- Accumulation of uraemic toxins is reflected only partially by estimated GFR in paediatric patients with chronic kidney disease.
Accumulation of uraemic toxins is reflected only partially by estimated GFR in paediatric patients with chronic kidney disease.
Chronic kidney disease (CKD) in childhood is characterised by the accumulation of uraemic toxins resulting in a multisystem disorder that has a negative impact on quality of life. Childhood CKD is predominantly defined by a decrease in glomerular filtration rate, estimated (eGFR) by a single serum measurement of endogenous biomarkers, e.g. creatinine. The objective of this study was to evaluate how accurately eGFR predicts the concentration of uraemic toxins in a paediatric CKD cohort. In 65 children (10.8 [5.1; 14.7] years) with CKD (eGFR 44 [20; 64] mL/min/1.73 m Updated Schwartz eGFR was correlated reasonably well with concentrations of creatinine (r = -0.98), urea (r This study demonstrates that eGFR poorly predicts concentrations of protein-bound uraemic toxins, UA and ADMA in childhood CKD. Therefore, eGFR only partially reflects the complexity of the accumulation pattern of uraemic toxins in childhood CKD.