- Using CAD/CAM technology to create a 10-unit zirconia fixed partial denture--a UTHSCSA dental school case report.
Using CAD/CAM technology to create a 10-unit zirconia fixed partial denture--a UTHSCSA dental school case report.
From diagnosis and treatment planning to the materials being used, technology is changing dentistry. New materials are providing dentists greater options for treatment, while technology is streamlining the workflow in the office and dental laboratory. Traditionally the creation of a long-span fixed partial denture was a labor intense project--from waxing up the prosthesis--to stacking of the porecelain. For larger frameworks, it was recommended for the dentist to bring in the patient in for a framework try-in. However, advances in both CAD/CAM technology and dental materials are revolutionizing the way dentistry is being done. The following describes the fabrication of a 10-unit full contour zirconia fixed partial denture completed in the pre-doctorate program at UTHSCSA Dental School.