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HomeSample Preparation by FiltrationSyringe Filters for Chromatography

Syringe Filters for Chromatography

We carry both Millex® and Whatman® syringe filters, the two premier brands in syringe filters for chromatography. Our combined portfolio offers many different membranes and housings for use in a wide range of applications.

Syringe Filter Selection Guide for Chromatography

The presence of particles in chromatography samples can cause pressure build up in the system, leading to instrument shutdown. This is especially true in UHPLC, due to its small particle-packed columns and narrow bore tubing. Regardless of the application, this potential problem is easily eliminated by sample filtration.

ApplicationHPLCUPLC®/UHPLCIon Chromatography/IC
Recommended Pore Size0.45 μm syringe filter0.2 μm syringe filter0.45 μm or 0.2 μm syringe filters
Recommend Diameter by Sample Volume<1 mL: 4 mm
1-10 mL: 13 mm
10-100 mL: 30-33
<1 mL: 4 mm
1-10 mL: 13 mm
10-100 mL: 30-33 mm
1-10 mL: 13 mm
10-100 mL: 25 mm
Chemical CompatibilityBroad chemical compatibility (aqueous and organic)Broad chemical compatibility (aqueous and organic)Broad chemical compatibility (aqueous)
ExtractablesLow extractables prevent sample contaminationLow extractables prevent sample contaminationLow levels of ionic extractables prevent sample contamination
 View recommended syringe filters for HPLCView recommended syringe filters for UHPLCView recommended syringe filters for IC

Recommended Products by Application

Syringe Filters for HPLC

Sample volumeMembrane TypeProduct DescriptionProduct Number
<1 mLPTFE, hydrophilicMillex®-LCR 0.45µm hydrophilic PTFE syringe filter, 4mm SLLHR04NL
1-10 mLPTFE, hydrophilicMillex®-LCR 0.45µm hydrophilic PTFE syringe filter, 13mmSLCRX13
Regenerated CelluloseWhatman Spartan® HPLC certified syringe filters, 13mmWHA10463110
10-100 mL
PTFE, hydrophilicMillex®-LCR 0.45µm hydrophilic PTFE syringe filter, 33mmSLCR033
 Regenerated CelluloseWhatman Spartan® HPLC certified syringe filters, 30mmWHA10463053

Syringe Filters for UPLC® / UHPLC

Sample volumeMembrane TypeProduct DescriptionProduct Number
<1 mLPTFE, hydrophilicMillex®-LG 0.20µm hydrophilic PTFE syringe filter, 4mmSLLGR04NL
1-10 mLPTFE, hydrophilicMillex®-LG 0.20µm hydrophilic PTFE syringe filter, 13mmSLLGX13
Regenerated CelluloseWhatman Spartan® HPLC certified syringe filters, 13mmWHA10463100
10-100 mL
PTFE, hydrophilicMillex®-LCR 0.20µm hydrophilic PTFE syringe filter, 33mmSLLG033
 Regenerated CelluloseWhatman Spartan® HPLC certified syringe filters, 30mmWHA10463060

Syringe Filters for Ion Chromatography/IC

Sample volumeMembrane TypeProduct DescriptionProduct Number
1-10 mL

PTFE, hydrophilic

Millex®-LH 0.45µm hydrophilic PTFE syringe filter, 13mmSLLHC13NL
PTFE, hydrophilicMillex®-LH 0.20µm hydrophilic PTFE syringe filter, 13mmSLLGC13NL
Anopore®Whatman Anotop® IC and LC syringe filter, Anotop® 10 IC Syringe Filter, pore size 0.2 μm, polypropylene housing,WHA68099233
10-100 mLPTFE, hydrophilicMillex®-LH 0.45µm hydrophilic PTFE syringe filter, 25mmSLLHC25NS
PTFE, hydrophilicMillex®-LH 0.20µm hydrophilic PTFE syringe filter, 25mmSLLGC25NS
Anopore®Whatman Anotop® IC and LC syringe filter, Anotop® 25 LC Syringe Filter, pore size 0.2 μm, polypropylene housing,WHA20025100
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