- An ELISA for antibodies to recombinant glutamic acid decarboxylase in IDDM.
An ELISA for antibodies to recombinant glutamic acid decarboxylase in IDDM.
To detect serum antibodies to GAD in subjects with IDDM, three recombinant mBGAD 67 peptides encompassing the full-length protein were used in an ELISA. In this study 7 of 9 (78%) preclinical IDDM subjects (ICA+ first-degree relatives of a person with IDDM) and 6 of 13 (46%) recent-onset IDDM subjects, but no subjects with Graves' disease (n = 10) or scleroderma (n = 10), nor healthy nondiabetic control subjects (n = 10) had antibodies that reacted with one or more of the recombinant mBGAD peptides. We found no preferential reactivity with any recombinant peptide. Although only 3 preclinical subjects and 1 recent-onset subject had antibodies to all three mBGAD peptides, the results indicate that mBGAD 67 contains at least three B-cell autoepitopes. Compared with an immunoprecipitation assay of native human brain GAD, the ELISA detected 5 of 6 (83%) preclinical and 6 of 6 (100%) recent-onset IDDM subjects. The ELISA should facilitate screening to evaluate the role of autoimmunity to GAD in the development of IDDM.