922The Wittig ReactionHopps, Harvey B.; Biel, John H.Aldrich Chemical Co., Inc.
196922Prague RevisitedBader, Alfred R.Aldrich Chemical Co., Inc.
196811Fragment Information Retrieval of StructuresButh, William F.Aldrich Chemical Co., Inc.
196811Chemistry and ArtBader, AlfredAldrich Chemical Co., Inc.
196811A Portrait of Aldrich Chemical CompanyHigbee, W. EdwardAldrich Chemical Co., Inc.
196812Squaric Acid and the Aromatic OxocarbonsWest, RobertUniversity of Wisconsin at Madison
196812Of Things to ComeBader, AlfredAldrich Chemical Co., Inc.
196813The Compleat ChemistsKoppel, HenryAldrich Chemical Co., Inc.
196813Biogenic Amines and the Emotional StateBiel, John H.Aldrich Chemical Co., Inc.
196814Chemistry of The QuinuclidinesBiel, John H.; Warawa, E.J.Aldrich Chemical Co., Inc.
196814Dutch Art and the Aldrich CollectionClark, Anthony M.Aldrich Chemical Co., Inc.
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