- Equine CRISP-3: primary structure and expression in the male genital tract.
Equine CRISP-3: primary structure and expression in the male genital tract.
Although originally described in the male rodent genital tract, cysteine-rich secretory proteins (CRISPs) are expressed in a variety of mammalian tissue and cell types. The proteins of the male genital tract have been observed associated to spermatozoa and are believed to play a role in mammalian fertilization. Here we describe the identification and primary structure of the first equine member of the CRISP family. Equine CRISP-3 is transcribed and expressed in the stallion salivary gland, in the ampulla and the seminal vesicle. It displays all 16 conserved cysteine residues and shows 82% homology to human and 78% to guinea pig CRISP-2 (AA1, TPX 1) and 77% to human CRISP-3. In contrast to other mammalia, in the horse CRISP-3 is synthesized in great amounts in the accessory sexual glands, ampulla and seminal vesicle, thus allowing the isolation of equine CRISP-3 in amounts suitable for biochemical, physiological and structural studies from stallion seminal plasma.