- Development of a plate technique for screening of polysaccharide-degrading microorganisms by using a mixture of insoluble chromogenic substrates.
Development of a plate technique for screening of polysaccharide-degrading microorganisms by using a mixture of insoluble chromogenic substrates.
A plate assay based on the visible solubilization of small substrate particles and the formation of haloes on Petri dishes, containing a mixture of different dye-labelled polysaccharides as substrates, provides a specific, reliable and rapid simultaneous detection of corresponding polysaccharide-degrading microorganisms. It has potential for increasing the efficacy of screening of microorganisms, utilizing different polysaccharides, in large numbers of natural samples. Diversely colored insoluble forms of amylose, xylan and hydroxyethyl-cellulose (HE-cellulose) were prepared as chromogenic substrates by using the cross-linking reagent 1,4-butanediol diglycidyl ether and the dyes Brilliant Red 3B-A, Cibacron Blue 3GA and Reactive Orange 14. Using the method, the bacteria with amylase or xylanase or cellulase or a combination of these activities were screened from soil and sludge samples, selected and identified according to 16S rDNA sequencing.